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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Miss Earth 2010: My Favorites For The Earthly Throne Part 4/5

Warming Up

16. Vietnam - Luu Thi Diem Huong

17. Canada - Summer Anne Ross

18. South Africa - Nondyebo Dzingwa

19. Ireland - Alesha Gallen

20. England - Sandra Marie Lees

Miss Earth 2010: My Favorites For The Earthly Throne Part 5/5

Warming Up

21. Philippines - Kris Psyche Resus

22. Curacao - Norayla Francisco

23. Mexico - Claudia Lopez Mollinedo

24. Thailand - Watsoporn Wattanakoon

25. Luxembourg - Laureta Bardoniqi

Featured Saint

The Patron Saint of Losers

       As we continue our travel and incessant survey of world affairs we came across the patron saint of losers, a true-to-life personage from Britain’s early history but very apropos to our times.
In the year 664, in Britain, an abbot stepped down from the powerful position of bishop after his predecessor, who was missing and feared dead, suddenly turned up alive and well. St. Chad became the patron saint of good losers.
       Even if modern citizens have little or no idea who he was, St. Chad’s name is everywhere in Chad’s name is everywhere in Britain – Chadbrook, Chadbury, Chadshurst, Chadsmoor, Chadstone, Chadwell, Chad Valley. In Birmingham and the surrounding countryside, over 30 ancient churches, and many more Victorian and modern ones, are dedicated to his memory.
       St. Chad was profoundly ascetic; radiating humility and self-abasement that characterize would be saints. He was ordained in 653, at probably no younger than the canonical age of 30. He learned Latin; he could recite some at least of the Gospels and the Psalms by heart, and studied arithmetic and astronomy. He was sent to an unknown monastery in Ireland to study for priesthood and was ordained there. On his return he got involved in a controversy which overshadowed the whole life of the English Church at the time. The issue, hotly disputed then as in modern Orthodoxy, was the Church calendar: should they follow the Celtic way of calculating Easter, or that lay down by the Council of Nicaea and followed by the rest of the Church at this time, including, of course, Rome.
       A leading protagonist in the controversy was Wilfrid. Early in 664, Wilfrid decided that the matter of the date of Easter would have to be resolved. He summoned a synod in Whitby, and persuaded them to accept the universal date. The area was struck by the plague; several of the monks caught it. In the same year Wilfrid was appointed Bishop of York, and went for this consecration in Paris. He did not come back to his new diocese for two years. Meanwhile, it was not strange that the King of Northumbria, Oswy, should have despaired of the new bishop’s return and decided to look for another.  Knowing the holy Abbot of Lastingham, he believed him to be an ideal choice. St. Chad was reluctant to take on such a responsibility and felt himself unworthy, but was persuaded under obedience. St. Chad immediately devoted himself to maintain the truths of the Church, and set himself to practice humility and chastity and to study. He was a holy man, modest in his ways, learned in the Scriptures, and one who was careful to practice all that he found in them.
        In 666, Wilfrid returned from Paris to discover that Chad had been ordained to his own diocese in his absence, and he was not pleased. However, nothing was done until 669, when Theodore of Tarsus, by then Archbishop of Canterbury, took the matter up. Theodore summoned Chad and pointed out three serious flaws in his ordination as bishop. Two of the bishops were out of communion with the Church; the one canonical bishop who had taken part had been charged with simony; and finally Chad had been consecrated to a See that was in fact not vacant since Wilfrid had already been appointed and ordained. Chad’s response in the face of Episcopal ordination is reminiscent of that of St. Gregory the Theologian, St. John Chrysostom, and many others. He replied that he had never felt himself worthy of ordination and he was more than happy to return to Lastingham as a simple monk. So impressed was Archbishop Theodore by Chad’s saintly humility that he offered to ordain him canonically to the episcopacy (perhaps he had this idea in mind from the start). This was done, but Chad insisted that he would surrender the diocese of York to Wilfrid.
         In 672, the plaque which had brought death to Chad’s brothers now caught up with Chad himself. A lovely description of his death: Seven days before the Abbot’s death, his friend and disciple heard the sound of sweet and joyful singing coming down from heaven to earth. As the friend stood astonished, wondering what this might portend, he was summoned into the oratory by Chad, who told him to bring the other seven Brothers. Having urged them all to live in the peaceful and loving spirit of the monastic life, he told them that he would soon be summoned out of this world. Chad then told the friend in secret, in answer to his question, that the voices were those of angels who would come in seven days to take him away to the heavenly reward “that I have always hoped and longed for”. In seven days one may rightly believe he was taken by the angels to the joys of heaven.
         Since in many controversies the protagonists both claim righteousness and the grace of God, here is one prayer that can prepare the loser to accept his fate. Prayer on the Feast of Saint Chad –
“Almighty God, whose servant Chad, for the peace of the Church, relinquished cheerfully the honors that had been thrust upon him, only to be rewarded with equal responsibility: keep us, we pray Thee, from thinking of ourselves more highly than we ought to think, and ready at all times to step aside for others, that the cause of Christ may be advanced and thy blessed kingdom enlarged; in the name of Him who washed his disciples’ feet, Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, one God now and ever, and unto ages of ages." Amen.

