Sunday, March 15, 2015

Countries Of The World Nicknames And Labels

Here are the nicknames and labels of countries in the world:

Albania - smallest Balkan state
Algeria - largest nation in North Africa
Argentina -  meaning "silver", Land of the Gauchos and the Tango 

Australia - The Land Down Under, Land of the Southern Cross
Austria - Land of Beauty and Music
Belgium - country of the Belgians
Bhutan - Valley of the Thunder Dragons
Bolivia - Indian Republic
Brazil - giant of the Tropics, largest nation in Latin America
Cambodia - Land of the Khmers
Canada - Largest country in the Western Hemisphere
Chile - The Shoestring Republic
China - The Land of the Rising Dragon, Largest and most thickly populated country in the world
Czechoslovakia - later became separate independent countries, Czech Republic and Slovak Republic or Slovakia, Land of the Czechs and the Slovaks
Cuba - Pearl of the Antilles; largest and richest island in the Antilles, the only Communist nation in the western Hemisphere, the first Soviet satellite in the Americas
Denmark - Europe's oldest kingdom
Dominican Republic - Cradle of America
Ecuador - Republic on the Equator
Egypt - gift of the Nile
Ethiopia - oldest existing African monarchy
Finland - Land of a Thousand Lakes
France - world's center of art and culture
Greece - cradle of Western Civilization
Haiti - first Negro Republic
Hong Kong - Fragrant Harbor; Center of World Trade
Hungary - Land of the Plain
India - World's Largest Democracy; Second Most Thickly Populated Country of the World
Indonesia - World's Largest Archipelago, Land of Volcanoes
Iran - Ancient nation with a new name; known as Persia in the ancient civilization
Iraq - Cradle of Ancient Civilization; formerly known as Mesopotamia
Ireland - Emerald Isle
Israel - Republic of the Jews, melting pot of religions in the world
Italy - Land of Song and History
Japan - Land of the Rising Sun; Most Industrialized Country in Asia
Jordan - Desert Arab Kingdom
Kenya - Land of the Mau Mau, meaning "ostrich" 
Korea - Land of the Morning Calm
Kuwait - tiny Arab Kingdom, World's Second Largest Exporter of Oil
Laos - Land of a Million Elephants
Lebanon - Half-Christian, Half-Muslim Republic
Liberia - oldest African Republic
Madagascar - formerly known as Malagasy Republic, Africa's Malay nation, the only Catholic Republic in Africa
Malawi - Land of the Flaming Waters
Mauritania - Country of the Moors 
Mexico - the only Latin Republic in North America
Monaco - tourist paradise in the Mediterranean
Morocco - land further West
Myanmar - formerly known as Burma; Land of the Golden Pagodas, Rice Bowl of Asia
Namibia - new name for Southwest Africa 

Nepal - Land of the Living Museum, where Mt. Everest, world's highest mountain is found
Netherlands - also known as Holland meaning "low lands" , land of the windmills
New Zealand - Long Bright Land
Norway - Land of the Midnight Sun
Pakistan - Land of the Pure
Peru - Land of the Incas
Philippines - Pearl of the Orient, Seven Thousand Emeralds, Archipelago of St. Lazarus (former old name), First Malayan Republic
Poland - State with a Glorious Past
Portugal - World's first colonizing power
Puerto Rico - meaning "Rich Port", Commonwealth under the United States flag
Romania - richest nation in the Balkans
Russia (formerly USSR) - formerly World's mightiest communist power, land of the Powers
San Marino - oldest Republic in the World
Saudi Arabia - Cradle of Islam; Largest and Richest Kingdom in the Arabian peninsula
Sierra Leone - Mountain of the Lion 

Singapore - Island-City state; its name means Lion City
South Africa - country with the richest deposit of diamond and gold
Spain - champion of Catholicism
Sri Lanka - Island of Jewels
Sweden - Land of the Swedes
Switzerland - Playground of Europe; Europe's Highest Country
Syria - Muslim Arab Republic
Taiwan - formerly known as "Formosa" meaning beautiful, otherwise known as Nationalist China
Tanzania - new name for the combined countries of Tanganyika and Zanzibar
Thailand - Land of the Free (never been colonized by any western countries)
Tibet - The Roof of the World
Turkey - bridge between Asia and Europe
United Kingdom - mother of Democracy 
United States - Greatest Champion of the Free World, Richest and one of the most powerful nations of the world
Vatican City - Capital of the Catholic church,where the pope lives
Venezuela - meaning "Little Venice", World's second largest producer of oil
Yemen - The fortunate land
Yugoslavia - home of the southern Slavs, largest Balkan state, it is a country from 1943 - 1992 until it broke up into several countries of Croatia (1991), Slovenia (1991), Republic of Macedonia(1991), Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992), Serbia and Montenegro (1992 - 2006), Serbia (2006), Montenegro (2006) and Kosovo (2008).
Zimbabwe - new name of Rhodesia

Other Places: 

Tanganyika - where the world's richest diamond mine is found
Zanzibar - Island of Golden Coves
Africa - Dark Continent, land of Contrast, World's second largest continent
Central America - land of Banana republic
South America - world's fourth largest continent
Greenland - World's largest island
Hawaii - Paradise of the Pacific, Surfing Mecca of the World, 50th state of US
Sikkim - Smallest Himalayan Kingdom, landlocked Indian state

Photo Source: 
The World Flag Blog,

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