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Sunday, February 21, 2010

My Sims 3 Images Stories

The dying has his soul being taken from his body with his brother and the grim reaper as witness.The soul is taken by the grim reaper.
Lots of boggling thoughts of what they wanted during the party.
All the guests left the party already but not this hot chic who still haven't had enough of the night and pass out in one of the outdoor seats.
a gay couple is making out passionately while their family is watching tv.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

My Sims 3 Images and Stories Behind

See what kind of love the gays are doing, special and extraordinary!
The aerial view of my town, SunValley!
She is growing up well into a kind of lady she wants to be and fulfilling her dreams after pursuing a degree in college!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Winter Olympics 2010 Started With A Grim News

As the flames ignited to signal the start of Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, we are been chilled by the tragic death of a Georgian luger Nodar Kumaritashvili in a fatal crash during his practice at Whistler Sliding Center in Vancouver. We know how dangerous the sports is and extra safety and security should be at utmost importance before, during and after the conduct of the games. We are saddened by the death of this young and goodlooking young man, a promising athlete who has lots of dream cut short by his death. I hope this is a reminder for everyone. Rest in peace to you bro and hope you guide the athletes in the games.

Feed Your Mind


If two tomatoes are on the plate, which one is the cowboy?
Answer: None- both are redskins

Tongue Twister

Four fat friars frying fat fish.

Quotable Quotes

“Never hurry, take plenty of exercise, always be cheerful, take all the sleep you need, you may expect to be well.”

- James Freeman Clarke

“One ought every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture and, if possible, speak a few reasonable words.”
- Sidney Goff

“When I gave food to the poor, they called me a saint. When I asked why the poor were hungry, they called me a communist.”
- Dom H. Camara

“Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.”
- Bruce Jay Friedman

“Vice is a creature of such hideous mien…that the more you see it the better you like it.”
- Finley Peter Dunne

“Every hardship; every joy; every temptation is a challenge of the spirit; that the human soul may prove itself.”
- Elias A. Ford

Ripley's Believe It Or Not

Bites from the World’s Most Venomous Spiders will kill a human being less than 10% of the time.

A van stolen in 1974 was discovered on October 19, 2009, by customs officials in Los Angeles, California, USA.

When ferry service stopped in late 2009, the school children of Papa Westray in Scotland’s Orkney Islands were forced to take a 96-scecond air flight to school each day.

In 2009, The Museum of the History of Science in Florence, Italy was given two of Galileo Galilei’s fingers and a tooth, taken from the body in 1737 and missing since 1905.

In competitive anvil shooting, participants use black gunpowder to launch 100-pound-anvils into the air.

An uncovered outdoor parking space in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, was sold for $300,000 in June 2009!

Common Kingfisher can drive through thin ice to catch fish.

Born in 1927 in Cambridge, Massachussetts, USA, King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand is one of the world’s few foreign-born monarchs.

In Spring 2009, The Elephants of the Wildlife Safari Park in Winston, Oregon, USA, began washing cars as a fundraiser.

Some tubeworms living on the sea floor survive only on the byproducts of decomposing oil bubbling up from the earth.

Hair you go! When Paula Sunshine of Lawshall, Suffolk, England, decided to add an expansion to her 16th century home in 2009, she used hair from local hairdressers, her dogs and herself to reinforce the daubed walls.

Anyone for Calcio! Calcio Florentino, a 16th century Florence ball game for noblemen, is still played today with no timeouts and no substitutions. No kicking or sucker punches are the only rules.

“Aachi” Manorama, a veteran of India’s Tamil film industry has appeared in more than 1500 movies and 1000 stage performances.

Bracken cave, near San Antonio, Texas, USA, is home to 20 million bats, which feed on more than a hundred tons of insects each night.

Canada, Jamaica, Australia and 12 other United Kingdom commonwealth countries are officially owned by The Queen of England.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Quotable Quotes

“ They say that blood is thicker than water, maybe that’s why we battle our own with more energy and gusto than we would ever expend on strangers.”

- David Assael

“What I am actually saying is that we need to be willing to let our intuition guide us, and then be willing to follow that guidance directly and fearlessly.”
- Shakti Gawain

“What I am actually saying is that we need to be willing to let our intuition guide us, and then be willing to follow that guidance directly and fearlessly."
- Shakti Gawain

“Wisdom is ofttimes nearer when we stoop than when we soar”
- William Wordsworth

“The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.”
- William James

“You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you.”
- Eric Hoffer

“You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions.”
- Author Unknown

“A little learning is a dangerous thing, but a lot of ignorance is just as bad.”
- Bob Edwards

“Experience is the only prophecy of wise men.”
- Alphonse de Lamartine

Ripley's Believe It Or Not

In 1909, hundreds of people were arrested and put in jail in Spokane, Washington, USA before a city ordinance prohibiting speaking on city streets was rescinded.

