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Saturday, May 28, 2016

My The Sims 4 Images Part 25

This family has just moved into an empty lot.

The family has moved into a new home.

This large family is so busy selling at their family's mall.

It's getting dark and there were few customers while others are just chatting with other members of the family.

The gnome is the photo bomber of a happy couple, MJ and Clark Jacob Pasolini.

MJ is having a good pose at a beautiful colonial village.

Clark Jacob Pasolini poses before the heritage village while a steamship is passing.

MJ and Clark Jacob owns a bakeshop and today, it is a busy day with a rush of customers hoping to get first the newest and hottest pastries the bakeshop has to offer.

Wow the pastries and other good are so delicious and bestseller that they run out of supply fast.

Same goes with this mall with nothing more to sell so they just chat with each other.

My The Sims 4 Images Part 24

Dylan is usually doing his job at the police station.

Dylan what are you doing? Are you sure you will be the one to inspect the girl?

In the middle of his job he is already sleepy?

The blue girl is talking to her mom about her first day in school experience which is just beside their posh house seen in the background.

Bardagol is ready for his first day in school.

This is the interior of the school.

Meanwhile, Mirti Jos is calibrating the X-ray machine to be used in an hour by his patient.

Mirti Jos completed the calibration.

Mirti Jos is now performing the X-ray on his patient to check any defects on its bones and nerves.

Next Mirti Jos did was to check his patient's ears.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Other Captivating Instagram Images Of Every Philippine Provinces Part 10

Click on the respective Instagram accounts link of the images owners right after the descriptive title. 



Capiz Shell Lamp - @immerseboutique

Capiz Church - @yeshfoodlover

Pan-ay Church - @thevoyager7482

Roxas City Church - @itsmerichvin

Roxas City Coast - @gandrud

Santa Monica Biggest Bell - @tamsquaredmod

Scallops - @sofiatancontreras


Bato Church, Bato - @camillebelison

Bote - @marylitam

Barangay Hiyop, Pandan - @joanstars

My The Sims 4 Images Part 23

Why is Xolani Unathi is so furious on the first day of work week. He encountered an enemy?

Xolani is profiling a criminal and is taking its fingerprints.

He is trying to check the suspect's body before the mugshots.

He is ready to do the mugshots.

The young girl is happy to tell her mother about her school performance which is just beside their house seen in the background.

The front view of the primary school

The back view of the young girl's school and I am trying to buy some more equipment for the school.

Front view of the school plus I am adding some more equipment or tools in school

Meanwhile, Xolani is so busy in his work doing something on the chemical analyzer

What do you think is Xolani's findings? Is his evidence enough to convict someone or put him or her behind bars?

Thursday, May 26, 2016

My The Sims 4 Images Part 22

Mirti Jos is analyzing a patient's sample to give him hints or ideas on the diagnosis of its illness.

This is the bakeshop I created and owned by J Huntington and MJ. What do you think?

This is the inside of the bakeshop they owned.

Aerial view of the bakeshop

Bakeshop slash Mall? Olivia has just purchase an expensive bed? Is it possible a child purchased a bed? hahaha

Hey a child has purchased an item and yet you still have customers waiting to checkout!

A gnome is the photobomber!

Investigating something in one of the houses!