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Showing posts with label simulation games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label simulation games. Show all posts

Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Sims 4 Mods I Use

These are the mods I used for The Sims :


Starbucks Package which includes:


Handyman Package
Phone Interaction for Gardener and Maid
Esmeralda Small Round Glasses Male/Female Teen/Adult
Oepu_yu Short Curly Hair
Clutter Box Package 
Fewer Stalk Bystander
Rockabilly Vampire Hair
Shimrod No Distance Blur
Simalicious Set Pool Party

NEW Mods

Go To School (Elementary and High School)
Career Normal Progress x10
Work Study Hard 


Dark Data Fruit Chair Animal Crossing
Dark Data Fruit Table Animal Crossing 
Esmeralda Morpheus Shades Male/Female Teen/Adult
Lexicon Luthor Male Antistencil
Mojo Squarely there Modern Loveseat Recolor
Mojo Squarely there Modern Sofa Recolor
Mojo Wipe Yir Feet
Zerbu Go To School 
Zerbu Sim Generator Bug Fix
Zerbu Student Generator
Zerbu Venue List

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Playing The Sims 4: Introduction

I have been playing The Sims since decade ago and the rest they say is history. I have been playing The Sims, The Sims 2 and 3, The Sims Medieval and now The Sims 4. It is entertaining, fun as it is addictive controlling the lives of your characters and how you want to run their lives all throughout their Sims life stages. More importantly, the things that are happening in the game also happen sometimes in real life or the opposite it making it more exciting to play the game. 

The Sims 4 brings new twist to the games' series as it brings out new game play features like emotions, facial expressions that influence how they behave and act, graphic interface etc. Just like in the previous series of The Sims, I will post screenshots of my games with captions and descriptions about it. I hope you enjoy it.

For the meantime, since The Sims 3 I have been using cheat codes to enhance further my gameplay. For the Sims 4, here are my favorite cheat codes I have been using.

freerealestate on/off  or true
stats.set_skill_level major_
careers.promote /

There are also some mods I am using also to improve and enhance the gameplay like new hairstyle, objects, skill speed-up. 

I will post the screenshots of my gameplay of The Sims 4 as well as its gamepack Outdoor Retreat and expansion pack Get To Work

Photo Sources:

Electronic Arts (EA) Inc. 
The Sims Studio 
The Sims 4™
The Sims 4™ Outdoor Retreat
The Sims 4™ Get To Work  

Friday, October 17, 2014

The Sims 4 Traits Compatibility


The Sims 4 has a lots of new additional skills, traits and the all-new aspirations to complete throughout your Sims lifetime. In my honest opinion, here are the compatible and ideal aspirations and careers for every traits in The Sims 4: 


35 Personality Traits

Emotional Traits

Active – Athletic Aspiration, Deviance Aspiration, Astronaut Career, Criminal Career, Motor Skill

Cheerful – Aspirations: Creativity, Family, Love, Popularity, Social
Career: Culinary, Entertainer, Painter, Writer, Babysitter, Barista, Fast Food and Retail Employee

Creative – Aspirations: Creativity, Food, Knowledge, Nature, Popularity, Mental, Social 
Careers: Culinary, Entertainer, Painter, Writer, Manual Labor

Genius – Aspirations: Creativity, Deviance, Fortune, Knowledge, Nature, Mental 
Careers: Astronaut, Criminal, Entertainer, Painter, Secret Agent, Tech Guru, Writer,

Gloomy – Aspirations: Creativity, Deviance, Popularity, Social 
Careers: Criminal, Entertainer, Painter, Secret Agent, Writer

Goofball – Aspirations: Family, Love, Popularity 
Careers: Entertainer, Painter, Writer

Hot-Headed – Aspirations: Athletic, Creativity, Deviance, Fortune 
Careers: Criminal, Entertainer, Painter, Secret Agent, Writer

Romantic – Aspirations: Creativity, Family, Love, Popularity 
Careers: Entertainer, Painter, Writer