In September 2009, a nurse in Norbotten, Sweden, caught fire when static electricity from a pushcart ignited alcohol disinfectant on her hands!

Diasan Shinso-Maru, a Japanese fishing trawler, capsized in 2009 when its net filled with dozens of Giant Nomura’s Jellyfish!

In South Korea, professional video game matches are the second most popular television spectator sport after soccer.

Nullarbor Links Golf Course runs through both Western and South Australia, with a distance of nearly 850 miles between the first and last hole.

Born with 3 legs, 4 arms and 2 heads, conjoined twins Ganga and Jamuna Mondal have lived in West Bengal, India for 40 years!

Technetium, an important element in a nuclear medicine, only exists on earth as a byproduct of atomic reactions!

The United States Constitution is both the oldest and the shortest written constitution in the world.

The Maldives’ President Mohamed Nasheed and his ministers donned scuba gear for a cabinet session held underwater on October 17, 2009.

Doctors removed 78 pieces of cutlery from the stomach of Margaret Daalman in Rotterham, Netherlands.

The US Bureau of Engraving and Printing has a mutilated currency division that determines the value of damaged paper money.

The 1899 Horsey Horseless car was designed by Uriah Smith of Battle Creek, Michigan, USA. With a wooden horse head on its front, in an effort to not frighten the real horses it shared the streets with.

Some corals begin to glow after suffering injury.

During the mid 19th century , 80% - 90% of the population of the Caribbean Islands were slaves.

On May 3, 1999, a single storm system caused $1.5 billion in damage when it spawned 74 tornadoes across the states of Kansas and Oklahoma, USA, damaging or destroying more than 8,000 homes.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Song lyrics

      This is one of my favorite songs these days. This is a love song about two uncommon but unique individuals who have been coupled with their odds clashed with their differences and complimented by their likeness and attraction. You can search youtube for the tunes of the song. It was also a theme song of the Filipino version of the hit Korea’s tv series Shining Inheritance.

I Will Take You Forever
Kris Lawrence feat. Denise Laurel

I was a man who always played around in love
So quick to take but so afraid to give enough
But now I’ve found the one
And heaven will only know
What only my eyes can say
And time can’t take away

I was a girl who trusted no one with my heart
And the dreams that young girls dream
Were just vanishing in the dark
But now I’ve found the one
And heaven will only know
What only my eyes can say
They say

That I will take you forever
And there will never be anyone else in my heart but you
And I will take you forever
And there will never be anyone else but you
Anyone else but you

Now my heart belongs to you
And I will always be your best friend
Now my secrets are safe with you
And the magic will never end
Now you are the one
And heaven will only know
What only our eyes can say
They say

That I will take you forever
And there will never be anyone else in my heart but you.
And I will take you forever
And there will never be anyone else but you
anyone else but you, anyone else but you.

You (you)..oohhh.
That I will take you forever
And there will never be anyone else in my heart but you.
Now I will take you forever
And there will never be anyone else but you
anyone else but you.
I will girl take you forever
By your side I won’t leave you never
I don’t need anyone else but you
And I will take you… ohhh…forever. Ohh…
I will (I will) take you forever.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Social Vibe: Help Protect The Endangered Animals For FREE

Help me with my cause in protecting the endangered animals under World Wildlife Fund by doing some fun activities on social vibe. Just click my social vibe widget on World Wildlife Fund on the left side of this blog and you can see that I have 18 points earned helping the charitable institution and complete the activities. You can sign up for your own charities to help after you completed the activities. Thanks for the support!

Asia's Wildlife Quiz

Where does the world’s largest butterfly live? Which mammal holds the record for gliding? What rainforest bird uses “cosmetics”? Explore the wildlife on this quiz.

