As I grow up during my teenage years, there are lots of physical changes to my body as I also explore my sexuality. My voice become big and hoarse. Lots of hair grew in my legs, armpit, and even private parts as well as beard and moustache. Pimples sprout like mushroom everywhere in my face are just examples of physical change that I need to live by and adjust to.
One of the funniest physical changes that happen in all guys is the "wet dreams". It occurs mostly during the early stages of teenage years and on nights when most of us are sound asleep and dreaming. When we are beautifully dreaming of something and our private part contracts and becomes hard, it pops and pops and explode lots of liquid and when we woke up, we are surprised to feel that we unloaded lots of sticky fluid that comes from within us, that we even barely know even in our unconscious state. It happends several times to me and when I open it out and tell my family about it, they just laugh at it and told me it is just a normal event happening to a guy. Because of this, I began to wonder ask myself questions and try to find answers to this mystery as I unfold the changes that is happening to me.
The kinkiest thought appears on mind thinking the releasing of something is fun, relaxing and satisfying. I notice when my thing converts into steel it can easily release some sticky fluid and the way to keep my thing strong and hard to keep myself tight. The way to keep me tight is through fit jeans but I have a loose jeans so I tie my jeans tight in my ankle with a string so I can be a steel and my way of releasing all my anger is by rubbing. I rub my steel inside my jeans through our stair. Most late evenings I go up and down the stairs to rub my steel and just to vent out my anger. So funny and ridiculous and what a shame on my part and a bit embarassment so I decided to keep it to mysef.
I keep on thinking on way of how to get rid of it not until I saw pictures of soldiers in boots then suddenly my thing stands upright and converted into steel and I can't go control myself venting out. So I got now the idea and explanations to my questions that keeps my bugging for years since I was young that each time I saw or wear some boots like shoes I feel tight and my thing converts into steel and when I was young I hate to wear sneakers that almost resemble boots not until now when I grew up and realize its purpose. The boots fetish as they say is most popular in western countries mostly German and surrounding European countries but is now gaining grounds in Americas as well. The boots are popularized in pop culture by the western world gang or group called Skinheads. The idea of getting myself tight by just wearing or seeing someone in boots makes me kinky. I wonder I feel like a woman sometimes by feeling tight. lol!