Sunday, March 28, 2010

Earth Hour 2010 Saves Energy

   The world yesterday stand up in unison to save energy for 60 minutes to preserve the mother Earth and to avert the dire consequences of global warming. It has been four years in the running that this annual activity is being held successfully. Philippines once again plays active role in the event with the most number of household and structures to switch off the electricity and the rest from Sydney to Beijing to Tokyo and Hong Kong, Paris, London, Berlin, Rome, Athens and New York have played significant role for saving energy. While most household participated in the Philippines, some ignorant, indifferent and apathetic citizens choose not to participate. If not for the blackouts that lasts up to half a day occurred, they haven't contributed and maybe burden for others. I suggest that every towns and cities should persuade their people to join and if not, their names should be published publicly for non-compliance so they should be aware of how important the event is and since it is only for 60 minutes it is not that long to spend some time off to save enough energy to help save mother nature.

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