1. The world’s largest salamander grows up to six feet long and is native to parts of Asia. Where is it found?

The mountains of northeastern, central and southern China. Go to 4.
On a few small, arid islands east of Bali. Go to 9.
2. Correct. The deadly king cobra, which is widely distributed through Southeast Asia, often grows to 12 feet long – the longest on record was 18 feet. It is also one of the few nest-building snakes. If you haven’t caught any red herrings, you’ll have followed the faster route through our quiz – only 18 steps (1-4-15-10-11-18-7-16-13-6-20-12-21-27-25-26-28-2).
3. Wrong. Found in Southeast Asia’s forests, the flying lemur has a broad fold of skin extending from the forelegs all the way to the tail. However, this membrane wasn’t enough to give the flying lemur the record. Flap back to 13 and try again.
4. Correct. The Chinese giant salamander is an amphibious creature resembling a lizard but with smooth, moist skin rather than scales. It feeds on small animals. Now slide on over to 15 for another discovery.
5. No. Though the reticulated python, found in Indonesia and the Philippines, is the world’s longest snake – regularly exceeding 20 ½ feet, according to The Guinness Book of Animal Records – it’s not venomous. Ssssssslither back to 28.
6. Correct. This two-foot-long animal, which is found in many parts of Asia, has a fold of skin connecting the forelegs to the hind legs, enabling it to glide for remarkable distances through the hillside forests it inhabits. According to The Guinness Book of Animal Records, the giant flying squirrel made the longest recorded glide of any mammal with a distance of 1476 feet. Leap over to 20.
7. Coral reefs stretching from the Maldives in the Indian Ocean to the Solomons in the South Pacific cover a quarter of the globe. This area is among the most biologically rich in the world; conservation experts call it the “rainforest of the sea” because a staggering diversity of sea life depends on the corals for housing, breeding grounds and food. But this stretch of reef is suffering massive destruction by a deadly enemy. What is it?
Starfish infestations. Go to 24.
Global warming. Go to 30.
Fishing practices. Go to 16.
8. No. The flying fox, distributed widely across the region, is a flapper rather than a glider, undertaking powered flight. With a maximum wingspan of 5 ½ feet, it is actually the world’s largest bat. It is also known as the fruit bat. But for the gliding distance record, try another mammal. Back to 13.
9. Wrong. That’s where the Komodo dragon lives. A huge lizard first discovered in 1912, it typically grows up to ten feet long and weighs around 300 pounds. It feeds on such animals as deer and pigs, and has even attacked humans. Flee to 4 to find the salamander.
10. You’re right! Fly down to 11.
11. In the early 1900s, butterfly fanciers were startled to hear that a previously unknown specimen had been found in New Guinea. What was it?
Queen Alexandra’s birdwing. Go to 18.
Queen Carola bird of paradise. Go to 23.
12. Correct. Although the pale blue gray baiji, with its long, narrow beak, is officially a protected species, its numbers have plummeted because of pollution, overfishing, collisions with boats and injury by fishing hooks. During the past five years, biologists have tried to capture baiji for breeding programs, but have caught just one – which has since died. A survey of a 430-mile stretch of the Yangtze in 1995 located just five baiji, and the total population is believed to number fewer than 100. Head to 21.
13. What mammal holds the record for the longest unassisted glide?
Giant flying squirrel. Go to 6.
Flying fox. Go to 8.
Flying lemur. Go to 3.
14. Wrong! Back to 15.
15. The great hornbill, a large black and white bird that lives in Asia’s rainforests, has been said to use “cosmetics”. This is because:
It stains its head feathers and huge curved bill with the purple and red juices of fig and palm fruits. Go to 17.
It paints its bill, casque, head and wings with a yellow oil from a gland at the base of its tail. Go to 10.
It forages for food in the grass, which stains its bill green. Go to 14.
16. Sadly, true. Fishing practices have severely damaged corals. Since nets snag and tear on coral, and using lines with baited hooks is time-consuming and difficult, fishermen in many parts of Southeast Asia have adopted two ways of stunning fish. One is dynamite fishing, but even more widespread, especially in the Philippines and Indonesia, is cyanide fishing. Typically, divers squirt into the water cyanide solutions that stun the big reef fish popular with affluent diners in places like Hong Kong but kill corals and smaller marine life. Swim upstream to 13.
17. Sorry. Back to 15.
18. Correct. This brilliantly colored creature is the world’s largest butterfly, with a wingspan of up to 11 inches. Its survival is threatened by deforestation, but its fortunes have recently been boosted by schemes to “farm” the birdwings for sale to international collectors. Flit over to 7.
19. Wrong. One of the world’s smallest primates, at just four to six inches long, the Philippine tarsier is quite common. With large, google-like eyes, it is unique to the Philippines. Go to 26 for the right answer.
20. Of the 40 or so kinds of dolphins in the world, one Asian species looks destined to become the first known to be wiped out. Which is it?
The Irrawaddy dolphin. Go to 22.
The Chinese white dolphin of the Pearl River mouth in and near Hong Kong. Go to 31.
The baiji of the Yangtze River. Go to 12.
21. What long-snouted creature has been described as the “the grotesquehonker of the Bornean swamps”?
The tapir. Go to 29.
The proboscis monkey. Go to 27.
22. No, this gray to slate-blue, beakless dolphin – which ranges from the east coast of India, through Indo China, Malaysia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea to northern Australia – is thought declining. But with over 1000 known Irrawaddy dolphins, this species is in good shape compared to the bai… OOPS! Take your clue back to 20.
23. No. Though the name “bird of paradise” refers to an African flower and a New Guinean bird, it does not refer to a butterfly. Look to 18 for the answer.
24. Wrong. Australia’s Great Barrier Reef has suffered extensive damage from infestations of Crown of Thorns starfish, which feed on living coral. But starfish have had relatively little impact elsewhere. Back to 7.
25. Which Philippine species was believed to be extinct until it was rediscovered in February 1992?
The Philippine tarsier. Go to 19.
The Cebu flowerpecker. Go to 26.
26. Correct. This tiny bird – one of the 170 bird species that are unique to the Philippines – was discovered in 1906 and described as “rare and strictly confined to forest.” Deforestation of country including Cebu and Panay was severe over the next few decades, and an ornithologist who surveyed the island in the 1950s concluded the flowerpecker was extinct. It was rediscovered in 1992, living in less than one square mile of forest. It is regarded as critically endangered. On to 28.
27. Right on the nose! This large monkey has a nose that can grow to seven inches long. Zoologists are puzzled about the nose’s function, but it has been suggested that it amplifies the male’s long drawn out honking call. Swing over to 25.
28. What’s the world’s longest venomous snake?
The king cobra. Go to 2.
The reticulated python of Southeast Asia. Go to 5.
29. A large, hoofed, hog-like mammal with a long flexible snout, the tapir sounds like a good candidate for this title but unfortunately it’s the wrong answer. First, it lives in forests, not swamps; second, its home in Asia is peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra, not Borneo; and third, it doesn’t honk. Back to 21.
30. No. Corals are sensitive to even small temperature changes – bleaching and eventually dying if the water is too warm – and the World Wide Fund for Nature is concerned corals worldwide could one day suffer due to global warming. However, Asia’s corals face an even deadlier problem at the moment. Go back to 7 and try again.
31. No. This dolphin, which is slightly pink in color and also known as the Indo-Pacific hump-backed dolphin, is scarce, but with an estimated population of between 100 and 200, it is less threatened than its cousin further north… but enough clues already! Leap back to 20.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

