Saturday, May 15, 2010

Points of View

     The next administration which presumably be Aquino's administration should call for a Charter Change that would give unlimited opportunities and great developments to the countryside particularly Visayas and Mindanao because major foreign investments, business opportunities and billion dollars of infrastructure, architecture and urban development are just being done in Metro Manila areas and Luzon and hapless Visayas and Mindanao are left in the dust. If no action is being taken to ensure a tremendous opportunities to the people and a great progress to the provinces in Visayas and Mindanao and if it doesn't carried out well,there will be a renewed call for a new independent country of a Visayas-Mindanao republic and we will make sure it will happen this time. We are seriously thinking about it and are really pursuing and convincing Visayas and Mindanao public officials and ordinary citizens for that ultimate goal of being an independent country separate from National Capital Region and Luzon.

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