Can You Identify These Biblical Fathers?

    How many of the biblical fathers (biological and adoptive) described below can you identify? Match the description of the father to the letter below of the correct person described. Answer will be revealed in the next article post

1. His son was a military genius who became a great leader and successor to Moses (Deut. 1:37)
2. He was literally left speechless when an angel told him he would become a father (Luke 1: 18-32)
3. A man whose greediness shows most clearly in his dealings with his son-in-law (Gen. 31: 1-16)
4. Gold told this man to go ahead with wedding plans even though his intended bride was already pregnant (Matt. 1: 18-25).
5. His son had many adventures before he was able to save his entire family from starvation (Gen. 45: 4-28)
6. Although a great patriarch, he is most honored for his steadfast faith in God (Heb. 11: 8-12).
7. Although he was a wise and able king, quarreling among his sons brought him much unhappiness (1 Kings 11, 12)
8. This unhappy king feared that his song’s best friend was trying to usurp his throne (1 Sam. 18: 1-16).
9. Despite a great accomplishment under God’s direction, his discovery of fermentation brought embarrassment to his sons (Gen. 9: 20-22)
10. Sibling rivalry brought much sadness to this father of twin boys (Gen. 25: 21-23 and 27:33).
11. The fact that this father’s beloved daughter lived to become a teenager was truly a miracle (Luke 8: 41, 55)
12. Although a bachelor , he was a spiritual father to one of his young assistants (1 Tim. 1: 18)

h. NUN

Saturday, November 27, 2010

A Church Music Master's Exam

Do you know the answers? Sing it out!

     It’s tempting to think we’re the first Catholics to face startling changes in liturgical music, but we aren’t. The 2nd Vatican Council (1962-1965) altered what had become the norm since the Council of Trent (1545-1563), but the Church’s tradition in music stretches back much further than the 16th century. How much do you know about that tradition? Start with No. 1 and follow the directions.

1. Christian music finds its roots in Judaism. The Old Testament talks of three kinds of ancient instruments one, the shofar, is still sued in synagogues today. What is a shofar made of?
a. Clay. (Go to 27)
b. A ram’s horn. (Head for 40)

2. Scripture scholars say Levite is a broader term than priest. Some Levites were what we would call sacristans, some collected tithes, some sang. Now move to 17.

3. The last century of the Middle Ages – the 15th – is notable for the development of what kind of music at Mass?
a. Organ. (Go to 11)
b. Orchestral. (Move to 41)

4. No. Return to 12.

5. In addition to horns and flutes, the Israelites used a third instrument. It’s one we often associate with David. What is it?
a. Lyre (Go to 35)
b. Harp (Move to 37)

6. Over time, after the building of the Temple, smaller houses of worship – synagogues – were established, and particular prayers were said and sung at particular times of the day. Early Christians followed the same practice. Today, Catholics call this set of prayers what?
a. Vespers. (Head for 16)
b. Liturgy of the Hours. (Go to 26)

7. A spinet in the Sinai? No. Return to 34.

8. In the latter part of the 14th century, religious musical composition was dominated by an organist from Florence. Francesco Landini might be called a “medieval Ray Charles” because:
a. He was blind. (Head for 15)
b. He wrote the first jazz Mass. (Go to 33)

9. During the Middle Ages, the chief form of liturgical music was monody – a single, unaccompanied melodic line. It’s more popularly known as what?
a. Gregorian chant. (Head for 14)
b. Plainsong. (Go to 32)

10. Yes, the Psalter- the Book of Psalms – is a collection of lyrics. It was the basis for musical liturgy that was performed by large choirs and huge orchestras of harps and lyres. Now head for 31.

11. Yes and it remained a liturgical favorite for centuries. Now head for 43.

12. It could be argued that despite the fact there were schools where chant was taught and cathedrals and monasteries known for their choirs, religious music didn’t really begin to flourish until Guido d’Arezzo.
a. The pipe organ. (Go to 4)
b. A way to write music. (Move to 21)

13. Yes. Musical instruments were associated with pagan rites. The Old Testament descriptions of Temple worship with instruments were interpreted as allegorical – merely symbolic rather than, for example, actual cymbals. Now head for 24.

14. Both answers are correct. Gregorian chant is named for Pope St. Gregory the Great (c. 540-604), who, it appears, compiled and arranged songs using this style, also known as plainchant or plain song. (Now move to 12)

15. Yes! Landini amazed people with the speed and delicacy of his playing and received honors normally reserved for poets and emperors. Now move to your final question, 3.

16. No. Vespers, an evening prayer, is part of the Liturgy of the Hours. Return to 6.

17. What was being sung in the Temple?
a. Psalms (Go to 10)
b. The Song of Songs. (Move to 39)

18. Sorry. Return to 24.

19. No, the Pharisees weren’t one of the twelve tribes. They were members of a sect first mentioned about a century before Christ. Return to 30.