2010 Poll Automation in the Philippines: Will It Be Free From Sabotage and Dishonest Election

         In a country where Politics is business and a source of income, corruption is at worse and is a common activity in the Philippines from the national post to the lowest community position. People of all ages still consider corruption as their main concern. Every election, cheating is a politician way of getting into service thereby pocketing millions of people’s money. This 2010 election, automation of polls will be conducted for the first time in the country to ensure a clean and honest election and to accelerate the speed of the election result. But no matter how noble the intention of poll automation is, several individuals or groups are trying to demolish the reputation of it so as to force the Commission on Election, the poll governing body, to reverse to the primitive way of voting and counting of election returns. From politicians to the clergies to the leftist group to the media outfits and broadsheet columnist are trying to sabotage the automation and recommend to return back to manual elections vulnerable and susceptible to cheating favorable to the politicians whom they are patronizing and who bribed them.

         Several mechanisms, tactics and strategies have been employed by the desperate people to sow their selfish interests and motives in this hopeless country of opportunistic and ignorant citizens. One of the newer methods of sabotaging the automated election is the use of signal jammers to avert or thwart the transmission of data and information and in this case, transmission of election results to the provincial and national tabulating board – another ploy to destroy the reputation of automated election and shift back to manual elections. Would there be any good things that will happen in this country?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Help End World Hunger By Answering Questions for FREE

Help end to world hunger and donate rice to World Food Programme by the UNICEF... visit freerice.com and answer the questions in categories of your interest and you can donate rice to the starving world!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Please Help Haiti

The aftermath of the earthquake call us to attention to Haiti, the impoverished nation that really needs our help. Let us join hands and lend them our hands to uplift their lives and start anew again.

Hit Songs In My Birth Year

• "Agadoo" - Black Lace

• "Against All Odds" - Phil Collins
• "All Cried Out" - Alison Moyet
• "All Through the Night" - Cyndi Lauper
• "An Innocent Man" - Billy Joel
• "Automatic" - The Pointer Sisters
• "Back for more" - Ratt
• "Be My Number Two" - Joe Jackson
• "Better Be Good To Me" - Tina Turner
• "Big City Nights" - The Scorpions
• "Big In Japan" - Alphaville
• "Borderline" - Madonna
• "Born In The U.S.A." - Bruce Springsteen
• "Blue Jean" - David Bowie
• "Breakdance" - Irene Cara
• "Breakin'... There's No Stoppin' Us" - Ollie & Jerry
• "Break My Stride" - Matthew Wilder
• "Careless Whisper" - Wham!
• "Caribbean Queen (No More Love On the Run)" - Billy Ocean
• "Centipede" - Rebbie Jackson
• "Cherry Oh Baby" - UB40
• "Cover Me" - Bruce Springsteen
• "Crazy" - Kenny Rogers
• "Cruel Summer" - Bananarama
• "Cry and Be Free" - Marilyn
• "Dance Hall Days" - Wang Chung
• "Dance Me Up" - Gary Glitter
• "Dancing in the Dark" - Bruce Springsteen
• "Dancing With Tears In My Eyes" - Ultravox
• "Distant Early Warning" - Rush
• "Dr. Beat" - Miami Sound Machine
• "Doctor! Doctor!" - Thompson Twins
• "Don't Blame It On Love" - Shakatak
• "Don't Tell Me" - Blancmange
• "Down On The Street" - Shakatak
• "Drive" - The Cars
• "Easy Lover" - Phillip Bailey duet with Phil Collins

