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Showing posts with label careers and employment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label careers and employment. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What An Exciting Year and I Am Excited To Live In Europe!

London, England

Innsbruck, Austria

Geneva, Switzerland

Dubrovnik, Croatia

Sicily, Italy

           What an exciting and auspicious year and I know there are exciting journeys and events that will happen this year. I am also looking forward to work and live permanently in Europe hoping there will be a lucrative job offer there by anyone or by private companies. I will also be working on new blog this year about travel, anything about it, including reviews. Any Europeans or Europe-based companies who has job openings for me that lead you to my blog and reading this article, I encourage you to contact me and hope this will bring good relationship, foster friendship between us. Thank you very much!