Self Assured – Aspirations: Creativity, Deviance, Family, Food, Fortune, Knowledge, Love, Nature, Popularity 
Careers: Criminal, Entertainer, Secret Agent, Tech Guru

Hobby Traits

Art Lover – Aspirations: Creativity, Food, Nature, Popularity 
Careers: Entertainer, Painter, Writer

Bookworm – Aspirations: All 
Careers: All

Foodie – Aspiration: Food 
Career: Culinary, Barista, Fast food

Geek – Aspiration: Creativity, Deviance, Knowledge, Nature, Mental 
Careers: Astronaut, Criminal, Entertainer, Painter, Secret Agent, Tech Guru

Music Lover – Aspiration: Creativity, Knowledge, Popularity 
Careers: Entertainer, Painter, Writer

Perfectionist – Aspiration: All  
Careers: All

Lifestyle Traits

Ambitious – Aspiration: Creativity, Deviance, Family, Fortune, Knowledge, Nature, Popularity / Careers: All

Childish - Aspiration: Family, Popularity 
Careers: Any

Clumsy – Aspiration: Any 
Career: Any

Glutton – Aspiration: Food 
Career: Culinary, Barista, Fast Food

Insane – Aspiration: Creativity, Deviance, Fortune, Knowledge, Popularity 
Careers: Criminal, Painter, Writer

Lazy – Aspiration: Entertainer, Family, Knowledge, Love, Nature, Popularity 
Careers: Entertainer, Tech Guru, Writer

Loves Outdoors – Aspiration: Athletic, Creativity, Deviance, Knowledge, Nature, Popularity  Careers: All

Materialistic – Aspiration: Fortune  
Career: Criminal, Secret Agent

Neat – Aspiration: Any 
Career: Any          

Slob - Aspiration: Any 
Career: Any

Snob – Aspiration: Deviance, Entertainer, Fortune, Nature 
Careers: Criminal, Painter, Secret Agent

Social Traits

Bro – Aspiration: Athletic, Creativity, Family, Love 
Careers: Criminal, Entertainer, Secret Agent, Tech Guru

Evil – Aspiration: Deviance 
Careers: Criminal, Secret Agent

Family-Oriented – Aspiration: Family 
Career: ALL

Good – Aspiration: All except Deviance     
Career: ALL except Criminal and Villain Branch of Secret Agent

Hates Children – Aspiration: All except Family 
Career: ALL

Loner – Aspiration: ALL except Popularity 
Career: Astronaut, Painter, Writer

Mean – Aspiration: Deviance 
Career: Criminal, Villain Branch Of Secret Agent

Noncommittal – Aspiration: ALL 
Career: None

Outgoing – Aspiration: Creativity, Family, Love, Popularity  
Careers: Culinary, Entertainer, Secret Agent

Photo Source:  

Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Sims 4: Initial Pre-Gameplay Review

For more than a month now since it released on September 2, The Sims 4 fans and players enjoy posting their videos, pictures and even share the stories of their gameplay online for other gamers and non gamers to see. While most of the avid Simmers most of whom were faithful The Sims series gamers already hooked up to the game, there are a handful of skeptics who are still cautious in buying and/or playing the game due to some factors such as price, content and issues.

When it was released, people were aghast about its steep price saying they can't afford a game that expensive and a little more bucks more than the previous game in the series. I think that people are concerned about it due to the fact that the developers of the game made some compromise in lieu of some of the new twists in  the game thus is the justification I think and that the game is still new to the market the price is reasonable. After quite sometime, the price of the game will plummet significantly.

Most of the avid fans of the game are concerned much of the game's content and after its release, lots of backlash took place and complains flooded EA about the absence of key game contents such as the swimming pool, toddlers and an open world where Sims can roam around their hometown without loading screens and also stuffs in buy mode such as dishwashers, sprinklers etc. There is even a petition launched by Sims fans to bring back these contents. Because of this, The Sims 4 suffered serious low ratings review from some prestigious Game Critics and Reviewers with an average of 6.5 out of 10. EA producer Rachel Rubin Franklin admitted later that the reason for the compromise is the developer's focus on The Sims 4's new core game engine technologies. However on October 1, 2014 Maxis confirmed that some features like the swimming pools and ghosts will be back and new careers will be added through a free patch updates. Good thing they listen to their solid fans.