• "Eyes Without a Face" - Billy Idol
• "Femme libérée" - Cookie Dingler
• "Flame Trees" - Cold Chisel
• "Flesh For Fantasy" - Billy Idol
• "Footloose" - Kenny Loggins
• "For Whom the Bell Tolls" - Metallica
• "Forest Fire" - Lloyd Cole and the Commotions
• "Forever Young" - Alphaville
• "Freedom" - Wham!
• "Girls Just Want To Have Fun" - Cyndi Lauper
• "Ghostbusters" - Ray Parker, Jr.
• "God Bless the USA" - Lee Greenwood
• "Half A Boy Half A Man" - Nick Lowe
• "Hammer to Fall" - Queen
• "Heart From The Start" - Classix Nouveaux
• "Heaven's On Fire" - Kiss
• "Hello" - Lionel Richie
• "Here Comes the Rain Again" - Eurythmics
• "High on Emotion" - Chris De Burgh
• "Heaven (Must Be There)" - Eurogliders #1 (a)
• "Hold Me Now" - Thompson Twins
• "Hold On To Love" - Gary Moore
• "Hot Water" - Level 42
• "Human Touch" - Rick Springfield
• "I Feel for You"" - Chaka Khan
• "I Just Called To Say I Love You" - Stevie Wonder
• "I Scare Myself" - Thomas Dolby
• "I Want A New Drug" Huey Lewis and the News
• "I Want to Break Free" - Queen
• "I Want To Know What Love Is" - Foreigner
• "I Won't Let The Sun Go Down On Me" - Nik Kershaw
• "Infatuation" - Rod Stewart
• "Invisible" - Alison Moyet
• "If This Is It" - Huey Lewis and the News
• "I'll Wait" - Van Halen
• "It's A Hard Life" - Queen
• "It's a Miracle" - Culture Club
• "Joanna" - Kool & the Gang
• "Jokerman" - Bob Dylan
• "Jump" - Van Halen
• "Jump (For My love)" - The Pointer Sisters
• "Kalimba De Luna" - Dalida
• "Karma Chameleon" - Culture Club
• "L'Innamorata" - Dalida
• "Let's Go Crazy" - Prince and the Revolution
• "Let's Hear It for the Boy" - Deniece Williams
• "Like a Virgin" -Madonna
• "Lights Out" - Peter Wolf
• "Locomotion" - OMD
• "Love Somebody" - Rick Springfield
• "Lovergirl - Teena Marie
• "Lucky Star" - Madonna
• "Madam Butterfly" - Malcolm McLaren
• "Magic" - The Cars
• "Master and Servant" - Depeche Mode
• "Message To My Girl" - Neil Finn and Split Enz
• "Michael Caine" - Madness
• "Missing You" - John Waite
• "Missing You" - Diana Ross
• "Miss Me Blind"- Culture Club
• "Mistake No. 3" - Culture Club
• "My Ever Changing Moods" - The Style Council
• "No Mercy" - The Stranglers
• "No More Lonely Nights" - Paul McCartney
• "Oh Sherrie" - Steve Perry
• "One Love/People Get Ready" - Bob Marley & The Wailers
• "One Night In Bangkok" - Murray Head
• "Original Sin" - INXS
• "Out Of Touch" - Hall & Oates
• "Panama" - Van Halen
*"Pearl In The Shell" - Howard Jones
• "Pearly Dewdrops' Drops" - Cocteau Twins
• "Penny Lover" - Lionel Richie
• "People Are People" - Depeche Mode
• "Perfect Skin" - Lloyd Cole and the Commotions
• "Pour te dire je t'aime" - Dalida
• "Pride (In The Name Of Love)" - U2
• "Purple Rain" - Prince and the Revolution
• "Radio Ga Ga" - Queen
• "Rattlesnakes" - Lloyd Cole and the Commotions
• "Read 'Em and Weep" - Barry Manilow
• "Relax" - Frankie Goes to Hollywood
• "Robert De Niro's Waiting..." - Bananarama
• "Rock You Like a Hurricane" - The Scorpions
• "Round and Round" - Ratt
• "Run Runaway" - Slade
• "Runaway" - Bon Jovi
• "Run To You" - Bryan Adams
• "Running with the Night" - Lionel Richie
• "Saturday Night" - Cold Chisel
• "Self Control" - Laura Branigan
• "Seven Seas" - Echo & the Bunnymen
• "Sexcrime (Nineteen Eighty-Four)" - Eurythmics
• "She Bop" - Cyndi Lauper
• "She Was Hot" - The Rolling Stones
• "Shout" - Tears for Fears
• "Shout To The Top" - The Style Council
• "Silver" - Echo & the Bunnymen
• "Skin Deep" - Stranglers
• "Soul Kind Of Feeling" - Dynamic Hepnotics
• "Smalltown Boy" - Bronski Beat
• "Smooth Operator" - Sade
• "So Tired" - Ozzy Osbourne
• "Soleil" - Dalida
• "Somebody's Watching Me" - Rockwell
• "Some Guys Have All The Luck" - Rod Stewart
• "Sounds Like A Melody" - Alphaville
• "Standing In The Shadows" - Whitesnake
*"Strut" - Sheena Easton
• "Stuck on You" - Lionel Richie, Trevor Walters
• "Sugar Walls"- Sheena Easton
• "Sunglasses at Night" - Corey Hart
• "That's All" - Genesis
• "The Killing Moon" - Echo & the Bunnymen
• "The Heart of Rock and Roll" - Huey Lewis and the News

