Monday, September 12, 2011

A Decade Of Living Into The Virtual World

         Just few days from now, I’ll be celebrating my ten years of accessing the World Wide Web. It is just a week after that tragic event that changes our lives forever- the World Trade Center bombing in New York City, USA. The explosion that rocked the world bounced on me a week after when I made my first click I was immediately propelled into the vast environment of the virtual universe of just about anything. Since then, I learned a lot, meet a lot of people and even earn a living using the Internet. I cannot fully express how grateful I am for what internet have given me through the years much more grateful to the inventors of this 21st century wonder. If for the past ten years, the Internet had given me enough opportunity to earn money and earn things that I wanted, will the Internet takes me to different places and countries around the world in the next ten years as my way of saying thank you to those countries which has visited my blog – one of my proudest project brought by Internet? That’s the biggest question and the second big question is who will take me and how will I visit those places?

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