20. No. Return to 31.

21. Until then, choir members had to learn every tune by hearing it sung and then memorizing it. Guido, a Benedictine monk and choir director, noticed one hymn followed a progression of notes that was easy to remember. In Latin, the song read: ut queant laxis/resonare fibris/mira gestorum/famuli tuorum: /solve polluti/labii reatus. Most of the first syllables are familiar to us. “Do” replaced “ut” but we still use re, mi, fa, sol, and la. Later ti was added and a higher do, creating an octave, but Guido’s scale used only six notes. He also figured out how to chart a song on a four-line staff. After Guido, religious music – all music – no longer relied on oral tradition; it could be written down. Now head for 36.

22. Yes, religious leaders sometimes used a small band – harp, drum, tambourine, flute, and lyre – as part of their ceremonies. One Bible passage, 1 Samuel 10: 5-6, suggests music helped them enter a “prophetic state”. Now go to 30.

23. That’s correct. A verse can be divided in two, with each half showing a version of one poetic image. (For example, Psalm 19, verse 2, reads: “The heavens declare the glory of God, / and the firmament proclaims his handiwork.”) The melodic formula calls for the first half verse to be sung by part of a choir (or congregation) using a single tone with some flourishes, and then answered in the same way by the other half of the choir singing the second half. Now go to 6.

24. The leaders in the Church in those early centuries were also concerned about what when it came to singing?
a. A congregation’s inability to carry a tune. (Move to 18)
b. The danger of pride and showmanship. (Head for 29)

25. Oh, no. He didn’t like the beat and said people couldn’t pray to it. Return to 36.

26. Yes, the Liturgy of the Hours (or Divine Office or breviary, as it used to be known) goes back to the Jewish custom of stopping throughout the day to pray. Today, Catholic congregations use the same melodic formula to sing the Psalms in a two-part, responsorial way. Now move on to 38.

27. No, though some win instruments – like flutes or pipes – were made of clay. Return to 1.

28. Anytime there are changes, some people like them and some don’t Pope John said Catholics should stick with ancient music. Now go to 8.

29. That’s right. There was concern a talented soloist – a cantor or deacon – might come to enjoy being the “star” of a liturgical celebration, taking center stage and overshadowing what was truly important. Now go to 9.

30. After the Temple was completed, worship services became more unified and there was a professional school for Temple musicians. They were members of the tribe often associated with the Temple priesthood. Who were they?
a. Levites. (Head for 2)
b. Pharisees. (Go to 19)

31. The structure of the Psalms lends itself to what form of singing?
a. Harmony. (Move to 20)
b. Chant. (Head for 23)

32. Both answers are correct. Gregorian chant is named for Pope St. Gregory the Great (c. 540-604), who, it appears, compiled and arranged songs using this style, also known as plainchant or plainsong. Now move to 12.

33. Jazz is a 20th century development with African-American roots. (If you want to hear a jazz Mass, check out the one written by Mary Lou Williams.) Return to 8.

34. Even before the building of the Temple of Solomon (ten centuries before Christ), local prophets made use of:
a. Small pianos. (Move to 7)
b. Bands. (Head for 22)

35. Let’s count either answer as correct. The lyre and the harp are cousins, both stringed instruments. They’re frequently mentioned in the Old Testament, often played by Temple musicians. Now head for 34.

36. In the mid-13th century, Franco of Cologne assigned a definite time value to notes, and Petrus de Cruce introduced more innovations that made it easier to see the differences among smaller notes. In 1322, Pope John XXII issued Docta Sanctorum which:
a. Condemned many of the recent innovations in music. (Move to 28)
b. Praised the changes that were being made. (Head for 25)

37. Let’s count either answer as correct. The lyre and the harp are cousins, both stringed instruments. They’re frequently mentioned in the Old Testament, often played by Temple musicians. Now head for 34.

38. The early Christian community continued the musical practices of the Jewish synagogues, but the Church Fathers called a halt to what?
a. Musical instruments. (Go to 13)
b. Any songs not in Latin. (Move to 42)

39. No. This Old Testament book is a poem written sometime after the Babylonian Exile (538 B.C.). The theme is the mutual love between God and his people. Return to 17.

40. That’s right. The curved horn of a ram, symbolic of Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice Isaac (Gn. 22:13), was used as a bugle. The Hebrews blew shofars as Jericho’s walls came tumbling down (Jos 6:4, 5, 20). Now move on to 5.

41. No, that would come later and, just as the Fathers of the Church had feared; some of the extravagant music seemed to make the priest and the celebration of the Eucharist… second fiddle. Return to 5.

42. No. Return to 38.

43. The bishops at the Council of Trent were concerned about new music and new styles. A rule banned any melody considered seductive or impure, any text thought to be vain or worldly, and all “outcries” and “uproars”. It demanded lyrics had to be clearly understandable.
      Who could argue with that?
       In our own century, the bishops at Vatican II were more open to encouraging various musical forms and styles, but, they reminded us, “The musical tradition of the universal Church is a treasure of immeasurable value, greater even than that of any other art.” Ancient or modern, plain or symphonic, its purpose has remained the same. Liturgical music exists to help us pray.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Queen Elizabeth II Finally Is Now On Facebook, Yay!

