Friday, August 20, 2010

Words Soup for the Soul

“You are not one of the reasons why life is worth living, not one of the reason why I’m happy all day long, neither why I’ll never feel alone – you’ll never be one of the reasons, cause you’ll always be the only reason.” “I was born with a heart, like the rest of us do have, but just recently I found it in half. Could you please check your heart? It might be holding my missing half.” “Learn to love the person who is with you at present. Forget the person in the past and thank him instead for hurting you which lead you to love the person you have right now.” “Angels don’t only have wings, they have mobile phones too that’s why this angels of yours is texting you right now, greeting you a warm hello and wishing you a blessed day.” “Mornings are best part of the day! It’s a sign that God loves you by giving us another day to live and glorify Him! A chance to greet our friends, good morning.”

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