For me, the biggest concern would be the issues, glitches, bugs and errors a player will encounter during the game. This will seriously affect gameplay, its attributes and the game's entertainment value. The many issues and glitches experienced by the players that were reported to EA was due to the fact that the game were rushed to beat the deadline for its release this September 1 so they miss to fix some bugs, glitches and errors of the game but these days they strive hard and work overtime to fix these issues. Good thing for the gamers so they could enjoy playing the game nonstop.

For the meantime here's what I think about the game based on the videos, pictures and post I've seen and read online before my turn to play it. This is my initial pre gameplay review:

Create A Style Demo - EA and Maxis released this free demo  for all the fans to check one feature of the new game in the series. The create a style demo allows a player to create a Sim to his or her liking by modifying a Sim's body, face, outfits and even adding the all new emotions and aspirations for some twists and some touches of traits (although they reduce it to 3 this time plus a bonus trait from aspiration making it 4) in which all the three attributes greatly influence how your Sim behave, act and interact with other Sims and of course another all-new walking style for your Sim for some attitude! There is a big improvement in modifying the body. A player can move the cursor to the body parts and it will highlight which areas of the body can still be modified. You can expand or compress their head, make it broad or narrow their shoulder, give them biceps or make them skinny, big or small breast for men and women, small or big butt and for some touches add some tattoos for some personality. Make-up is still there and add some accessories to make a customized Sims to define their uniqueness and individuality. Since this DEMO is just an initial preview of EA for its fans to have a sneak peak of what's in store in the game, the full feature of CAS will be available on the game. However I think  EA could have included all the life stages or at least a kid in the demo with only limits on outfit and accessories so we will know what to expect in the full version.

Origin - In the previous series, if you want to download and learn about other fellow Sims player's creations and stories or vice versa you need to log in to The Sims Exchange, the official community page of The Sims series to be able to do that as well as meet and make friends with them halting your gameplay temporary. In Sims 4, with the digital distribution software Origin (formerly EA Download Manager) downloading, uploading and sharing stories has never been this easier because it is integrated directly into the game. It means that during the gameplay beside the build mode in the upper right corner of your gameplay screen is the option for The Sims community wherein you can download creations, make friends and share stories or otherwise, upload your own. This one is a brilliant idea that EA got it right.

Build Mode - I love it where for the fact that EA made a big leap forward on this one and has a significant innovation than in the previous series of the game. What I'm talking about is the sorting of things to build. A player can now choose to build by room or by parts or area. If a player is too hasty to pick each and every item in a room his household needed then he can buy an entire room with all the stuffs necessary or he/she chooses to build an individual parts or area and buy individual stuffs. I love this buying an entire room since it minimizes your time spending on the look out for things you need consuming only a fraction of your gameplay. If you don't find it necessary to buy an entire room, one can build  each and every area to create a magnificent abode a stylish structure standout among the neighborhood. To compliment your home, there are some stuffs you can purchase to fill the house and the good news, there are lots of new cool and fun stuff to purchase some of which are unlockables specific your Sim's career, skill or aspiration. This is another reason I love this game. It never fails to surprise us with new things to play around.

Graphics and Sound - Another innovation of the Maxis and EA is the graphic animation. The animation in Sims 4 is better that looks like the animated films nowadays a far cry from the animations in the previous series. I also love the sound which is cooler and relaxing now than ever. Now  for the fun part however is the gameplay. With a lot of skills and new careers to complete, playing Sims 4 is a bit more challenging now than ever excluding all the cheats and mods. For some twists, in Sims 4 the traits (which has some new cool introductions) together with the all-new emotions and the aspirations will now directly influence how your Sims will behave, act in a certain situation and condition and how they interact with other Sims . In other words, your Sims has a mind and feelings on their own now and sometimes it will surprise you on their actions and behaviors. This is where I will enjoy it most.

