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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Attention To Businessmen, Investors and Interested Parties!

What website I will visit to find businessman or investor who look for partner to venture to business?

     I am looking for a businessman or investor to venture into business partnership to do business in paradise island resort here in the Philippines maybe resort, restaurant or hotel. I want to know what is the best suggestion you can give?

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Carabao Island, A Sweet Alternative To The Crowded Boracay

            San Jose (formerly named Carabao Island due to its shape that looks like the water buffalo) is the southernmost municipality or town in the province of Romblon. It was created with the name Carabao Island on June 18, 1961 by Republic Act No. 3423, and was renamed as San Jose on June 19, 1965 by Republic Act No. 4289. San Jose has a population of 8,226 according to 2000 census. San Jose is politically subdivided into 5 barangays: Busay, Combot, Lanas, Pinamihagan, Poblacion (Agcogon).
        The place to find real estate for sale, and investments and business opportunities including, but not limited to, future beach resorts, villas, cottages, and golf courses. Carabao Island is definitely an extension to already crowded island resorts of Boracay.
        The perfect hideaway for those who prefer quiet and solitude, a few minutes away from Boracay beach crowd. The place is also a haven for snorkeling and SCUBA diving, as a few steps from the shore is a seaweed and coral gardens. Tipok-pok can be reached from Lanas by hiking, mountain biking or motorbike. Cottages or bamboo huts could be built comfortably perched on the rocky cliffs. Both places offer a spectacular view over deep blue sea to Boracay, Panay and Tablas islands, and even as far away as Mindoro island on a calm day.
       Carabao Island finds a white beaches and coves in its natural status. In a beautiful pure virgin white sand beach, Carabao Island is a place where children can play and enjoy the natural beauty of an island paradise, a place where men and women can be children again. And, most importantly Carabao Island is the ideal place for tropical dream vacations: Water sports galore, ideal for diving and learning to dive, mountain biking, tennis, golf, horse-back riding, island hopping and lots of sunshine.
       Carabao Beach Resorts was created for assisting Carabao Island travellers either travelling as individual, partners, groups and families to find resources about Carabao Island travel, Carabao Island beaches, island resorts, Carabao Island vacation packages and useful information and resources related to island Carabao.
       Carabao Beach Resorts offer a large, constantly updating catalog of Carabao Island Philippines related island travel packages so you'll always find what you need. With tons of tour packages from best and leading Carabao Island beach resorts, We're sure to have exactly what you want. Why pay regular prices when you can buy discount Carabao Island Philippines island packages tours online from Carabao Beach Resorts.
       Carabao Island, which is also known as the town of San Jose, is four times the land size of Boracay
       San Jose or Carabao Island said to be the most beautiful beach in all of Romblon is just a short boat ride away from its sister island the famed Boracay - a perfect antidote to the noisy party of Boracay. Located almost in the heart of the Philippine archipelago, it remains one of the unexplored treasured islands of the country. With its mystical caves, powder white-sand beaches and crystal clear seawater to boost, Carabao Island, Romblon is indeed a paradise to visit. "Its dazzling scenery will charm you and give you the relaxation you need."

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Signs He Can Be A Good Dad

     With Father’s Day fast approaching, it’s no surprise that your dear old dad is on your mind. But if you’re also looking forward to the day when you can give your significant other a Father’s Day card, too, you might want to evaluate his parenting potential. What can you tell now about whether he’ll be a great father down the line? Check out these telling traits.

1. He treats his mother well. What kind of family man will he be? First look at his relationship with his mom. Does he respect her? Laugh with her easily? Enjoy visiting her? Help out with chores or errands? “If the answer is yes, all of this means she did a good job raising him, he naturally likes women, and will like the mom you will become,” says Wendy Allen, Ph.D., a psychotherapist specializing in couples and marriage therapy in Santa Barbara, CA. In fact, respect in general — to other family members, to kids, and to you — should be at the top of the “what to look for” list.

