Monday, August 15, 2011

Life Is Beautiful Images

Cyrah Jane: You know what, Cherry Ann I have been to Spain and night life is fun. Lots of boys there. Its beautiful to live in Ibiza.

Cherry Ann: It's fine with me. I've been to Bahamas as well and it's fun. I love to stay there.

Cyrah Jane: Look at my hands, four. I visited four countries in Europe.

Cherry Ann: I still have to count how many places I visited in the Caribbean and the Pacific.

Cherry Ann: Horse, we are cute right?! Wide grin of course.

Horse: I agree I almost kiss both you. You are adorable kids.

I wonder if they are related in any way to Miss Universe 2008.
I took this picture in one of the beaches here in Iloilo, Philippines. I never expected to take a candid shots as natural and as memorable as this one. I post the following images here as part of the unforgettable images permanently etched in my memory.

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