Saturday, November 21, 2009

Miss Earth 2009 Coverage: Special Awards

Best in Swimsuit Miss Earth 2009 Best in Swimsuit Final Competition was held last November 15, 2009 at Fontana Leisure Park and Casino in Clark, Pampanga. Miss Philippines, Sandra Ines Seifert was adjudged the Best in Swimsuit out of 15 finalists. Here is the lists of 15 swimsuit finalist: Brazil, Larissa Ramos
Canada, Lateesha Ector
Colombia, Alejandra Castillo
Cuba, Jamillette Gaxiola
France, Magalie Thierry
Hungary, Korinna Kocsis
Malaysia, Madelyne Nandu
Mexico, Natalia QuiƱones
Paraguay, Gabriela Rejala
Philippines, Sandra Seifert
Spain, Alejandra Echevarria
Switzerland, Graziella Rogers
Turks & Caicos, Alison Capron
USA, Amy Diaz
Venezuela, Jessica Barboza

Take note: This and other special competitions held at different venues has no bearing to the judging of the top 18 semi finalists comes finals night on November 22, 2009 at Boracay Ecovillage Resort and Convention Centre in Boracay Island Malay, Aklan,Philippines. The top 18 will be judged on their natural bearing and sophistication in swimsuit and evening gown, character and personality and preliminary interview.

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