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Showing posts with label breaking news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label breaking news. Show all posts

Friday, December 6, 2013

Rest In Peace, Nelson Mandela

Rest In Peace Nelson Mandela. God Bless You! 

          We are deeply saddened by the passing of an icon and a legend whose legacy for humanity still lives on and continued to be exemplified by selfless men and women. His long battle and suffering with lung complication has come to an end.The vanguard of humanity who changed the world and make a difference has finally rested peacefully with the lord. We are so blessed to have a man who stand up against discrimination, segregation and oppression not only for his beloved South Africa but also served as a great inspiration to all nations in the world. One of the best man that walked the earth showed kindness, unconditional love and selfless service whose only noble desire is equality, justice and fairness among all men with no regards to color or background. What really draws deep in my heart is that after being imprisoned for 27 harrowing and depressing years he showed no trace of bitterness and anger in his heart and even granted sincere forgiveness to those who wrong him - what a kind and gentle soul. May we continue to learn from him, from his legacy and serve him as an inspiration in today's world that in our own little ways we could make a difference in the world. Our deepest sympathy and condolences to Madiba family, relatives and friends of Mr. Nelson Mandela and also to the entire nation, South Africa. Our prayers are with you. God bless you, Mr. Nelson Mandela. Rest in Peace.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

2012 Biggest Stories

These are the biggest stories of 2012: 

1. US Presidential Election Where President Barack Obama, 44th US President won for his second term 
2. The 2012 London Olympic Games 
3. Typhoon Bopha which hit Southern Philippines killing a thousand lives and thousands of others missing, thousands of families left homeless and billions of dollars worth of damage property 
4. China's imperialistic domination of South China Sea which borders Southeast Asian countries. 
5. Colorado shootings
6. Sandy Hook school shooting one of the worst in America's history
7. West Bank and Gaza trip violence 
8. Hurricane Sandy battered most of the East Coast one of the worst natural calamities that struck the region in recent years

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Best and Worst Of 2012

As the year 2012 is about to end and as we approach 2013, it is good to look back to what had transpired throughout the year and learn and be inspired from them as we look forward to a new beginning in the new year. We will have a review through a list of the good times and bad times, the beautiful and not so beautiful things we shared throughout the year as Charles Dickens said in his Tale of Two Cities, "it was the best of times, the worst of times." Surely it is an interesting and unforgettable year full of surprises, controversy, losses, victories and so much more.