Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hail To The Queen Of Democracy and the Philippines,

The mother of democracy, Corazon “Cory” Cojuangco Aquino who lost her battle against colon cancer and died of cardio-pulmonary arrest last August 1 had survived nine coup attempts and fought valiantly against dictatorship to restore democracy. Triggered by the assassination of her husband, Sen. Benigno S. Aquino Jr., a known to be a vocal critic of Marcos dictatorship, in 1983, she fearlessly ran for the highest position in the land clashing against the mighty Ferdinand Marcos in the 1986 snap election in an attempt to officially declare the legitimate leader, however, the results were conflicting. Namfrel (short for National Movement for Free Elections), an independent counting body lawfully permitted to have their own version of ballot counting, declared Corazon C. Aquino, a plain housewife and widow of Sen. Benigno S. Aquino Jr., as the legitimate winner, on the other hand, the more legitimate state-run Commission on Elections (COMELEC) officially declared Ferdinand E. Marcos as the winner. NAMFREL accused COMELEC of rigging the results favoring the stoic, fearsome Marcos but the COMELEC was unfazed of the accusation formally declaring the current president which results to the mass resignation of NAMFREL’s poll officials. This stirring swift event fueled burning sentiments, sympathy and sense of nationalism of people calling them to bring the silent, bloodless protest to the street of what is now respected worldwide “People Power” to dethrone the abusive dictator. Could you imagine a plain housewife overthrowing a terrifying dictator? She is fearless, courageous woman that inspires the world over from China to Romania to Latin America for a bloodless silent protest. Once Marcos is exiled in Hawaii, she has the daunting task of restoring democracy and freedom to the country and people who for more than a decade suffered the slavery of Marcos dictatorship. She gained the respect, admiration, trust and support of the Filipino people due to her austerity and humility. She survived nine coup attempts of disdainful military leaders with courage, affirmed faith. On one instance, she is happily cooking in the kitchen even if there is a rising mutiny of the military outside the palace with lots of military tanks and powerful weapons. She is resolute and firm on her principles, fair and rational on her judgment and openness for choice for the people, in fact, she must be an inspiration for Russia’s Mikhail Gorbachev to brainchild the glasnost and perestroika. The embattled mother for Filipino masses is an epitome of a woman who struggle and persevere against all odds in the most difficult and trying times of her life. With her indomitable faith in God, she is a titan in a guise of a woman. She has an ocean of love and concern for her country and the Filipino people. With Sen. Benigno “Ninoy” S. Aquino Jr. benediction, she fulfilled the sweet fate of democracy to the Philippines.
Although nominating her into sainthood is almost an impossibility, her simple acts of holiness are already enough for her to merit a saintly accord by the Filipinos. She received numerous awards and citations due to her achievements and accomplishments in transforming a new stronger and free Philippines, restoring the faith of the people and gaining respect and accolade of the global community but the highest award we can bestow the couple is that we exemplify and emulate their shining character in our daily lives, appreciate their struggles and sacrifices by reminding ourselves to do our own share, even in the smallest ways for our country like exercise your right to suffrage and helping conserve the mother nature because this is the only way to repay the things we greatly owe to them. It is because of Sen. Benigno “Ninoy” S. Aquino Jr. that we are awaken from deep slumber of apathy, indifference and vulnerability to have strength and fortitude to fight for freedom and democracy. It is because of Corazon “Cory” C. Aquino that we are freed from the grim slavery of dictatorship and abuse and opened the way to our rights and privileges that we are enjoying today. She is a fortress standing against earthquakes and storms of a powerful regime attested and been tried to topple yet powerfully standing that people can lean on.


  1. Cory and Ninoy are shining example of true democracy and we should treasure and forever grateful for their selfless service to the nation and up to us how we work out their legacy... Noynoy is persuaded to run for presidency due to insinuations by stupid and sick people... He is only motivated by the fact that the pressure is on him and thinking it is his obligation inherited by his parents to run the country and it would be disrespectful not to follow them.

  2. he must think that this is a big position, difficult to handle and a insurmountable area of problems and difficulty that an idle, lame and incapable individual could not provide solution.

  3. where if not for her popular celebrity sister, Kris Aquino and the fame of her parents, he could have not gain the salute of the people... Yes her parents had done great but we still have to see what Noynoy is capable of...This is not playing a game but running a nation and presidency is no joke... You must not just say we want change but state your specific platforms of what you can do and prove to the people what you've already done! We want positive results or outcome not theory... We can action not verbal demonstrations!


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