• "The Longest Time" - Billy Joel
• "The Lucky One" - Laura Branigan
• "The More You Live The More You Love" - A Flock of Seagulls
• "The Never Ending Story" - Limahl
"The Power of Love" - Frankie Goes to Hollywood
"The Reflex" - Duran Duran
"The Riddle" - Nik Kershaw
"The War Song" - Culture Club
"The Wild Boys" - Duran Duran
"Thieves Like Us - New Order
"Thin Line Between Love and Hate" - The Pretenders
"Thriller" - Michael Jackson
"Ti Amo" - Laura Branigan
"Time After Time" - Cyndi Lauper
"Tinseltown In The Rain" - The Blue Nile
"To All the Girls I've Loved Before" - Julio Iglesias and Willie Nelson
"To France" - Mike Oldfield
"Together In Electric Dreams" - Philip Oakey & Giorgio Moroder
"Torture" - The Jacksons
"TV Dinners" - ZZ Top
"Twist of Fate" - Olivia Newton-John
"Two Tribes" - Frankie Goes to Hollywood
"Up On The Catwalk" - Simple Minds
"Very Personal" - Ian Dury
"Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" - Wham!
"We Belong" - Pat Benatar
"We Rock" - Dio
"We're Not Gonna Take It" - Twisted Sister
"What About Me?" - Kenny Rogers, Kim Carnes and James Ingram
"What Difference Does It Make" - The Smiths
"What's Love Got to Do with It" - Tina Turner
"When Am I Gonna Make a Living" - Sade
"When Doves Cry" - Prince
"When Love Breaks Down" - Prefab Sprout
"Where the Rose Is Sown" - Big Country
"Whisper To A Scream (Birds Fly)" - Icicle Works
"White Lines (Don't Don't Do It)" - Grandmaster Flash and The Furious Five (released in 1983)
"William It Was Really Nothing" - The Smiths
"Wood Beez" - Scritti Politti
"Wouldn't It Be Good" - Nik Kershaw
"You Don't Love Me" - Marilyn
"You Might Think" - The Cars
"You Think You're a Man" - Divine
"You're the Best Thing" - The Style Council
"Young at Heart" - The Bluebells
"Your Love Is King" - Sade

Bands Disbanded in my Birth Year

• Altered Images

• The Animals (they reunite in 1999)
• Any Trouble
• Brotherhood Of Man (they reunite in 1986)
• Cold Chisel (they reunite in 1998 and 2003)
• Crass
• Earth, Wind & Fire (they reunite in 1987)
• Foghat
• Gang of Four
• King Crimson (they reunite in 1994)
• Mission of Burma
• Naked Eyes
• Orange Juice
• The Raincoats
• Poco
• Rainbow (they reunite in 1995)
• Soft Cell (they reunite in 2001)
• Status Quo (they reunite the following year for Live Aid and stay together)
• The Stray Cats (they reunite in 1986, then periodically over the years)
• Styx (they reunite in 1995)
• Tommy Tutone

