Sunday, September 14, 2014

My True THE SIMS 4 Story

Some of The Sims 4 Screenshots

I have been playing The Sims series for 9 years. I found the game in a store nine years ago and was intrigued about it. I played it for the first time after a month when we purchased our first pc. I enjoyed playing it hooking up to it for hours. At first I thought it would be the first and last time I will be playing the games and move on with another game. Little did I know by the next year, I found the upgraded and improved The Sims 2 base game in the store and so my curiosity grow in me that I purchased it and played it for awhile. In 2009, someone purchased me The Sims 3 an improved sequel to the previous The Sims series and been playing it until now. The only expansion pack I bought is The World Adventures and played it for a very short time since I got nauseous each time I play it. Then EA released The Sims Medieval in 2011 something about history and medieval period that I pushed myself to purchase it since I am a history buff I love history. I have some fun time learning something about history while playing it. Believe it or not but there are things in history specifically the Medieval Period that I only learn in The Sims Medieval.

In 2013 while I am working elsewhere, I have no idea that EA, Maxis and The Sims Studio told the eager fans they are developing The Sims 4 and that they will be releasing it in the fall of 2014. Then came 2014, I found out through the official Facebook Page of The Sims 4 that they will release the game in September 2, 2014 much to my surprise and delight. After a short delight, excitement and curiosity about it, my anxiety grew stronger vanishing my anticipation for it due to my pc being broke (I am using an outdated laptop to write this and other online work and gaming) and that I run low on funds on my Paypal and bank account.

Later, when The Sims 4 has been finally released and the eager fans and gamers posted one by one some screenshots and videos of their gameplay online I made a resolve. I would have my broken PC fixed by the end of the month and that I would lend some money from my father to pay someone who will purchase and send me The Sims 4 games. I will pay him once I got an online VA job. In short, this game gives me the drive to find some worthwhile job to be productive once again after a year of being jobless.

However, there is larger than life reason why I want this game badly. After I was struck with a couple of misfortunes or bad luck, losses (losing loved ones), failures, frustrations or disappointments, I lose the will to find a job and have a normal life, to hope and take action for the better. It's easy for me to give up, be idle lazy and sloth and sleep most of the time and waking up just to take some food. I feel like being immobile, have no reason to hope for a bright future and accept the gloomy life ahead. I have lots of sighs and grieving and even receiving lots of criticism, insults and bullying. I don't know but just recently when I realized that I have been playing The Sims series for almost a decade that I learn and accepted that The Sims series has already been a part of life and has impacted it in ways that I would go crazy nuts without it. I learn that The Sims series is not only a lucky charm or fortune for me but also my world revolves around it. As The Sims saga or series continues and progress from one generation to another so is my life evolves turning the pages into another. The games is a self-fulfilling prophesy! I use real people (my family, relatives, friends, acquaintances, people I met etc.) as my Sims characters to do things I want to happen in real life and believe it or not, IT REALLY DID HAPPEN in real life or its exact opposite. That is one of the more important reasons I want to have the game so bad. How I would see the future through the game's perspective.

I hope I could have the game soon. The question is how and when. 

Photo Source:

Carl The Sims 4 Guide


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