Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Strong Vaccine for A(H1N1) Virus

In addition to the helpful advice given it will prove helpful to add that there have been recommendations given for people to cough in their elbow crease/ the inner arm elbow joint, rather than in their hands, to prevent contaminating the hands and then thereafter unwittingly touching such other things others will come in contact with. Even mail box handles, door knobs and elevator button can retain virus infectives.

Additionally, though not yet widely published, there are also known ways to safely impede viral proliferation when once contracted. We've safely used such non-injectible items numerous times, and always with welcomed results forthcoming in less than a 24 hour period.
We are willing to provide such items in dry form until being able to provide bottled solutions or boxed contents for hand sanitizers, sprays and beverage teas.

While not all such materials are not inexpensive, sufficient quantities can be made using the dry ingredients that will last for months; since there is minimal deterioration resulting from storage. There are no counter-indications/adverse side effects from such usages as long as instructions are carefully followed.

Once we have about a million responses we should then be able to gear up for mass production after all other legalities have been appropriately attended to and assumed. An additional web site is under construction. Persons in other countries should make contact as soon as possible, since shipping may delay reception. It is best to have the ingredients on hand in advance. We are not manufacturers and so currently we need only receive evidences of interest. Once adequate responses have been noted and offers to assist with manufacturing and shipping costs etc in civil joint venture collaborative manner, then measures can be taken to more rapidly handle interests requests.


  1. yes we need strong vaccine to protect and immunize ourselves from our newest enemy that is lethal and could be a pandemic.. a new strain of virus is attacking so we should combat or even prevent it at the early stage to avoid spreading..

  2. this virus is very new, cunning at lethal so we must also be vigilant and clever enough to attack this new kind of virus..


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