2. He’s selfless. What’s the number one thing you learn when you become a parent? You never come first anymore! So if you’re with a guy who thinks he’s the center of the universe, beware. For Jackie Baker, a Valdosta, GA, mother of one, it was easy to see she wasn’t dating an egomaniac when she found out that he’d spent much of his time caring for his 17-years-younger sister. “One of his major responsibilities was to take care of her in the afternoon when he came home from school,” she says. “He didn’t really go on dates or get to hang out with his friends. I thought, any teenage boy who is willing to give up his time for his sister is a great man. Even to this day he helps out with his sister’s homework whenever he can. I knew when I saw him taking such an interest in his family that he was going to be a wonderful father.”

3. He’s not easily grossed out. Surprise! Kids are messy. There are dirty diapers, vomit — and dirty diapers and vomit happening at the same time. Being a parent means getting comfortable with the eewwww factor. Good fathers are the ones “who jump in to clean up a gross mess and help out when someone else isn’t feeling well,” says Dianne Couris, an author and parenting coach in Oldsmar, FL, and president of Family Choices & Solutions, Inc. Christine Louise Hohlbaum, a mother of two, found this out years ago while on a tumultuous, three-hour ferry boat ride around the Greek Islands. Hohlbaum got seasick five times. “Each time, my then-boyfriend would take my barf bag to the front of the boat to retrieve another one,” she says. “As we pulled into the dock, I knew this man would make a great father. Childbirth and parenting would be a snap for a guy who can carry puke across the Mediterranean without blinking an eye.”

4. He’s a great uncle. “Nephews and nieces are the stepping stones to your own kids,” says Allen. “Does he call them on their birthdays? Does he make dates where he actually has to show up and take them to the movies or an amusement park?” Varina Caton, a Wilmington, DE, mother of two, witnessed such dedicated affection with her future husband and his nieces and nephews. “He would have his nieces and nephews fly out to stay with us,” she says. “He has always made a point of staying in contact with them. He sent some of them to summer camp because their Mom was unable to come up with the money. He has mentored them as they have matured, introducing money management (for obvious reasons!), job skills, people skills and most importantly setting goals. Because of his involvement with his sibling’s offspring I knew he would make a great dad, and he has!”

5. He doesn’t mind taking direction from his partner. “If a man resents being told what to do, then working with him on his children’s schedule and responsibilities could get tense,” Couris says. “Running a family schedule is usually [the mother’s role] and the father typically needs direction.” How can you tell if he’ll respond well to family life? Notice how he takes to your suggestions (“I think you should pack more than one pair of underwear for our week at the beach”) and how he reacts to your plans (“Don’t forget: Thursday is my uncle’s 73rd birthday and we’re all going to dinner”). If you get a positive reaction, you’re onto something!

6. He likes ketchup. And he understands the importance of blowing the paper cover off of a straw and seeing if it can reach across the table. In other words, he has a playful sense of fun, and doesn’t take himself too seriously. Those could be the most telling sign of all. You’ve got to have a sense of humor to get through life with kids.

Now, here are a couple of signs maybe he’s not destined to be the world’s best dad:

1. He can’t go with the flow. A good dad needs to be flexible, easygoing and not easily flustered. Having a kid means that dinners will get canceled, and vacations will be marred by bouts of the flu. If he’s the type who sweats the small stuff and can’t easily adapt to change, he may be in for a tough time as a dad. “I dated one guy who planned every weekend as if it was a military operation, and he totally blew a gasket if there was any fluctuation from his plans,” recalls Elizabeth Bach of Westfield, NJ. “He wasn’t so into the idea of having kids anyway, and I thought that was a good thing — he’d probably be one uptight, inflexible dad!”

2. He doesn’t pitch in around the house. “Any man who considers himself above anything… is going to have trouble serving his or her majesty: the baby,” Allen says.

Source: Match.com
Powered by: Yahoo!

