Friday, December 11, 2009

Ripley's Believe It Or Not

Cyprus and Kosovo are the only countries in the world that have maps on their national flags.

Karl McLennan of Aberdeen, Scotland returned to his job after 12 years of sick leave.

Hadaka Matsuri or "Naked Festival", is a Japanese tradition during which thousands of naked or scantily clad men struggle to retrieve sacred sticks thrown into the crowd by a priest.

The first man-made object to leave earth's atmosphere was a weapon of war - NAZI Germany's V-2 Rocket.

Combing your hair while it's dry can launch head lice several feet into the air.

Sharks can sometimes be lulled into a temporary dormant state - by holding them upside down and massaging them.

40% of Americans have never moved from the community in which they were born.

The Giant Pacific Octopus has an arm span of more than 14 feet across.

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