             What better way to reach out to people making sure they are updated and well-informed about the government’s programs, activities and other announcements and aware of what is happening around the nation. I know the Queen has a better idea.
           It is by using the most powerful reliable medium available used by most people today in connecting with family, friends and acquaintances – social networking. And what is the most popular social networking site with a membership of more than half a billion? Facebook – yes, Facebook and the Queen made the right connection with Facebook.
          United Kingdom’s British Monarchy is the latest addition to the growing family of the most popular social networking site today that it has become a pop culture icon. It has been decided y the Royal Crown to set up a Facebook account to reach out to its people and make the British Monarchy accessible to masses. It is a smart move of the Royal Crown to effectively address its citizen’s concerns. When it comes to transparency, people can voice out their concerns, sentiments, opinions to the Royal Family so it may become more humane and kind. Furthermore, people of different nationalities may have a view and keep informed about the Queen and the Royal Family where it has been very elusive to the public eye.
           I have added the British Monarchy page to one of my likes and interests so I can keep in touch with the British monarch and if lucky enough, it will be an honor and privilege for me to work in the royal palace. I am excited to see Queen Elizabeth mingling with people through Facebook. I know Mark Zuckerberg is elated and honored to have the Queen graced his social networking site but I don’t think he is reading my blog though I want to work for him as well.

Justin Bieber Mania

         Anywhere in the world you can see children and adults singing to the hit songs of Justin Bieber. Some imitate not just his voice but his looks, ways, acts and lifestyle. His official music videos that can be watched in YouTube has been viewed a hundred million times – a feat that any other music videos has yet to surpass. Aside from his music videos, there are zillions of other videos made by his fans as a tribute or plea to him. It can be music videos, dance videos, impersonation, comic acts or pleas or petition of diehard fans who found infatuation in this young emo sporting Canadian, a talent discovered by RnB artist Usher through watching his videos in YouTube and the rest is history making his way into the limelight of show business and entertainment. Justin Bieber mania has taken the scene.
         Justin Bieber is considered pop culture icon. He defined the popular culture of today’s generation hitting the scene like a heatwave. His good looks make up for his horrible voice that is why he is well loved by teen girls all over the world influencing and infecting like a virus other age groups like children, young adults and elders. Many teen girls and gays all over the world are dying to see him, crying to just meet him and/or take him for a date.
        His gentle and tame presence belies what is lurking behind. What or how accommodating and desirable the Justin Bieber he shows in public is how he is exactly the opposite off camera and out of the limelight. The real Justin Bieber is arrogant, egocentric young man who never cares about others but himself. Someone made some pleas and petition in his twitter account asking for his help, but he took them for granted and brush them aside with cold shoulders. He becomes a big-headed rascal and his brain was toxicated and poisoned by fame . He doesn’t care about people anymore but just talk and mingle with other celebrities. He is proud, boastful and doesn’t keep his feet on the ground.
        That’s what fame will bring out someone. Fame may be generous enough but it will also take its toll by bringing out what is best or what is worse about a person. Fame is very volatile – it is here now and gone tomorrow. Justin Bieber is very young, very fresh and youthful and has a childish voice today but years from now, he will grow old and mature looking and his voice will become hoarse thus, fans will be done with him. Don’t let fame ruin you and make you a monster. Instead use fame to be an inspiration to others and leave a lasting legacy.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Splendor Of The Asian Games: A Prelude To The Future

     The 16th edition of the Asian Games has been opened 11 days ago last November 12, 2010 at the newest surprise of Asia, the city of Guangzhou in Guangdong province in China. The billion dollar glittering ceremony is highlighted by the following sequence.

Sequence of events
     Prior to the opening ceremony, athletes and officials from 45 National Olympic Committees (NOC) were paraded by boat known as "Setting Sail" around the Pearl River with distance of 9.3km to showcase the Cantonese culture of the city.

Welcoming ceremony
    After the countdown, the opening began with firework displays at Canton Tower and around Haixinsha Islands. Afterwards, it is flag raised ceremony, eight honour guards of People's Liberation Army (PLA) received flag of the People's Republic of China from two children and raised it up, along with with national anthem March of the Volunteers.

    The performances, which known as "Set Sail" began at 8:06pm. The preludes saw a drop of water shown at giant screen and follow by a boy sat in a giant leaf slowly fell from the sky. They are 10cm of water flooded on centre of stage while two horseman ride around of it. Next portion is "Water from the Land", this chapter saw dancers perform and form a series of flowers. They then get together to form five different flowers and eventually form one big flower bloom. Children dancers then come out with lanterns followed by other neon light dancer displays. Afterwards the segment "The Ship in the Ocean" saw two main dancers perform in the centre stage along with others in the background. A giant expedition boat then enters the stage with dancers acting as waves in an intense storm. The boat measures 28.8m long, 8m wide and 18mm high. The boat then reaches its destination. In the penultimate segment, which known as "Sail of White Cloud" , the curtain was opened by pianist Lang Lang with song "Light" and sung by Zhang Ziyi. The song was written by lyricist Albert Leung and composer Li Hai-ying. 180 dancers twirling in the air at the height of 80m and converging on the water. Watercraft riders then created a series of water displays. High wire-performers then put up a series of acts in front of the giant screens to form waves, seesaws, smiley faces, birds and other shapes. Before going into the final segment, a special one minute programme, known as "Green One Minute" shown people from each district of Guangzhou bring pots of plants to display, showing Guangzhou is a green city. The last segment known as "invitation from the City of Flowers" start with a stage full of drummers.A group of hostesses join the performance. Internationally dressed dancers come to the stage. China's Wei Wei, Tang Jing, Hong Kong's Joey Yung, Taiwan's David Tao and South Korea's Kim Hyun Joong collaborate together to perform the theme song "Sunshine Again".The cauldron is then raised to become a giant flame cauldron tower. Fireworks then lit-up the area, followed by watercraft and boat exhibitions.