Erika Rasmusson Janes is a New York–based freelance writer whose work has appeared in Redbook, Modern Bride and Good Housekeeping.

Father's Day Trivia

           Today, June 19, 2011 is the 101th year of celebrating fatherhood. We shoud always strive often to please our father as much as we please and love our mother. As the formidable wall of our homes, he is always the provider and breadwinner of the family and is often dependable so we must honor and respect him. One way of pleasing, honoring and remembering his good deeds as a father is to spend some quality time with him and engage in worthwhile activities where both of you can enjoy most. That is the reason why a special day is appropriated exclusively only for fathers and today is their special day held annually. Did you know that we are celebrating this special occasion for fathers for over a century now.
          Did you know that the Father's Day that we celebrate today with a lot of pomp and show actually had to cross several hurdles to be made an official holiday? Surprising isn't it? A day dedicated to fatherhood, it gives every child an opportunity to cherish the endless sacrifices of his dad and render heart-felt thankfulness for the same. There are a number of stories attached with the occasion and a number of theories explaining the evolution of Father's Day. All such stories have gone down in the pages of history as trivia related to Father's Day. Some of the most popular trivia associated with Father's Day are:

Father's Day Trivia

• The first Father's Day was celebrated in Fairmont, West Virginia.
• The first Father's Day was organized by Mrs. Grace Golden Clayton.
• The first Father's Day celebration that was globally recognized was held in Spokane, Washington.
• The first globally recognized father whose life was celebrated and after whom the special day was dedicated was William Smart.
• The first Father's Day was celebrated on the third Sunday of June.
• Since Sonora Dodd was the girl who first started the tradition of Father's Day in the US, she had campaigned for her Father's birthday June 19 to be declared Father's Day in the US.
• It was President Woodrow Wilson who first said that Father's Day should be given the status of a national holiday in the year 1916.
• President Calvin Coolidge announced on the third Sunday of June in 1924 that Father's Day can be observed and celebrated all over America but did not pass a bill in Congress that would convert the day into a national holiday.
• The first presidential declaration designating the third Sunday of June as Father's Day was made by President Lyndon B Johnson in the year 1966.
• It was President Richard Nixon who declared Father's Day, the third Sunday of June as a national holiday in 1972.
• Father's Day today is one of the most popular events in the United Sates of America.
• Records say that as much as $100 million worth cards are sold on Father's Day. Cards and gifts are gifted to not only fathers but also uncles and grandfathers and sometimes also husbands and sons-in-law.
• Card making company Hallmark says that Father's Day is the fifth largest card selling occasion n America.
• The most popular gift of Father's Day in the US is a necktie.
• There have been many debates surrounding the spelling of Father's Day. Even though it is a day of all fathers, the occasion is spelt as Father's Day instead of Fathers' Day.
• It was the Associated Men's Wear Retailers which formed the National Father's Day Committee in New York City in the 1930s to promote the concept of Father's Day all over the country and the world.
• The centennial Father's Day celebrations were held at Spokane in the year 2010. These celebrations were accompanied by events held all over the month of June.
• The idea of Father's Day was conceived in Spokane, Washington by Sonora Dodd while she listened to a Mother's Day sermon in 1909.
• Dodd (now known as "the mother of Father's Day") wanted a special day to honor her father, William Smart, a widowed Civil War veteran who was left to raise his six children on a farm.
• The following year, June 19, 1910 was chosen for the first Father's Day celebration, proclaimed by Spokane's mayor because it was the month of William Smart's birth.
• Decades later, the first presidential proclamation honoring fathers was issued in 1966 when President Lyndon Johnson designated the third Sunday in June as Father's Day. Father's Day has been celebrated annually since 1972 when President Richard Nixon signed the public law that made it permanent.

