Monday, September 13, 2010

Words Soup for the Soul

“May the lord grant my prayer for you: a mind free from sadness, a soul free from sin & a body free from sickness and harm.”

“The sunshine promise a beautiful day; the morning breeze promise a good life and the sky promise peace and freedom and I promise you my heart.”

“When you pray. You don’t see God but you know He listens. When you text me. You don’t see me but you know He listens.”

“If ever I’ll be given a chance. To start my life all over again… I would rather not accept it, why? Cause who knows in that 2nd start.. I will not recognize you, how sad right?”

“I know I don’t have the chance to be with you but I want you to know that you gave me reason to live, you gave me happiness even for awhile, but more than that, you give me a chance to be a part of you!”

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