Parade of NOCs
     All athletes and officials from 44 National Olympic Committees and Kuwait are enter the site with host country enter the site last, as traditional. Due to the NOC suspension, Kuwaiti athletes enter the site under the Olympic flag with banner "Athletes from Kuwait". Each NOC was leaded by a national flagbearers.

Parade of Nations and Opening Declation
     The countries and their flag bearers then enter in alphabetic order in English. China enters last. Governor of Guangdong Huang Huahua and President of Guangzhou Asian Games Committee Liu Peng both gave a speech in mandarin. Asian Games president Ahmed Al-Fahad Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah then follow up with a speech in English. Wen Jiabao then declare the games to be officially opened. Large scale fireworks erupt from the Canton Tower and Pearl River delta. The games theme song "Reunion / Here we meet again" is then performed by singer Sun Nan and Mao Amin. The flag of the Olympic Council of Asia is carried in, the council song is played. Badminton player Fu Haifeng then gives a short speech. A gymnastics referee, Yan Ninan, takes an oath for the Games.

Lighting ceremony
     China dragon boat team leader Wu Guochong carries the flame torch into the ceremony from the torch relay. The torch is passed to gold medalist gymnast Chen Yibing, who then passes it to former football player Rong Zhihang. Table tennis gold medalist Deng Yaping then passes to the final torch bearer gold medalist diver He Chong.He and two children light a large flare that shot a fire to ignite the cauldron tower. Singer Song Zuying then perform the song "smile". Fireworks are set off in the air and around the arena to conclude the opening ceremony.

      The event was participated in by at least 10,000 athletes from 45 countries in Asia witnessing the spectacle and amused by its lavish and costly infrastructure by one of China’s liveliest city.
Before the Asian Games were held, there was a gathering known as the Far Eastern Games which was first mooted in 1912 between Empire of Japan, the Philippine Islands and China. The first Games were then held in Manila in 1913 and ten further gatherings were held until 1934. However, against the backdrop of the second Sino-Japanese War in 1934, in the face of Japan's insistence on including Manchu Empire as competitor nation in the Games, China announced its withdrawal from participation. The Games scheduled for 1938 were cancelled and the organisation was discontinued thereafter.
       After World War II, a number of Asian countries became independent. Many of the newly independent Asian countries wanted to see a new type of competition where Asian dominance would not be shown by violence but would be strengthened by mutual understanding. During the 1948 Summer Olympics in London, a conversation between sportsmen from China and the Philippines raised the idea of restoring the Far Eastern Games. However, the Indian International Olympic Committee representative Guru Dutt Sondhi thought that the restoration of the Games would not be sufficient to show the spirit of unity and level of achievement in Asian sports, so proposed to sports leaders the idea of having discussions about holding a wholly new competition — the Asian Games. This gave rise to the agreement to form the Asian Athletic Federation. A preparatory committee was set up to draft the charter for this new body. On 13 February 1949, the Asian Athletic Federation was formally inaugurated in New Delhi, alongside the name Asian Games Federation, with New Delhi announced as the first host city of the Asian Games which were scheduled to be held in 1950.
        In the event, the planned first Asian Games were delayed until 1951 due to preparation problems. However, they were successfully organised from 4-11 March 1951 with 489 athletes from 11 countries taking part. The Games grew from one meeting to the next. In 1958, the motto "Ever Onward" was officially announced as the official slogan of the Games.
       Guangzhou is formerly known as Canton during the colonial period until the 1990s. It’s futuristic, extraterrestrial atmosphere predates some of the world’s most advanced by half a century. Guangzhou, also known as Canton or Kwangchow,is a sub-provincial city and the capital of the Guangdong province in the People's Republic of China. It is one of the five National Central Cities. Located in southern China on the Pearl River, about 120 km (75 mi) northwest of Hong Kong, Guangzhou is a key transportation hub and trading port.
       Guangzhou is the third largest city in China and southern China's largest city. As of the 2000 census, the city had a population of 6 million, and an urban area population of roughly 11.85 million,[7] making it the most populous city in the province and the third most populous metropolitan area in China. The Guangzhou government's official estimate of the city's population at the end of 2009 was 10,334,500, an addition of 152,500 people from the previous year.
       Guangzhou is the main manufacturing hub of the Pearl River Delta, one of mainland China's leading commercial and manufacturing regions. In 2009, the GDP reached ¥911.28 billion (US $133.5 billion), per capita was ¥89,498 (US $13,111).The China Import and Export Fair, also called "Canton Fair", is held every year in April and October by Ministry of Trading. Inaugurated in the spring of 1957, the Fair is a major event for the city. From the 104th session, Liuhua Complex is not in use to hold Canton Fair. All the booths have been transferred to Pazhou Complex. From the 104th session, Canton Fair has been arranged in 3 phases instead of 2 phases.
       Impressive structure, exemplary landscape, outstanding laws and legislation which makes it a standout among Asian cities. Guangzhou is one of China’s most well kept secret and diverse in potential that other countries can dream of.
       It is an event to behold, a memory that will last forever. This city is something that the Philippines’ Sleeping Giant of the South – Iloilo City – is trying to duplicate years from how given the proper foreign concepts, ideas & investments that will pour in. Iloilo, Philippines hopes China and other powerful, developed countries would help Iloilo one of the liveliest cities in Asia

