Saturday, September 18, 2010


Millenium I Century 1

Decade IV Year 1

In one danger, three comrade soldiers will seek out to quench the thirst and save masses.
In courage comes their death.
A leader bows in honor
In times of sorrow, conscience strikes back


Year 2

Proud and brave shall be humbled by tiny but wise young friends.
Brothers and friends of good shall fight and annihilate the rebel villains.
Reinforcement shall be in no good.

 Year 3

In time when the giant in Siberia and in the South Pacific will die,
Thus evil worse than before giant emerge from the South
With a first S in the name will bolster and murder a number
A descendant of a great monster, misrule and brutally rule six provinces for six gruesome years.

 Year 4

A town that boosts itself proud, greedy and selfish will see itself helpless.
In a time surprise and shock in attack without a help.
Clever and deception and betrayal shall all be doomed.
In less than 3 days or 3 hours most are dead some others are crying.
Sufferings will be justified.
Mercy and redemption is impossible.

 Year 5

Cold and indifferent places shall find no money.
A battalion of forces shall come to attack in surprise
Most men lay dead while a few women and children shall be spared
Someone who survives shall seek help and response with forces.
Surprise, no speech was heard at the sight of a number of lifeless bodies.

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