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Showing posts with label Apple. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Philippine Cyber Law Too Stringent Restrictive Curtails Freedom of Expression?

Is the Philippine Cyber Law which was passed and signed into law by President Benigno S. Aquino III this September 2012 too restrictive too stringent? Included are libel, online theft, online squatting and cyber sex. The crime libel online which is not punishable by law is fine with me on grave abuse and misconduct destroying the reputation and dignity of a specific individual, group, organization or institution. But should cyber sex should be included in the cyber law to be punishable by law? I don't condone nor against cyber sex but the cyber law penalizing this act is too much and deemed excessive not only by the people in the Philippines but all throughout the world and even international cyber crime law experts won't agree on this. Yeah they would reason out immorality but I have some points to tackle: How is it immoral to do it online when prostitution by real flesh itself is more immoral and not penalized in the country and they cannot even solve, regulate and control prostitution in the Philippines? Penalizing anyone committing cyber sex is depriving people of their freedom regardless of their religion or orientation. Not everyone are Christians or Muslims or religious. Some are non religious or atheist. This is a democratic country where everyone are FREE to make their choices but comes with freedom is a responsible choice however this one deprive people of their freedom of choice, and one specific group or organization cannot say this is immoral as there are more out there which are far worse than this when it comes to immorality beside this does not spread diseases as it is only done online. Some provisions in the new cyber crime law should be amended. 

             If you're against Cyber Martial Law please change your facebook or social medial profile pic to BLACK and make your website background color to black... Thanks 
             Today the Cyber Crime Prevention Act of 2012 will be implemented today unless it is declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. 
             Department of Justice Secretary Leila de Lima has this to say: “Right now we have the law and it is our duty to implement it unless declared unconstitutional by the SC or amended by Congress. Any power or authority granted by the law to Department of Justice and secretary of Justice will be exercised judiciously and prudently, within the standards or parameters set forth in the law and with due regard to fundamental, human rights of individuals.”  
             Under the law, the DoJ has the authority to restrict or block access to computer data found to have prima facie violation of cyber crimes defined in RA 10175. A petition has been filed with the SC seeking to declare unconstitutional certain provisions of RA 10175, as of the last count there are six in total.