A Handsome Plumber Wins Mister International 2010

            22- year old plumber from Mansfield, England, Ryan Terry representing Great Britain was surprised in awe when he was called as the winner of Mister International 2010 in a simple ceremony held last Saturday, November 20 at Central Park Jakarta, Indonesia. He bested 39 other delegates for the title.
       The 1st runner-up was Mister Brazil, Caio Ribeiro, 2nd runner-up went to Mister Spain, Luis Alberto Maicas, 3rd runner-up was Mister Indonesia, Thomas Sebastian, and 4th runner-up went to Mister Greece, Leodion Sulaj. The top 10 finalists were the candidates from Turkey (6th), Chile (7th), Namibia (8th), Bosnia & Herzegovina (9th), France (10th). Finally, rounding up the Top 15 were from: Venezuela (11th), Austria (12th), Belgium (13th), Bolivia (14th), and Philippines (15th). Indonesia won the Best National Costume award, Honduras was elected Mister Amity, Great Britain won Best Body, Sri Lanka was Mister Photogenic.
       Mister International is an annual male beauty pageant founded in 2006. It is owned and organized by the Mister Singapore Organization which also organizes the annual Mister Singapore pageant.

A Dashing Debonair Wins Manhunt International 2010

        23-year old 1.89 m. tall Peter Menky of Slovak Republic surprised the audience after he won as Manhunt International last Saturday, November 20 held at sprawling Chiang Kai Sheck Memorial Hall Taichung City, Taiwan beating 49 other hopefuls to win the title. Awe in disbelief, Peter Menky plans to become a supermodel and sign a contract with prestigious model agency and working for top brands such as Prada, Armani, Cavalli, etc. and later wants to become an entrepreneur. He is a college student who speaks English, Slovak, Czech, German and Spanish.
       The 1st runner up went to Gibraltar, Bogdan Brasoveanu, the 2nd runner up is Brazil, Marlon de Gregori, the 3rd runner up is USA, Daniel Guerra, and the 4th runner up is Mr. Taiwan, Jerry Chang. Completing the semifinalists were candidates from Bosnia and Herzegovina, China, India, Indonesia, Lebanon, Panama, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, Turkey and Venezuela.
       Special awards are given to the following: Mr. Internet Popularity goes to India, Ahran Chaudary, Best National Costume went to China, Wang Zichao, 1st runner up, Best in National Costume, Indonesia Obert Tan, 2nd runner up, Best in National Costume went to Bolivia Sergio Revollo, Mr. Alishan (sponsored by Alishan mayor) went to Nicaragua William Rodriguez, Mr. Photogenic Slovak Republic Peter Menky, Mr. Physique went to Singapore Jovin Koh Boon Pin, Mr. Friendship went to Korea Hyun Woo Park, Mr. Personality went to England Vaughan Bailey and Best Runway Model went to Gibraltar Bogdan Brasoveanu.
      Manhunt International is a male beauty contest at the same time male modeling search which was started in 1993 with its roots credited to a national preliminary competition in Singapore which was staged by Alex Liu, pageant director of Metromedia Singapore, one of two organizers and owner of Manhunt International. The first winner of Manhunt International in 1993 that was held in Australia was Thomas Sasse of Germany. The winner of Manhunt International usually signs a contract with a top modeling agency and work for top fashion brands in Asia, Europe and North America. Metromedia Singapore headed by Alex Liu and Australia Procon Leisure International Pty. Ltd. headed by Mr. Rosko Dickinson organize and manage Manhunt International.

Beauty Pageant's Question and Suggested Answer

Question: Many airports are now using full body scanners, how do you feel about going through a scanner that can actually see through your clothes?

(Question asked by British actress Jane Seymour to Miss Ukraine Anna Poslavskaya, Miss Universe 3rd runner up)

Suggested Answer: Body scanner used at airports, sea port, malls and other public places are meant to protect people from harm and to avert terrorism and other criminal acts like smuggling. Security and safety are the top priority of the scanners which are made for. It would be an intimidating feeling but you should be reminded that if it is for our safety, then it would be fine. Transparent scanners such as this is fine with me, for our goodness sake for as long as no malicious intent or purposes other than it is intended for be used for this scanner. Same gender of the same or contrasting sexuality shall be employed to do the job to ensure safety and comfort.

