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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Miss Universe 2011: The Samba Carnival Queens My Favorites For The Crown 11- 20

11. Israel - Kim Edry

12. Trinidad & Tobago - Gabrielle Walcott

13. Brazil - Priscila Machado

14. Russia - Natalia Gantimurova

15. Switzerland - Kerstin Cook

16. Panama - Sheldry Saez

17. Costa Rica - Johanna Solano

18. Australia - Scherri-Lee Biggs

19. Bahamas - Anastagia Pierre

20. USA - Alyssa Campanella

Next In Line Samba Queens:
Czech Republic

Saturday, September 10, 2011

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Road To Miss Universe 2011: Shamcey Supsup Making Headlines Around The World

Miss Philippines Shamcey Supsup is drawing raves and positive reviews not only from different people across the globe but also the press and media and most recently, Shamcey Supsup was featured in a newspaper in Madrid, Spain and here is the link for the news feature about the Philippines bet to the Miss Universe 2011 in a Madrid, Spain newspaper. Viva la Vida
Miss Universe 2011: Shamcey Supsup of the Philippines in their best photos

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Watch Miss Universe 2011 Preliminary Competition Here

Sao Paulo, Brazil - Miss Universe 2011 Preliminary Competition will be held on September 8, 2011 at 8pm EDT (New York, USA time). Watch as 89 ladies compete in swimsuit and evening gown competition and battle it out for a slot in the semifinals. Watch it LIVE HERE:

Video streaming by Ustream

Watch Miss Universe 2011 Preliminary Competition Here

Sao Paulo, Brazil - Miss Universe 2011 Preliminary Competition will be held on September 8, 2011 at 8pm EDT (New York, USA time). Watch as 89 ladies compete in swimsuit and evening gown competition and battle it out for a slot in the semifinals. Watch it LIVE HERE by clicking the small play button below the video stream just beside the audio button :

Watch live streaming video from missuniverse at livestream.com

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Miss Universe 2011 News: Miss China Luo Zilin Claims To Reach Final 5 Effortless

Sao Paulo, Brazil - Miss China Universe 2011 claims that she will reach the final top 5 comes Miss Universe 2011 coronation night on September 12 in Credicard Hall without any effort of competing in preliminary competition. She says that she will just show up in the preliminary competition "to show to the judges how sexy and attractive she is that she no longer needs to compete just her seductive beauty can win the hearts of all the judges until the finals night." Furthermore, Luo said that she will be the first Chinese Miss Universe on September 12 and is already planning what to do next in New York and she already informed her family and friends back home that after the finals on September 12, she will go directly to New York as the new Miss Universe and make it her new home. She is well loved by the judges and the Miss Universe Organization that she doesn't need to compete anymore but just relax and have fun with the ladies. She is very confident that she will be the new Miss Universe and that she wants to stay in New York fit for the queen. Well watch out for her and girls just enjoy the pageant and see if she is the new Miss Universe!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Miss Universe 2011: Miss China's Scandal Stirs Controversy Steaming Distasteful Over The Pageant

Miss China Universe 2011, Luo Zilin, Chinese National Director Yue Sai Kan with the preliminary judges

Luo Zilin

           Miss Universe is as prestigious as it is controversial. It's sagging popularity has seen its lowest ratings in recent time due to disinterest of people watching the competition so some international media and television networks are forced to withdraw the coverage of the annual event mostly from Europe and Asia maybe due to the poor performance of these continents in the competition and Europe is still waiting to crown their first Miss Universe in more than two decades. Maybe in an attempt increase popularity among the viewers, the Miss Universe Organization made some changes and some new twists to the competition like last year to make a daring sexy pictorials of ladies bare naked wearing only some skins using some wheat pastries and tattoos and inclusion of some countries chosen by the MUO are somewhat pleasant surprises and wise choice of the organization while subjecting ladies in an area almost a boundary between sexy and lewd is too much to bear and too racy for the general viewing public. While these some actions are still within the range of acceptable almost falling into disgrace and inappropriate, this year's controversy with China unfortunately and obviously is unacceptable and unethical.      While the Miss Universe Organization is known to have a high level of tolerance, they have to be more strict and must follow some guidelines, policies and rules and regulations for everyone to follow if it wants credibility, reputation and integrity from other participating countries.
This year, without trusting their delegate Luo Zilin, Miss China Universe 2011 to make it as a semifinalist, China's nasty National Director for Miss Universe, Yue Sai Kan made a desperate move to arrange a meeting with her delegate Luo Zilin with the Miss Universe 2011 preliminary judge Alvaro Genaro and the other unidentified woman. This unethical behavior of a delegate and her national director should have been reprimanded and punished accordingly. Strictly speaking, their action is ground for disqualification and if they ever plan to do another anomaly in the future will be subjected to indefinite suspension. See, 1st offense is disqualification and 2nd offense will be suspension or revocation of franchise license to participate in the pageant. However, since Miss Universe Organization doesn't have a plan to disqualify China in participating at this year's event, I would still assess China's performance comes preliminary competition. If she is able to pass the preliminary competition very strong and convince me to make her as a top 16 semifinalist then I might include her in my list for fair play but if she wins the pageant, I will sour the idea of her crowning and maybe not only me but also several countries will pull out of competition next year due to nasty behavior tolerated only by the Miss Universe Organization. This is becoming way too political and way too commercialism for the pageant stained already by a lot of distasteful, tacky controversy verging into unethical and inappropriate actions. Miss Universe Organization should try to put aside politics and business from this competition and exercise fair play, justice, and ethics if it wants to survive and regain the respect and attention of the lost lovers and fanatics of beauty pageants. Good luck to Miss China though Luo Zilin may she gives her best comes preliminary competition and finals.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