Father's Day by the Numbers

• This is a big day for the 66.3 million fathers in America.
• Nearly 95 million Father’s Day cards were given last year in the United States, making Father’s Day the fourth-largest card-sending occasion.
• Sons and daughters send 50 percent of the Father's Day card to their dads. Nearly 20 percent of Father’s Day cards are purchased by wives for their husbands. That leaves 30 percent of the cards which go to grandfathers, sons, brothers, uncles and “someone special.”
• While not everyone in America is a fan of Father's Day, 72 percent of Americans plan to celebrate or acknowledge Father’s Day.

Gifts for Father's Day

• Neckties are an old standby and lead the list of Father’s Day gifts. A good place to buy dad a tie or a shirt might be one of 9,189 men’s clothing stores around the country.
• Other items high on the list of Father’s Day gifts include those items you may find in dad’s toolbox such as hammers, wrenches and screwdrivers. You could buy some of these items for dad at one of the nation’s 14,864 hardware stores or 5,795 home centers.

Other traditional gifts for dad such as fishing rods and golf clubs make for a happy Father's Day for the 22,410 sporting goods stores in America.

• More than 68 million Americans participated at a barbecue in the last year — it’s probably safe to assume many of these barbecues took place on Father’s Day.

Mr. Mom

• Mr. Mom is becoming a more common sight at parks across America with 147,000 estimated “stay-at-home” dads. These married fathers with children under 15 years old have remained out of the labor force for more than one year primarily so they can care for the family while their wives work outside the home. These fathers cared for 268,000 children under 15.
• The dads seem to stay home more with younger children. Preschoolers claim 20 percent of fathers with employed wives who were the primary caregiver for their preschooler. In contrast, only 6 percent of fathers provided the most hours of care for their grade-school-aged child.
• Many families split the responsibility of child care. Many Dad's (32%) with full time jobs regularly worked evening or night shifts and were the primary source of care for their preschoolers during their children’s mother’s working hours.

Hence, the next time when you celebrate Father's Day or any other paternal bond, always remember the trivia that is associated with this special day.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Miss USA 2011: My Top 20 Sizzling Hot List No. 1-10

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA - Miss USA 2011 Preliminary Competition held on June 15, 2011 at Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino to judge all the 51 delegates representing 51 states and see who will make the cut of the elite 15 semifinalists as they compete closer for the crown of Miss USA 2011 and a chance to represent the United States in Miss Universe in Sao Paulo, Brazil on September 12, 2011. Some of the contestants will hopefully join their states pageant and win it to compete for the Miss Earth USA 2011 and represent United States for the Miss Earth 2011 in Pattaya, Thailand on November 12, 2011. One lucky contestant will be automatically advanced to the semifinals voted by people online and through text votes. Bookmakers will be shelling out their pocket to bet for their favorite delegates. Meanwhile after the conclusion of the preliminary competition, here are my bets for the crown:

1. South Carolina - Courtney Hope Turner

2. Maryland - Allyn Rose

3. California - Alyssa Campanella

4. Arizona - Brittany Dawn Brannon

5. Maine - Ashley-Lynn Marble

6. Tennessee - Ashley Elizabeth Durham

7. Iowa - Rebecca Goldsmith

8. Idaho - Erza Haliti

9. Massachusetts - Alida D'Angona

10. Indiana - Jillian Leigh Wunderlich

Miss USA 2011: My Top 20 Sizzling Hot List No. 11-20

11. Wisconsin - Jordan Marie Morkin

12. District of Columbia - Heather Danelle Swann

13. New York - Amber Marie Collins

14. Rhode Island - Kate McCaughey

15. Florida - Lissette Garcia

16. Kentucky - Kia Ben-et Hampton

17. Missouri - Hope Driskill

18. North Dakota - Brandi Schoenberg

19. West Virginia - Whitney Veach

20. Nevada - Sarah Chapman

Warming Up: Alabama
New Mexico

Miss USA 2011 Preliminary Competition

This is the video of Miss USA 2011 Preliminary Competition held on June 15, 2011 at Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Please Vote for Miss Wisconsin USA 2011!