Friday, January 29, 2010

Major Events in Music Industry During My Birth Year

January 21 - "Relax" by Frankie Goes to Hollywood reaches number one in the UK singles chart; it spends a total of forty-two weeks in the Top 40.
January 27 - Michael Jackson's scalp is burned during the filming of a Pepsi commercial and he remains calm as he is admitted to a hospital. Around this time, Jackson also releases the title track from his Thriller album as the LP's final single.
February 14 - Elton John marries studio engineer Renate Blauel. Also Joe Perry and Brad Whitford attend an Aerosmith concert and re-join the band, embarking on their reunion tour "Back In The Saddle" later in the year.
February 16 - Jerry Lee Lewis surrenders to federal authorities on charges of income tax evasion. Lewis is later acquitted.
February 28 - Recovering from the scalp burns sustained a month earlier, Michael Jackson wins eight Grammy Awards out of twelve nominations, breaking the record for the most Grammys won in a single year. He wins seven for the critically acclaimed album Thriller and the other for a song featured in the movie E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.
March 1 - Sting plays his last concerts with The Police at the end of the Synchronicity tour; the band takes a "pause" after the tour and only play a few special events together after this, until 2007, when they would organize a reunion tour.
March - Alice Cooper, who has not toured for his last two albums, parts ways with his longtime label Warner Bros. and goes on hiatus from the music industry. Cooper begins mulling over plans for a comeback, which he would carry out in 1986.
April 1 - In Los Angeles, California, Marvin Gaye is shot and killed during an argument with his father.
May 1 - Mick Fleetwood, of Fleetwood Mac, files for bankruptcy in the United States.
May 2 - Lionel Richie's hit "Hello" becomes Motown's first ever UK million selling single.
May 5 - The Pretenders singer Chrissie Hynde marries Simple Minds singer Jim Kerr. Meanwhile, in Luxembourg, the Eurovision Song Contest 1984 is won by the Swedish entry, Diggi-Loo Diggi-Ley by the Herreys.
June 8 - Billy Joel performs a concert at Wembley Arena that is soon broadcast on BBC Television in two parts.
June 16-August 11 - Frankie Goes to Hollywood spend nine weeks at the top of the UK singles chart with "Two Tribes".
June 18 - The climax of a Judas Priest concert at Madison Square Garden goes awry when fans begin ripping out the cushions from the seats and throwing them on stage. Judas Priest will pay damages through insurance and be banned from MSG for life over the incident.
July 1 - During his performance at the first ever Cornerstone Festival in Grayslake, Illinois, Steve Taylor jumps off the stage, breaking his ankle. Taylor hops back on stage and finishes his show. The next few shows on Taylor's tour were performed from a wheel chair.
July 10 - The last original member of Menudo, Ricky Meléndez, leaves the group and is replaced by Ricky Martin. Meanwhile, Menudomania reaches Asia in 1984.
July 14 - Eddie Van Halen makes a special guest appearance at a concert by The Jacksons in Dallas, Texas, playing the guitar solo for "Beat It" live.
August 9 - Iron Maiden kicks off their World Slavery Tour in Warsaw, Poland, with shows in Hungary and Yugoslavia soon to follow. This marks the first time a Western band has ever brought a full concert production behind the Iron Curtain.
August 27 - British band Depeche Mode releases their 4th album Some Great Reward. The first single People Are People is the first big Depeche Mode hit in the USA.
August 31 - Canadian music video channel MuchMusic debuts. The first video played is Rush's "The Enemy Within".
September 2 - Van Halen concludes its 1984 world tour with a show in Nuremberg, Germany as part of the Monsters of Rock festival tour. This would be the band's last concert with David Lee Roth as lead singer until 2007.
September 7 - Janet Jackson elopes with fellow singer James DeBarge. The marriage would be annulled in 1985.
September 11 - Country singer Barbara Mandrell suffers serious injuries in a head-on automobile collision on a Tennessee highway. She will make a comeback after spending over a year rehabilitating.
September 14 - The first annual MTV Video Music Awards are held in New York City. Herbie Hancock wins the most awards with five, and The Cars take the highest prize of Video Of The Year for "You Might Think". However, much attention is garnered by Madonna for her controversial performance of her hit single "Like a Virgin" in which she rolls around on the stage, revealing lacy stockings and garters, and grinds her crotch against her veil.
September 21 - The first Compact Disc manufacturing plant in North America opens in Terre Haute, Indiana. CDs have previously had to be imported from Japan. Bruce Springsteen's Born in the U.S.A. is designated as the first CD ever made in the United States.
October 1 - The Jesus and Mary Chain release their first single, "Upside Down".
October 19 - A-Ha's career begins with the release of the "Take On Me" single in the UK.
October 27 - Turner Broadcasting System launches Cable Music Channel, a music video channel intended to compete directly with MTV. The first video played is "I Love L.A." by Randy Newman. The channel would only last 34 days.
November 20 - Michael Jackson receives a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame directly in front of Mann's Chinese Theater. Jackson leaves after only three minutes at the request of security, as the crush of 5,000 onlookers becomes a safety concern.
December 1 - Frankie Goes to Hollywood become the first act to take their first three singles to the UK #1 position since Gerry & The Pacemakers in 1963, when "The Power of Love" tops the chart.
December 3 - Bob Geldof and Band Aid release the single "Do They Know It's Christmas".
December 8 - Mötley Crüe member Vince Neil is involved in a serious car accident. He is drunk at the time, and Razzle (Nicholas Dingley) of Hanoi Rocks is killed in the accident.
December 9 - The Jacksons conclude their Victory Tour with the last of six concerts at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles. The tour, which consisted of 55 shows over five months, has reportedly grossed $75 million, a new industry record.
December - Tipper Gore forms the Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC) in response to the "filth" she hears on her daughter's Prince album Purple Rain.
December 31 - Def Leppard's drummer Rick Allen loses his left arm in a car wreck.
* UK singles sales this year are the second highest ever, after 1978.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Films In My Birth Year

Top grossing films (U.S.)

