Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Millenium I Century I

Decade III Year 1

Armenia will set arguments with Egypt,
Debate will be on wealth& natural resources
Give and impose all necessary measures to deprive Egypt
Next will happen to its neighbor.

Year 2

Forty years after a humble man’s death,
Will spread many missionaries around the world
News of the gospel will find far & wide,
Until such time many will be converted.

Year 3

Eastern Slav nation knelt decade before
Praises the nation of Gaul for its help
Great leaders will converge and set pact.
The former declares the latter its king.

Year 4

A large middle kingdom will divide consisting little kingdom.
Once a great, but soon be doomed.
Pride and lust shall humble this nation.
Becoming poor and miserable is what it deserve.

Year 5

A clash of leaders will be a clash of kingdoms.
No one will humble and accept.
Rage and revenge is set forth.
Thousand bloods scattered all over the world.

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