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Showing posts with label world leaders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label world leaders. Show all posts

Friday, December 6, 2013

Rest In Peace, Nelson Mandela

Rest In Peace Nelson Mandela. God Bless You! 

          We are deeply saddened by the passing of an icon and a legend whose legacy for humanity still lives on and continued to be exemplified by selfless men and women. His long battle and suffering with lung complication has come to an end.The vanguard of humanity who changed the world and make a difference has finally rested peacefully with the lord. We are so blessed to have a man who stand up against discrimination, segregation and oppression not only for his beloved South Africa but also served as a great inspiration to all nations in the world. One of the best man that walked the earth showed kindness, unconditional love and selfless service whose only noble desire is equality, justice and fairness among all men with no regards to color or background. What really draws deep in my heart is that after being imprisoned for 27 harrowing and depressing years he showed no trace of bitterness and anger in his heart and even granted sincere forgiveness to those who wrong him - what a kind and gentle soul. May we continue to learn from him, from his legacy and serve him as an inspiration in today's world that in our own little ways we could make a difference in the world. Our deepest sympathy and condolences to Madiba family, relatives and friends of Mr. Nelson Mandela and also to the entire nation, South Africa. Our prayers are with you. God bless you, Mr. Nelson Mandela. Rest in Peace.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Queen Elizabeth II Finally Is Now On Facebook, Yay!

             What better way to reach out to people making sure they are updated and well-informed about the government’s programs, activities and other announcements and aware of what is happening around the nation. I know the Queen has a better idea.
           It is by using the most powerful reliable medium available used by most people today in connecting with family, friends and acquaintances – social networking. And what is the most popular social networking site with a membership of more than half a billion? Facebook – yes, Facebook and the Queen made the right connection with Facebook.
          United Kingdom’s British Monarchy is the latest addition to the growing family of the most popular social networking site today that it has become a pop culture icon. It has been decided y the Royal Crown to set up a Facebook account to reach out to its people and make the British Monarchy accessible to masses. It is a smart move of the Royal Crown to effectively address its citizen’s concerns. When it comes to transparency, people can voice out their concerns, sentiments, opinions to the Royal Family so it may become more humane and kind. Furthermore, people of different nationalities may have a view and keep informed about the Queen and the Royal Family where it has been very elusive to the public eye.
           I have added the British Monarchy page to one of my likes and interests so I can keep in touch with the British monarch and if lucky enough, it will be an honor and privilege for me to work in the royal palace. I am excited to see Queen Elizabeth mingling with people through Facebook. I know Mark Zuckerberg is elated and honored to have the Queen graced his social networking site but I don’t think he is reading my blog though I want to work for him as well.