Saturday, December 19, 2009

Miss World 2009 Mudang Elaizzah screenshots

Mudang Elaizzah is the first woman of color from Uganda to win such a coveted title, the Miss World 2009 held last December 12, 2009 in South Africa. The owner and founder of the pageant Julia Morley who also announces the winner prefers nanny looking ladies to win the title because she has lots of children to take care of and house to clean in her year long reign.
She exhibits herself in the mall prior to her stint in Miss World 2009 where she competes with 114 other nannies in a gruelling month long of intense and stressful activities.
One of her natural pictures perfect to be Miss World 2009!
One of the much preferred photo of Julia Morley because it features a profile silhouette of Mudang in the picture.
Picture of Miss World 2009 back home all broadly smiling and adorable for Julia Morley.

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