Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Millenium I Century 1 Decade IX Year 1
When the oppressed hapless innocent left for good
For so long of sufferings at last will be rewarded
happily, prosperous & healthy ever after
Peace of mind of those assholes left behind will be temporary
Wheel of justice will come, signs will show.
a shower of misfortune will happen one after another.

Year 2
When the faint music will stop
An ugly monster will show up from darkness
It will devour the proud and the wicked
Then the monster will dance while laughing horridly

Year 3
The misfits and the crooked held hands together
Whacked and separated by a mysterious entity
Disturbed and psychotic, they will fight ferociously
Until both camps died while the silent people comes out rejoicing

Year 4
It will be the darkest years in history in the island of thousands in the Far East
Nothing will be seen but coldness and hunger
The wicked shall feel the wrath and hurt themselves
Bleak, harm, damage and loss shall be seen everywhere

Year 5
Meek and humble, silent and the oppressed shall see the light
The ignorant and the pervert shall see suffering in years
Blood, injury and disease and any cruel shall only be felt
Bigotry shall treat them and a sword shall pierce hurtful but still alive

Year 6
When the sun the moon conspire,
Fools are deceived and betrayed,
Unwanted and illegitimate, drive away and condemned
Anguish, cries and regrets will not be heard

Year 7
No fool can escape the wrath of the sun
The rest are rejoicing but the jerks are crying
Wealth and abundance been given to those who worth it
Snakes and worm shall be eaten by those who don’t deserve it

Year 8
Looks can be deceiving, so is the trick of the mind
Vulnerable shall be taken victim, nothing is given
The not so clever fools shall take advantage but not for long
Vengeance and karma will come to eat and run after the fools

Year 9
He who shall eat first will be condemned and curse
He who shall be the last will eat in a feast
The banquet is full but only a few can enjoy it
The feast is fun and frolic and a select few have the privilege to see it.

Year 10
The blame should not be taken but will be felt
The hour glass is leaking sand signals omen
It shall be felt horror and terror at the ninth hour
Shivering, scare, phobia and trauma will last a lifetime

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