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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Beauty Pageant's Question and Suggested Answer

Question: Many airports are now using full body scanners, how do you feel about going through a scanner that can actually see through your clothes?

(Question asked by British actress Jane Seymour to Miss Ukraine Anna Poslavskaya, Miss Universe 3rd runner up)

Suggested Answer: Body scanner used at airports, sea port, malls and other public places are meant to protect people from harm and to avert terrorism and other criminal acts like smuggling. Security and safety are the top priority of the scanners which are made for. It would be an intimidating feeling but you should be reminded that if it is for our safety, then it would be fine. Transparent scanners such as this is fine with me, for our goodness sake for as long as no malicious intent or purposes other than it is intended for be used for this scanner. Same gender of the same or contrasting sexuality shall be employed to do the job to ensure safety and comfort.