Friday, October 30, 2009

Beware of Scammers and Fake Solicitations

The power of Internet and how fast it grows spurs online activity and even catapulting business and transactions to its ultimate high. With the growth and booming business online so are the scammers and cyber criminals who found a niche in the vulnerable world wide web proliferating their huge but illegal business online where it is a free enterprise which means no one solely owns it nor regulate it and no policy or protocols that govern and control the information flow and behavior of netizens. But just a piece of advice, never immediately easily give in and fall prey to the promos, offers, notifications and announcements and other information drive slipped through email addresses & domain by perpetrators no matter how sugar coated are the offers they can still be a scam or illegal schemes done to ensnare the vulnerable unsuspecting net user. Examples of scams includes lottery winning notifications, large amount left by the dead for bank transfer, job offers who demands fees to procure legal working documents, search engine (e.g. Yahoo & Google) lottery draw winning numbers, attractive foreign individuals luring you to be in relationship with them and ask you to defray their travel expenses and a lot more. If you encounter any of these, just report to the authorities and government agencies of your respective countries and they can have website online where you can submit your report or maybe you can get help by the to investigate and trace the roots of the crime so as not to proliferate online. Be wary and be vigilant for these kind of emails and alert to safeguard yourself from being a victim of cyber looting and burglary.

1 comment:

  1. One must be vigilant and not falling prey to these nasty sinister looking out for its vulnerable victim online. See some signs like involving money and other things that might put yourself in jeopardy. Be watchful and careful.


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