Jordan Marie Morkin, Miss Wisconsin USA 2011

       Please vote for Miss Wisconsin USA 2011, Jordan Marie Morkin to be a semifinalist in the upcoming Miss USA 2011 on June 19, 2011 in Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. You can vote wherever you are in the world from Americas to Asia to Europe to Africa. You can use your e-mail address to vote for her. Remember one vote per email address. So if you have a lot of email address, you can vote as many as you want using your email addresses. Vote while it last.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Dinagyang Festival's Tribu Pan-ay Off To New York To Perform for Philippine Independence Day

Dinagyang Festival 2011 Champion Tribu Pan-ay of Fort San Pedro National High School, Fort San Pedro (Fort Saint Peter), Iloilo City will be going to New York City, USA to perform for the Philippine Independence Day Celebration by the Filipino Community in New York on June 5, 2011. It's time for the United States and the rest of the world to see and watch one of the more colorful and spectacular Mardi Gras type of festival competition in Asia - the Dinagyang Festival of Iloilo City, Philippines visited by at least 2 million visitors annually for the festival.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Major World Events In Four Days

Three major world events that jubilant world rejoices and celebrates took place in just four (4) days. First, the royal wedding of Prince William on April 29 in West Minster Abbey, UK, the beatification of the now Blessed Pope John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla, real name) in Vatican City, and the killing of the world's most hated terrorist and criminal Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin-Laden in his mansion in Pakistan made the world a safer place to live gives inspiration and hope to everybody.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Archaelogists Unearthed World's Oldest Gay Caveman Near Prague

         Kamila Remisova Vesinova and her team of researchers from the Czech Archeological Society believe they have unearthed the remains of an early homosexual man. The remains date from around 2900-2500 B.C., on the outskirts of Prague.
        That claim stems from the fact the 5,000-year-old skeleton was buried in a manner reserved for women in the Corded Ware culture: its head was pointed east rather than west, and its remains were surrounded by domestic jugs rather than by hammers, flint knives and weapons that typically accompany male remains. (Should you eat like a caveman?)
       "From history and ethnology, we know that people from this period took funeral rites very seriously so it is highly unlikely that this positioning was a mistake," Vesinova said at a press conference. "Far more likely is that he was a man with a different sexual orientation, homosexual or transsexual."
       Katerina Semradova, another member of the team, admitted there have been other instances of men being buried with implements reserved for women and vice versa. Her colleagues previously unearthed a female warrior from the Mesolithic period who was buried in the fashion of a man. And she noted that latter-day male Siberian shamans or witch doctors were buried with ornate funeral accessories, like jewels, to reflect their elevated position in society.
       But those burials reflected the dead's position in society, not their sexuality. "This later discovery was neither [a warrior nor a witch doctor], leading us to believe the man was probably homosexual or transsexual."

Friday, April 22, 2011

Holy Week Reflections

            God is reaching out to you! Let us reach out for him, too! Join us in meditating, reflecting and recollecting in the passion and agony of our Lord Jesus Christ for his death and resurrection and redeemed the world. If you cannot spend some time to visit churches or holy places to reflect and meditate, you can always go online and reflect on this lenten season.
         Visit the website below to begin your holy week in reflection, retrospection and meditation. Have a blessed week to you!

Monday, April 11, 2011

I Hate Some Of The Final Questions At Binibining Pilipinas 2011

I love the ladies answers but I hate some of the questions mostly from ambassadors and ambassador's wife they're too tacky and mediocre they are already considered obsolete questions in beauty pageants. Most impressive questions asked about current events were asked by Charlemagne Yu, Palace Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda and magazine editor Ernie Lopez. We should write and petition MU org. and Mr. Trump to take away the MU franchise from Stella Marquez and give it to a Filipino! Actually there is already a facebook page asking for Stella Marquez Resignation! I know Miss Stella Marquez will be gracious and generous enough to hand over the Binibining Pilipinas Organization, which sends representative to Miss Universe, to interested Filipinos.