Beauty Pageant's Question and Suggested Answer

Question: Some countries still practice the death penalty, is it acceptable and why?

(Question asked by International Supermodel Niki Taylor to Miss Jamaica, Yendi Phillips, Miss Universe 1st runner up)

Suggested Answer: The grim practice of death penalty which is still practiced by some countries to penalize the worst offenders has been abolished by most countries because of its extreme morbidity and harsh treatment of humans. Death penalty practicing countries wants to silence and eliminate hardened criminals so that they cannot proliferate and also serve as a warning to anyone who plan to commit a crime. Though it is very difficult to be in a situation in which you need to stop crime and evil doer at the same time preserving human life, it is just a matter of choice. It is fine to impose death on a hardened, recurring and nonredeemable criminals and just pray for their souls and for the rest lifetime imprisonment in a secured facility will be good enough. Else, hand over the hardened criminals to the gays for the gay punishment making sure they won’t retaliate back.

Beauty Pageant's Question and Suggested Answer

Question: Legislation banning certain kinds of religious clothing has caused controversy around the world, what role should a government play in determining on such a personal preference?

(Question asked by MSNBC anchor Tamron Hall to Miss Australia Jesinta Campbell, Miss Universe 2010 2nd runner up)

Suggested Answer: Religion to which people are worshipping with reverence, can often be the norm which determine how people will behave or act. On other hand, governments are established for the land or state to maintain progress, peace and order and legislation or laws are created to guide them. Government should always uphold the truth, and always serve for the common good and interest for people. Furthermore, government should be fair and just to its people and should respect their adherence to their faith and some certain beliefs not extreme enough to have adverse effect or impact. Personal choice or preference is a basic human rights that every government should respect and lived by for as long as it does not misrepresent, abuse or negate some certain laws. Government should check, review, scrutinize and revise every legislation they want to pass and implement making sure that it is for the common good and interest, fair and just with respect to human rights, dignity and reputation.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Miss Earth Major Setbacks

         On an ordinary days when there are no major events or sport spectacles worth watching on television and when beauty pageants are being held which steal the scene, captures the attention of billions of viewers around the world. Beauty pageants which showcase the aesthetic value, and wisdom of women across the globe has been part of the popular culture and reminds us with the diverse world based on these women’s perspective. Beauty pageant is both an art and science. It amuses us with its beauty and made us also realize it is a competition that everything must be perfect and appropriate in conduct, flawless and must be aware of its technicalities, qualifications and effects to win. Beauty pageants itself has a big impact and consequences before, during and after it is held that affects people all over the world that goes beyond any races, religion, color or affiliations.
          There are lots of international beauty competitions being held annually throughout the year. Miss Universe is the biggest and most prestigious pageant of them all because of the cost, conduct of the pageant and prizes involved. It is also an influential pageant due to its causes, advocacies, programs and other campaigns it has done and continuously been doing all over the world. It is the most watched beauty pageant in the planet with a viewership of over a billion watchers across the globe. It is a very spectacular event and being watched that any minor glitches or faux pas are noticed, generate mixed reactions and criticized. Since beauty pageant are made for perfection, people can’t help but marvel at how Miss Universe has evolve and continue to grow with a lot innovation and trends it make to become a household name or trademark.
          Miss Earth is a growing international beauty pageant which uniquely focuses on environmental awareness and conservation. Due to its advocacies, programs, campaigns and mission it draws attention from all over the world making headlines from its pageant like the participation of delegates either from a conservative Muslim or Arabic country or from a small unknown island territories or maybe first time participant to any beauty pageants. Since it is steadily growing and more people are watching through the years, some concerned beauty watchers like me would like to voice out their opinions, give some pointers or suggestions or give feedback about the pageant before, during and after it is held for its improvement, to satiate or exceed viewers expectations and most of all, to captivate the people’s mind leaving them in awe, dumbfounded and wondering.
          Since Miss Earth is on its 10th year and still a far fetch from being a prestigious reputable pageant, I want to point out the flaws or setbacks of Miss Earth:

1. The official website lack updates, boring and uninteresting. It lacks the following:
a. official portrait photos of the delegates posted on its respective profile information as well as two sets of evening gown, photos, swimsuit and national costume portrait photos
b. no official Youtube channel where it can post candidates interview to have an in-depth scrutiny of each delegates and the pageant activities.
c. fans interaction to vote for their chosen delegates, have their comments or feedbacks, chat and meet other fans. The purpose of interaction is to generate interest, incite curiosity and search engine optimization.
d. news or official statements, bulletin board were not update
e. user interface is uninteresting and lackluster
f. the online photogenic voting uses the personal photos of the delegates which are fabricated and manipulated. Unlike Miss Universe, where the Miss Universe Organization has its official photographer sponsor of the event to take official photos of the delegates as criteria for judging for most photogenic so that the actual photos taken during the event that cannot be manipulated will be justified by the actual person, the personal photos of Miss Earth is strikingly contrasting the actual person.

