Sunday, June 7, 2009

Gay Platonic Mutual Relationship

I can't!
I don't know. But it's pretty pathetic to be in a relationship without sex. I've undergone four serious relationships, two of these had this problem. Hot for two, or three months, then gone. Not even declining. ZERO. And I always asked...WHY??? And what is the point staying on if the sexual component is gone?
It's pretty tiring to f*ck around without assurance of companionship. You may have a taste of different recipes day in and day out, but maybe a lot of guys would agree with me that it is best to have an exclusive partner with whom you can have a healthy sexual relationship with. It is best to do it with a person YOU LOVE. And yes, I've seen the difference for myself.
For man-woman relationships (I don't want to call them "normal couples"), as per the law of marriage, the loss of sex, or lack of it thereof, is a ground for annulment. Although, many couples last even with sex disappearing after a few years, they stay because of the fact that their marriage are bonded by law, written on legal paper, and blessed in church with the accompanying marriage vows. A stronger reason could be the presence of kids to whom the focus of the marriage has shifted. Well it is reasonable indeed to stay on for their future and to redirect goals towards the betterment of these would-be citizens who may still live longer to make a difference.
However, we're gays here. We can't bear kids. The things binding man-woman relationship are not with us. Our relationships here are floating, and the only thing we can have in common with our partners is SEX. Minus sex, what would relationships here become? Friendship? Business partnership? Without sex, what is there to call us a "couple"? Without having sex, what is there to do? Maybe eat, watch movies, go places, sleep, hug, cuddle... can't ordinary close friends do these? Engage in business, save mone, build a house, buy cars... can't business partners do these?
They say SEX is just the "cheese" in the SPAGHETTI. Oh well, yes, it may be.

1 comment:

  1. well its pretty much the same with the heterosexual.. the only difference would be the physical appearance and the physiological effect as well as society harsh acerbic views on homosexuality...


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