Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Miss Universe 2011: Online Votes To Decide One Of The Semifinalists

Miss Universe 2011 will never be the same again. It is true that's because online popular votes will decide one of the 15 or make it 16 semifinalists. This is a new system implemented by the Miss Universe Organization this 2011 when online votes will be counted. Votes coming from participating countries of the Miss Universe 2011 will be tallied and counted to see who got the highest rating and automatically advances to the semifinal round of the Miss Universe 2011. Our very own Miss Philippines Shamcey Supsup will battle it out with other candidates for a slot in the semifinals. Let's keep our prayers and support her all the way through by voting her on Official Miss Universe website or NBC.com.Here is the news about MUO new online voting system for Miss Universe 2011 semifinalist.Online Vote To Decide A Semifinalist in Miss Universe 2011. More FAQs About New Online Voting To Decide A Semifinalists In Miss Universe 2011.Please vote for Miss Philippines Shamcey Supsup!

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