Binibining Pilipinas 2011 Coronation Night

2011 Binibining Pilipinas Winners
(From L-R): 2nd runner up - Mary Jean Lastimosa, Binibining Pilipinas-Tourism Queen 2011 Isabella Manjon, Binibining Pilipinas-Universe 2011 Shamcey Supsup, Binibining Pilipinas-International 2011 Dianne Necio, 1st runner up - Jenine Tugonon

Binibining Pilipinas 2011 Universe - Shamcey Supsup

Binibining Pilipinas 2011 Tourism Queen International - Isabella Manjon

Binibining Pilipinas 2011 International - Dianne Necio

(Araneta Coliseum, Quezon City) General Santos City-born Shamcey Supsup, the 2010 architecture board topnotcher, was named the 2011 Binibining Pilipinas Universe during the pageant coronation night on Sunday, April 10 at the Araneta Coliseum.
         A surprised yet ecstatic Shamcey, who also graduated magna cum laude from the University of the Philippines Diliman, will represent the country in the Miss Universe Pageant in Sao Paolo, Brazil.
         "I still can't believe it. Parang panaginip. Kanina nung nag announce na sabi ko it's God's will. If it's for you, it's for you. You just have to believe it," Shamcey said in an interview after the pageant. "Whatever happens, it happens for a reason and God has a plan for every one of us... Ang dami talagang magaganda. Ang dami talagang magagaling. Feeling ko the judges had a hard time choosing the winner for the year."
          Asked if she's now feeling the pressure of accomplishing the feat of Venus Raj, who won fourth runner up in the Miss Universe pageant in Las Vegas last year, Shamcey said:
          "I'm not pressured at all kasi I believe I was here for a reason and whatever my destiny is, I'll do my best. I'm just gonna give it my all and I hope that whatever I'm gonna do there [Brazil] yun ang hinahanap nila at kung para talaga sa 'yo para talaga sa 'yo," Shamcey said.
          Shamcey bested 39 other candidates in the pageant. Aside from winning the major title, she also won three special awards: Miss Cream Silk, Ambassador of Philippine Airlines, and Miss Talent.
Meanwhile, Iriga native Dianne Necio bagged the Binibining Pilipinas International title and Pasig City resident Isabella Manjon was crowned Binibining Pilipinas Tourism.
          For Dianne, it is a dream come true after winning the first runner up plum last year."Last year, I joined and I ended up as first runner up and it was talagang pinagdasal ko. Kanina I'm not expecting anything. Sabi ko lang, 'Lord ibigay mo kung ano yung gusto mo ibigay.' So I'm just thankful na I will have the chance to compete in an international title... Talagang pag di mo tinigilan yung dream mo, maaabot mo siya and keep on praying," Dianne said in an interview.
          Isabella, on the other hand, could not contain her joy in winning the Tourism crown. "I'm so overwhelmed right now. Sobrang I feel blank. I'm so happy," she said.
         Other winners are First Runner Up Janine Tugonon and Second Runner Up Mary Jean Lastimosa.
         Rouding up the 15 semifinalists were: Candidate No. 6 Patricia Tumulak, Candidate No. 8 Marie Kristina May Marasigan, Candidate No. 11 Diana Arevalo, Candidate No. 13 Queenierich Rehman, Candidate No. 16 Sabrinne Al-Tawil, Candidate No. 19 Wendy Lucas, Candidate No. 23 Luzelle Felipe, Candidate No. 30 Kathleen Subijano, Candidate No. 32 Jenn Roe Gubat and Candidate No. 37 Sarah Clenci.