2. The conduct and management of the event is dismal because:
a. Disorderly and unorganized events
b. No online live streaming of preliminary competition
c. Inefficient, impractical and inappropriate separate events for swimsuit and evening gown.
d. The result of the national costume which eventually won by Japan is ridiculous, highly questionable and clouded in controversy. National costume must be significant and associated with the candidate’s country of origin to its culture, custom and history. It must somehow reflect her country’s identity. The national costume of Miss Japan is not an obvious representation of her country but merely a fashion forward statement in an evening gown. They may be awarded her the National Costume trophy upon knowing that Japan’s national director Ines Ligron and famous fashion designer created the costume which is somewhat unfair and lopsided bias. (Note: Previously, a controversy surrounded National Costume of Miss Japan in Miss Universe 2008 which took place in the same city and country where Miss Earth 2010 is currently being held – Nha Trang, Vietnam which was also a design created by Ines Ligron incited fury and anger among Japanese citizen back to her native Japan because it features a costume too skimpy to wear, flirty and seductive because it’s front covering is too narrow above the knee just below her private parts so they made another version which is a little bit longer to include the upper parts of the leg just above the knee.) Other country might have been deserving of such an award. There is no surprise and excitement anymore to that major award because it has already been announced which results to the frustration of most people and major disappointment of the pageant.

3. The finals night is lackluster and boring
a. production number as well as swimsuit and evening gown are lousy using an already popular music
b. The judges are ambassadors or politicians who were neither aware of the technicalities of the beauty pageant
c. The background music is laidback, primitive and lacks glamour and sophistication
d. The finals night lacks energy and vibrancy that you’re not getting your money’s worth.
e. The surprising cut. From the 80+ delegates, the top 4 finalists who will be directly announced eliminating the semifinalist and quarterfinalists. This will be the worst cut ever in a beauty pageant and is very unfair depriving an equal competition to find out who is really the deserving queen.
f. Sash, flower, trophy and crown are given to all the four (4) finalists showing inefficiency, tackiness, impractical and time consuming. Aside from this, the winner and runners up loses their regal bearing from carrying such a huge load making them masculine.
g. There is no first walk of the winner which deprives her of her right to enjoy the crowning moment on her own and opportunity for a solo snapshot of the new queen.
h. Lack of information and video profiles of the semifinalists during the finals

4. Logistics and marketing shows their amateurism
a. They don’t collaborate with international companies or networks to upgrade their pageant to globally competitive standards.
b. Lack sponsorships and bidding for the different staffing and aspects of the pageant like photography, fashion & styling, etc.
c. No aggressive promotion and marketing done to generate interests and sell the pageants to companies for sponsorships.

           It’s been ten years but I haven’t seen much improvement about Miss Earth. They must make a big leap forward in order to catch up with Miss Universe. I was surprised to know at how fast local beauty pageants here in the Philippines featured in their respective festival to learn and make their pageant at par with the international beauty pageant competition like Miss Masskara Festival of Bacolod, Miss Sinulog of Cebu, Miss Dinagyang of Iloilo, Miss Bicolandia, Miss Ilocos and other similar pageants. Their respective pageants are glamorous, complete and incredible before, during and after it happened. They study and observe Miss Universe and apply and innovate it more to their respective pageant to make it glamorous, prestigious and sophisticated pageant and according to my observation, they outplay, outperform or outlast Miss Earth when it comes to standard even Binibining Pilipinas, the Philippines’ premier national pageant sending delegates to Miss Universe, Miss World and Miss International topple and outshine Miss Earth. I think they need to be open-minded and bold enough to take risk and make drastic changes to make the pageant bigger, productive, profitable, influential and effective.

Miss Earth 2010 Updates

Best in National Costume Winner, MARINA KISHIRA, Japan

Best in Talent Winner, NICOLE FARIA, India

Miss Earth 2010 - December 4, 2010 - Nha Trang, Vietnam

Partial Preliminary Competition Results:

Talent: India, Nicole Faria
National Costume: Japan, Marina Kishira
Evening Gown: Ecuador, Jennifer Stephanie Pazmiño Saldaña
Ao Dai Vietnamese Traditional Costume: Serbia, Tijana Rakic

Manhunt International 2010 My Favorites For The Coveted Title Part 1/5

          Manhunt International 2010, the most prestigious male pageant in the planet is being held in Tainan City, Taiwan. The winner will be the ambassador or spokesperson of different advocacies and programs of the pageants as well as the sponsors and partner agencies and organizations of the pageant. He will also win a modelling contract which will make him travel through the fashion houses in Europe, America and Asia. Manhunt International 2010 finals will be held on Saturday, November 20, 2010 in Tainan City, Taiwan. Here are my top picks for the much coveted title of Manhunt International 2010:

1. Greece - Apostolos Ntokos

2. Hawaii - Kash Kiefer

3. Brazil - Marlon Gregori

4. Spain - Antonio Million

5. USA - Daniel Guerra