Rank                Title                 Studio             Gross

1.                        Beverly Hills Cop                   Paramount                  $234,760,478
2.                        Ghostbusters                           Columbia                    $229,242,989
3.    Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom       Paramount                  $179,870,271
4.                          Gremlins                           Warner Brothers             $148,168,459
5.                      The Karate Kid                         Columbia                   $90,815,558
6.                     Police Academy                    Warner Brothers             $81,198,894
7.                         Footloose                              Paramount                  $80,035,402
8.                 Romancing the Stone                 20th Century Fox            $76,572,238
9.        Star Trek III: The Search for Spock         Paramount                 $76,471,046
10.                    Purple Rain                           Warner Brothers             $68,392,977

Some Notable Films In The Year

• 1984
• 2010
• Aaj Ki Awaaz
• Amadeus - Academy and Golden Globe (drama) Awards for Best Picture
• The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai
• Alley Cat
• All of Me
• Annie's Coming Out
• Angel
• Bachelor Party
• The Bay Boy - 1985 Genie Award for Best Canadian Motion Picture.
• Beat Street
• Before Stonewall
• Best Defense
*Beverly Hills Cop
• Birdy
• Blind Date
• Blood Simple
• Body Double
• Bolero
• Breakin
• Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo
• The Bostonians
• Broadway Danny Rose
• Cannibal Holocaust
• Cannonball Run II
• Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure
• Children of the Corn
• Choose Me
• C.H.U.D.
• City Heat
• Cloak & Dagger
• The Company of Wolves, directed by Neil Jordan
• The Coolangatta Gold
• The Cotton Club
• Country
• La diagonale du fou, (Dangerous Moves) - Academy Award for Foreign Language Film
• Dune
• Electric Dreams
• Exterminator 2
• Eureka, directed by Nicolas Roeg
• Falling in Love, with Robert De Niro and Meryl Streep
• Fear City
• Finders Keepers
• Firestarter
• The Flamingo Kid
• Flashpoint
• Footloose
• Frankenweenie
• Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter
• The Funeral aka Death Japanese Style
• Ghostbusters
• Give My Regards To Broad Street
• Gremlins
• Greystoke - The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes starring Sir Ralph Richardson in his final role.
• The Hotel New Hampshire
• Irreconcilable Differences
• Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

• The Jesse Owens Story
• Just the Way You Are
• The Karate Kid
• The Killing Fields - British Academy Award for Best Film
• The Last Starfighter
• The Lonely Guy
• Love Streams - Golden Bear award winner
• Making the Grade
• Maria’s Lovers
• Micki + Maude
*Mike's Murder
• Missing In Action
• Monster Dog
• Monster Shark
*Moscow on the Hudson
• Mrs. Soffel
• The Muppets Take Manhattan
• The Naked Face
• National Lampoon's Joy of Sex
• The Natural
• Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
• The NeverEnding Story (Die Unendliche Geschichte)
• The Ninja Mission
• A Nightmare on Elm Street
• Night of the Comet
• Old Enough, Sundance Grand Jury Prize
• Once Upon A Time In America
• Paris, Texas - Palme d'Or winner
• A Passage to India - Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Film
• The Philadelphia Experiment
• Places in the Heart
• Police Academy
• The Pope of Greenwich Village
*A Private Function
• Purple Rain
• Reckless
• Red Dawn
*Repo Man
• The Return of Godzilla (also known as "Godzilla 1985")
• Revenge of the Nerds
• Rhinestone
• The River
• Roadhouse 66
• Romancing the Stone - Golden Globe Award for Best Picture (Musical or Comedy)
• Runaway
• Sheena
• Sixteen Candles
• Slapstick of Another Kind, starring Jerry Lewis
• A Soldier's Story
• Splash
• Starman
• Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
• Stranger Than Paradise
*Streets of Fire
*A Sunday in the Country
• Supergirl
*Swing Shift
• Tank
• The Terminator
• Terror in the Aisles
• Thief of Hearts
• This Is Spinal Tap
• Top Secret!
• Under the Volcano
• Ultraman Story
• Ultraman Zoffy: Ultra Warriors vs. the Giant Monster Army
• The Warrior and the Sorceress
• Where the Boys Are '84
• Where The Toys Come From
• The Year of the Quiet Sun (Rok spokojnego slonca) - Golden Lion winner

Monday, January 25, 2010

Watch the Dinagyang Festival 2010 In Youtube

 Watch the highlights of the Dinagyang Festival 2010 as different tribes compete for the ultimate supremacy of being the Champion of Champions. Watch the different tribes in Youtube.