Saturday, December 19, 2009

Ripley's Believe It Or Not

In January 2009, Doctors removed a kidney stone that was the size of a coconut from Sandor Sarkadi in Debrecen, Hungary.

On September 13, 1916 “Murderous Mary,”an elephant from the Sparks Brothers Circus, was hanged for murder in Erwin, Tennessee, USA.

The American Museum of Natural History lists more than 19,200 different species of bees, more than all bird and mammal species combined.

Police Dogs in Dusseldorf, Germany wear rubber shoes to protect their feet from broken glass.
King Sobhuza II (1899 -1982) was Swaziland’s monarch for more than 82 years, longer than any other ruler of any country in modern times.

In December 2006, Professor Masayuki Nakao and students from the University of Tokyo created a bowl of carbon nanotube noodles 1/25,000 of an inch across.

“Poetic Justice”
In December 2007, a large group of teenagers vandalized the home of U.S. poet Robert Frost (1874 – 1963). Their sentencing included attending classes to learn about Frost’s poetry.

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