Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Beauty Pageant's Question and Suggested Answer

Question: Some countries still practice the death penalty, is it acceptable and why?

(Question asked by International Supermodel Niki Taylor to Miss Jamaica, Yendi Phillips, Miss Universe 1st runner up)

Suggested Answer: The grim practice of death penalty which is still practiced by some countries to penalize the worst offenders has been abolished by most countries because of its extreme morbidity and harsh treatment of humans. Death penalty practicing countries wants to silence and eliminate hardened criminals so that they cannot proliferate and also serve as a warning to anyone who plan to commit a crime. Though it is very difficult to be in a situation in which you need to stop crime and evil doer at the same time preserving human life, it is just a matter of choice. It is fine to impose death on a hardened, recurring and nonredeemable criminals and just pray for their souls and for the rest lifetime imprisonment in a secured facility will be good enough. Else, hand over the hardened criminals to the gays for the gay punishment making sure they won’t retaliate back.