After seeing several of the gameplay I can say that Sims 4 is worth the bucks and worth your time playing. As the shortcomings is being addressed, the fun of this game endless as new things are added from time to time through patches or game updates. I can say now that The Sims 4 is an above average game I can't wait to play. I will give it 8 out of 10 for now. Till my gameplay review, Happy and Enjoy Simming everyone! 


Carl The Sims 4 Guide
The Sims 4 Wikia 
The Sims 4 Wiki 
Sims VIP Community

Photo Sources: 

The Sims 4 forum at 
EA The Sims 4 Forum

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

THE SIMS 4: Emotional States, Benefits And How To Acquire Them?

The Sims 4 Emotions

The Sims 4 already features the ALL-NEW emotional state or simply emotions in your Sims that is so powerful it affects social interactions and relationships with other Sims, leveling up the skills, their careers and even their whole life. Emotions which greatly influences how your Sim behave or react and also help you fulfill Whims and Needs which in turn earns you reward points which you can use later to purchase Rewards which will make your Sim’s life a little bit easier, convenient and happier. Emotions make your Sims become independent and have a life of their own aside from the full autonomy you given them if you don’t assign any task for them and it can also unlock special interactions based on your Sim’s current mood or emotions. Here are the different emotions, their benefits and what are required to achieve the emotional state. Remember you can increase your emotional state a notch higher if you do multiple task required (e.g. doing multiple tasks can make your Sim Very Focused, Very Inspired, Very Energized etc.) and also Paintings which has their aura enabled can also obtain a Sim the emotion it emits as well as social interactions. 

Emotional Traits


-       Regular mood for Sims who fulfill needs

Benefits: perform household chores, repairs and upgrades, function properly at work, can interact friendly and nicely with other Sims

Requirements: Satisfy the needs at least average (yellow bar), read books, watch tv, listen to radio, play, browse or do something with PC, tablets or mobile devices

Superlative: Very Happy

-       Ideal mood for just any skill, interactions and career

Benefits: level up skills, career advancement or promotion, happy interactions

Requirements: Acting on your Sim’s traits, Fulfill needs, fulfill whims, fulfill career tasks and ultimately get promoted, make nice, kind and healthy interactions, read books, do household chores (based on Neat Trait)


Superlative: Very Confident

-       Suitable mood to gain friends, gain skill and defeat opponents in matches

Benefits: ideal mood to level Charisma, make friends and relationship faster, can convincingly make other Sims laugh by your jokes or any funny interactions, win a fight by those with Mean Trait

Requirements: cook food, Self-Assured trait, Psych Self Up in Mirror, View Confident Work (monolith or art made by a painter)


Superlatives: Very Flirty, Passionate

-       Essential mood to get Romantic or to woo someone and have an intimate relationship

Benefits: level Charisma, more effective Romantic interactions thus making an intimate relationship or fling with someone is quicker or faster, enables someone to find a love of their life faster to complete Love aspiration, can serenade, paint and even write with this emotion

Requirements: Clean Up or Talk in the Mirror, Try on Outfits, Takes a steamy shower


Superlatives: Very Playful, Silly, Hysterical

-   An ideal mood to have fun, make friends, woo or flirt with someone, entertain people, level comedy skills to complete Popularity Aspiration and even help in the advancement of career in the Comedian branch

Benefits: helps in increasing the relationship status, career advancement in Comedian branch of Entertainer career, help to make friends

Requirements: Goofball trait, Digging deposits, getting time capsules, collecting MySims trophies, perform jokes or comedy routine, funny social interactions, take bubble bath, cook Silly Gummy Bear pancake (when you are Level 3 in Cooking Skill and in Playful mood when you click the stove), watch funny videos on Sim tv on computer, watch Comedy shows on television, playful decor


Superlative: Very Focused

- The mind of a Focused Sim is sharp and clear.