My Sims Medieval Images Part 18

Bard Roan: I think I can entertain the people attending the mass because the sermon is boring.

Minstrel Samuel: I like to dance and dance first because the sermon is boring. I will stop if the sermon has stopped.

Third phase of the renovation of the reception hall of the Kingdom of Scotland

Aerial view of the reception hall.

Merchant Hwan Xue Lei of Burdley: I think we should go this-a-way, nah! I think we should go that-way

Guard Terell: Who invited you?
Pointing man Boyle: *at monk in doorway* he did

Merchant Hwan Xue Lei of Burdley: hey! he's got more than me that's not fair

Guy Pointing At The Knight In Green: Is This The Knight That The Constable Was Supose To Send To The Pit?

Monk: I'm Afraid So Dear Boy

Kingball game time of relaxation, recreation and fun in the afternoon

60th Miss Universe 2011: Carnival Queens Favorites For The Crown Stay Tuned!

       I will publish my personal favorites I call the carnival samba queens who I am rooting for the crown as 60th Miss Universe after the preliminary competition on September 8, 2011. I am excited as well for the finals of the 60th Miss Universe 2011 on September 12 live from Credicard Hall in Sao Paulo, Brazil!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Who Will Collaborate With Me In Creating My Review Site?

                I will be starting my review site wherein I can harness and sharpen my wit and deepen my foresight on analysis and realistic point of view of different topics big or small from big companies to food to internet sites. At first, it will be a warm up using a blog plat but once I gain grounds, I will start building my reputation where companies or owners will pay me or submit various requirements like papers, credentials, travel expenses and accommodations just to review their sites. I am also looking for some collaboration who are voluntary at first free to render their service and will be my co-partner in establishing the reviews and build reputation. I am now using my magnifying glass to look for potential partner/collaborator and now my Cyclops in me is now starting this review site.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My Sims Medieval Images Part 17

Barmaid Moira: ‎Where's the Nanny? Let's get these kids in bed so we can "Party"!

Trygve the Serf: Hobbit Battles!!! Let's get ready to Rumble...

Guard Marlin: Now, ladies and knight, I present you my sons, the little knights!

Soiree the Common Man: Tut, tut. Spare the rod and spoil the child: Where *are* these children's parents?!

Bard Roan: Where are the people around here. My performance is about to start.

Lindell the townsfolk: This rap battle is ON!

King Owen the Great: I know I said this place needed decorating, but you've gone too far this time!

Richard the Red Head: so what its pink it was you daughters idea

Bard Roan: Think you can withstand my stare. Lets start the staring contest. Whoever takes away stare loses and will give 1000 dollars pesos simoles and will treat me for a free snacks in the canteen and travel to Caribbean particularly St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Lucia, US Virgin Islands etc. and Europe most countries there.

Theodore the Wine Maker: Sure, lets get this endurance test begins.

Harlequin Jefferson: After a truly lousy performance the crowd was more than ready to do their part in feeding the pit beast.

Godfrey the Sly: Another bad contestant on "Kingdoms got Talent"

Knight Latiqua: I say! You there! Pay attention to me!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Miss Universe 2011: Online Votes To Decide One Of The Semifinalists

Miss Universe 2011 will never be the same again. It is true that's because online popular votes will decide one of the 15 or make it 16 semifinalists. This is a new system implemented by the Miss Universe Organization this 2011 when online votes will be counted. Votes coming from participating countries of the Miss Universe 2011 will be tallied and counted to see who got the highest rating and automatically advances to the semifinal round of the Miss Universe 2011. Our very own Miss Philippines Shamcey Supsup will battle it out with other candidates for a slot in the semifinals. Let's keep our prayers and support her all the way through by voting her on Official Miss Universe website or NBC.com.Here is the news about MUO new online voting system for Miss Universe 2011 semifinalist.Online Vote To Decide A Semifinalist in Miss Universe 2011. More FAQs About New Online Voting To Decide A Semifinalists In Miss Universe 2011.Please vote for Miss Philippines Shamcey Supsup!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Saturday, August 20, 2011

My Sims Medieval Images Part 16

Wizard Magus Spaniola: Wow, Watcher how do I look in here. This room is fabulous what can I say. I am dumbfounded now.

Wizard Magus Spaniola: I summon you the spirit of possessions, let me add some golden objects in my room!

