Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ripley's Believe It Or Not

The Gollum Galaxias Fish of New Zealand is named for Gollum of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings books – because it lives in a swamp and has large eyes.

A New York City Day Spa features a “Geisha Facial” with sterilized nightingale droppings as its main ingredient.

Dutch winemaker Ilja Gort has his nose insured for 5 million euros.

On September 5, 2008, a man from Manchester, England, died from a nose bleed caused by his aggressive nose picking.

4 year-old Zhang Weiyuan of Liaoning, China, was born with his heart outside of his ribcage.

In December 2008, police in Osaka, Japan, arrested a man for releasing thousands of beetle larvae onto an express train to scare female passengers.

In November 2004, Lucy Clough hand-delivered a pizza from London, England to Melbourne, Australia – a distance of 10,532 miles.

The entirety of Africa accounts for just 2% of world trade.

Linda Wolfe
of Anderson, Indiana, USA, has been married 23 times.

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