This year's special award winners are:
People's Choice: The Face of Binibining Pilipinas: Angelia Ong
Best in swimsuit: Queenierich Rehman
Best in long gown: Luzelle Felipe
Ms. Friendship: Samantha Purvor
Manila Bulletin Reader's Choice: Luzelle Felipe
Miss Cream Silk: Shamcey Supsup
Ambassador, Philippines Air Lines: Shamcey Supsup
Miss Talent: Shamcey Supsup


            I am very happy with the winning of Shamcey Supsup and Isabella Manjon and actually I am teary eyed by what had transpired. First from the impressive performance of the ladies, second to the beauties who have gone by and most especially fitting tributes to Maria Venus Raj, Krista Kleiner and Czarina Gatbonton. But most of all I am very happy for Shamcey Supsup competing for Miss Universe, for Isabella Manjon who will compete in Miss Tourism Queen International but I thought Manjon could've place better competing in Miss International but still happy for her and finally for Dianne Necio finally after competing again she finally got a title she wants and compete in Miss International. Although her answer last night were less potent and powerful than her answer a year earlier and the other top 15 semifinalists answers were more eloquent, persuasive and strong that deserves her spot, I am still happy for her and hopes three of them will prepare well for their respective competitions. For the runners up, Tugonon and Lastimosa congratulations as well and if you want a title please do compete next year or other national pageant competitions like Miss World Philippines and Miss Earth Philippines.I am happy as well for special award winners like Samantha Purvor and Angelia Ong, truly a memorable evening for them. For the rest, either who made it in the top 15 semifinalists or missed the cut most especially my favorites, please please please grant my favor to join again next year in the Binibining Pilipinas or join other other national pageant competitions like Miss World Philippines and Miss Earth Philippines because you deserves to compete internationally. If needed, I will ask a battalion of pageant followers to sign petitions for these lovely ladies to join the national pageant sending delegates internationally. If still not convince I will push these lovely ladies LITERALLY to force them to join. Really have mercy ladies, please do join next year or other beauty pageants! Congratulations to all the winners, may you make our dear country Philippines proud and bring home the crown and to all who made this event astounding successful and a moment to last a lifetime, thank you very much! Until the next beauty pageant this year and succeeding years to come. May a fruitful blessing from God will be upon us! 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Watch Binibining Pilipinas 2011 Online LIVE Streaming!

Watch the coronation night of the Binibining Pilipinas 2011, the Philippines' national which sends representative to Miss Universe, Miss International, Miss Tourism Queen International and Miss Supranational online LIVE Streaming on Sunday, April 10, 2011 8pm - 11pm (Philippine time).

you can watch at http://bbpilipinas2011.com. It's fast, updated and free! or

log on to kabayantv.com and click on abs-cbn channel 2

REMEMBER THE TIME OF LIVE Streaming Binibining Pilipinas 2011: April 10, 2011 8:00pm – 11:00 pm Philippine Time

April 10, 2011 8:00am- 11:00am US (EST)
April 10, 2011 1:00 pm- 4:00 pm London

Friday, April 8, 2011

Binibining Pilipinas 2011 My Top 20 Hot List Part 1/4

        Binibining Pilipinas 2011 finals will be on Sunday, April 10 at Araneta Coliseum and will be shown on Philippine television through ABS-CBN on a delayed telecast at 9:30pm. As usual we have our favorite bets who we expect to be crowned and will best represent our country in international beauty pageant competition like Miss Universe on September 12, 2011 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Here is my top 20 favorite hot list vying for the coveted crown and expected to do well in Miss Universe and Miss International. Along with their name is their Binibining Pilipinas official candidate number See Binibining Pilipinas Official Website. 
       Now wearing the trendy swimsuit for their official portraits backed by the music of Ester Dean ft. Chris Brown, here is my final top 20 candidates:

1. Candidate No.34 Mary Jean Lastimosa, 23 - Davao City, Davao del Sur

2. Candidate No. 6 Patricia Tumulak, 23 - Quezon City

3. Candidate No.11 Diana Arevalo, 22 - Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro

4. Candidate No.16 Sabrinne Al-Tawil, 21 - Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

5. Candidate No.26 Shamcey Supsup, 24 - Iligan City, Lanao del Norte