Wizard Magus Spaniola: I will go now and check on that person if that spells works out perfectly on her and if she recovers from her illness.

Wizard Spaniola: I will rest first here in the shadows of this tree. All my energies were drawn out doing spells, making some potions and doing extensive research on new spells and potions.

Bard Roan: Oh mountain and the jungles provides the bounty that I need awesome piece of nature provide me with leisure!

Selena the Farmers Wife: Wow what a wonderful poem about hunting. I wish I could hear more

Life Is Beautiful Images

I admired, impressed and highly respected this image when the story about this broke out in the news. It shows 12-year old school girl Janella Lelis of Albay province in the Bicol region saving a Philippine flag from the ravaging flood brought by the heavy deluge of typhoon "Juaning" last July. This is the image of a new patriotism in the 21st century reminding us of the famous classic World War II picture of soldiers raising a flag in Iwo Jima, Japan. This picture here in the Philippines gives us a glimmer of hope that we shall never give up despite adversity and brave against all odds no matter how insurmountable it may seem because at the end of the day, no one knows what will happen or maybe there's a rainbow after a rain and a pot of gold can be found at the end of the rainbow.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Life Is Beautiful Images

Cyrah Jane: You know what, Cherry Ann I have been to Spain and night life is fun. Lots of boys there. Its beautiful to live in Ibiza.

Cherry Ann: It's fine with me. I've been to Bahamas as well and it's fun. I love to stay there.

Cyrah Jane: Look at my hands, four. I visited four countries in Europe.

Cherry Ann: I still have to count how many places I visited in the Caribbean and the Pacific.

Cherry Ann: Horse, we are cute right?! Wide grin of course.

Horse: I agree I almost kiss both you. You are adorable kids.

I wonder if they are related in any way to Miss Universe 2008.
I took this picture in one of the beaches here in Iloilo, Philippines. I never expected to take a candid shots as natural and as memorable as this one. I post the following images here as part of the unforgettable images permanently etched in my memory.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My Sims Medieval Images Part 15

Wizard Spaniola: If one more person asks me to play Freebird I'm going to shove this bow up their nose!

King Kent Owen the Illustrious: What the?!How did you?!

Wizard Spaniola:The spell backfired okay?!

Guard Marcel: That poor dirty girl in her torn night shift, I should cover her but first I'll watch.

Magician Spaniola: OMG! that guard is sooo checking me out

Wizard Spaniola: I cannot believe I'm being forced to fiddle for my supper yet again!

King Kent Owen the Illustrious: Is this bard feeling OK? Should I throw him to the Beast's Pit of Judgment?

Magician Spaniola: They weren't kidding when they said they'll fry me if I fiddle my hit song Friday.

Guard Marcel: Rebecca Black, is that you?

Physician Heloise: Let us get the party started!

Wizard Spaniola: I think I have a pretty pose here for picture with a young goddess of harvest as my background, will you approve of this my watcher?

Wizard Spaniola: This a distant look of me showing more of the newly-renovated reception hall. Do I look good in here? Hopefully you have a good picture taken of me my watcher.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My Sims Medieval Images Part 14

Wizard Spaniola: My watcher, do I look good already in my pose?

This is the second phase of renovation of the reception hall also a banquet hall of the Kingdom of Scotland. If this renovations will be completed, the next renovation will be the throne room and reception hall of the Kingdom of Turks and Caicos.

Second look of the newly renovated reception hall of the Kingdom of Scotland

Mama always said you should take a bath and clean up before you go shopping.

Magus Spaniola: Does this dress make me look fat?

*Note to self: Get to shops way *before* the start of the Feast of Fools revelry and the annual Red Tag Sales!

Wizard Spaniola: They can come up with mud wrestling but not showers! Men!
BEST PARTY EVER!!! What was that guys' name again?

My Sims Medieval Images Part 13

Spy Mata Hari: I am spell bounded by you and you kept on watching me and my back now. What can I say?

Groom: I am also dumbfounded because I am still in awe looking at my beautiful wife. What will we do next?

Jacoban Priest Bernard James: Finally, the ceremony finished and I will start my own sermon.

Peasants: Finally, they are now a couple now we shall go to the feast so we can eat a lot like a glutton.

Aramis the Bandit: Here is your glove, Knight Mark Adrian! It is very smelly and I like the foul smell. I almost pass out when I smell it. I want to take it, can I?

Knight Mark Adrian: Before you can take my possession, you must defeat me first in a duel. If you defeat me, it's all yours and I can take you for a snack in the canteen. If I win, I will take the gloves back and you will take me for an afternoon snack in the canteen.

Knight Mark Adrian: Here is for you, Aramis. Oops I almost hit your private parts there. Have you covered it with a thick shield?

Aramis the Bandit: That is the most vulnerable spot of me, don't hit it else I will feel ticklish. You are good and I will have a hard time defeating you.

Wow, there are lots of song requests from me by the officials of the Kingdom of Scotland. I will do these in a little while after my practice of the Divine Lute. I will please the kingdom so I can be promoted.

Here is full body picture of my wizard, Spaniola.