Benefits: required in some Career promotions and also helps in leveling skills faster

Requirements: Genius trait, ponder moves on chessboard, read a book or use a microscope, Research Gardening at Computer (Web & Research Gardening), use a telescope, Browse Simipedia at Computer (Web & Simipedia), make mathematical diagram and hang in your room or workplace, finding elements in the World, fish, play games,


Superlatives: Very Energized(NA) / Very Energised(UK)

-       The required mood to pumped up the day’s activities

Benefits: level Fitness Skill to complete Athletic Aspiration

Requirements: Active trait, Take a brisk shower, Bro trait (watch Sports TV), collecting elements such as Peach, Diamonds, Orange Topaz, and Simanite, Researching workout tips on computer, eat High Protein energy meal, drink Energy juice


Superlative: Very Inspired

An Inspired Sim has tons of creative ideas begging to be expressed!

Benefits: enables your Sim to paint to level their Painting Skills, paint masterpiece, advance in their career and complete Creativity aspiration, enables your Sim to perform creative things like playing Instruments to give a rousing and beautiful performance thus leveling up their skill like guitar, violin, jokes thus advancing in their careers and also enables your Sim to write bestsellers, level their Creative Skills

Requirements: Creative trait, Admire arts, Take A Thoughtful Shower, read a book, doing creative things (writing, singing, playing instruments etc.), Browse Art in Computer, completing a Painting, Research Art References, Critique Paintings, and Gather Inspiration (from Painting Career), listen deeply to boombox, Research Guitar on Computer (level 2 on Guitar Skill)


Superlatives: Very Angry, Enraged, Furious

-       The usual mood of the Hot-headed, Mean and Evil Sims. Negatively affects interactions. Sims tend to be more aggressive. 

Benefit: level Mischief Skill to complete the Deviance Aspiration, can make your Sim paint Angry or Mad Paintings

Remedy: A punching bag can be used to relieve the Sim from the Emotion. Also, the players can try to calm down an NPC Sim with the emotional state. 


Superlative: Very Sad, Depressed

-       Mood when a Sim is upset or disappointed with something. It's hard for a Sad Sim to hang out with other people. Changes how Sims approach actions and their style of walk.

Benefit: can paint lonely or sad paintings

Requirements: This emotion can occur when negative events happen to Sims such as losing a competition, the death of a family member, and having a new sibling. It can also be caused by a low social need or randomly by the Gloomy trait. 

Remedy: Try a pep talk in the mirror or a good cry under the covers!  


Superlative: Very Uncomfortable

-  This emotion occurs when a Sim has negative moodlets relating to their low needs or when sleeping in a cheap bed, using a cheap shower, or eating badly prepared food or spoiled food.
   No Sim enjoys feeling Uncomfortable and worn out. Make sure their Needs are in good shape!


Superlatives: Very Tense, Stressed

-       The mood of a Sim who is unable to have fun, when there’s a fire, or upset with someone or group of people. A Tense Sim doesn't feel like doing much of anything.

A Sim does the more stressful variants of actions. Will occur when a Sim's fun need is low. 

Remedy:  Try taking a nice bath or relaxing in front of the TV!


Superlatives: Very Embarrassed, Mortified

-       When a Sim invaded the privacy of someone or if he has an awkward conversation or situation

Requirements: Can be received from being humiliated in a discussion while multiple Sims are present, having a bladder accident, or by walking in on another Sim bathing or on the toilet. If a Sim becomes Mortified, he or she runs the risk of death. 


-       If a Sim is not having fun for a certain period of time. A Bored Sim won't feel like doing anything that isn't fun. Try out some new fun activities!

Requirements: Occurs during social interactions with Sims. Also, randomly occurs when children and teens come home from school, or when a secret agent Sim researches intelligence on the computer.


-       A Sim has witnessed, felt or experience something embarrassing or astounding

Requirements: Can be received when losing a fight, being electrocuted, or drinking a bottle of daze from a cowplant.


The Sims 4 Emotions Wikia

Photo Sources: