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Showing posts with label world news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label world news. Show all posts

Friday, April 10, 2015

World Cities Nicknames and Labels

Here are some of the world's cities nicknames and labels:

Algiers, Algeria - Paris of North Africa
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - means "New Flower"
Baghdad, Iraq - Most Romantic City of the Arabian Nights
Baltimore, Maryland, USA - First Catholic City in the US
Bangkok, Thailand - Venice of the East
Beijing, China - The Forbidden City, City of Cities
Benares, India - Holiest City of India
Berlin, Germany - Formerly divided city of Germany
Bruges, Belgium - City of Bridges
Budapest, Hungary - Minneapolis of Europe
Buenos Aires, Argentina - Largest City in Latin America
Damascus, Syria - Oldest City of the World
Geneva, Switzerland - Seat of International Conferences
Hammerfest, Norway - Northernmost Town in the World
Holyoake, Massachusetts, USA - Paper City of America
Java, Indonesia - The Garden Island
Jerusalem, Israel - Oldest Holy City of the World
Khartoum, Sudan - means "Elephant Trunk" 
Kethikan, Alaska, USA - World's Salmon City
Lima, Peru - City of the Kings
London, England - Third Largest City in the World (after New York and Tokyo)
Madrid, Spain - where Dr. Jose Rizal studied medicine
Mecca, Saudi Arabia - Holiest City of the Muslims
Mumbai, India - Largest City in India
New York City, USA - America's Greatest Seaport and Financial Center
Pagan, Myanmar - City of Four Million Elephants
Paris, France - City of Lights, famous for its Eiffel Tower, one of the tallest in Europe
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA - City of Brotherly Love
Pisa, Italy - famous for its Leaning Tower
Prague, Czech Republic - City of Hundred Towers
Rome, Italy - Eternal City, City of Seven Hills
Tokyo, Japan - one of the most richest and thickly populated city in the world
Tronsoe, Norway - Capital of the Arctic
Vancouver, Canada - Canada's Gateway to the Pacific
Venice, Italy - famous for its gondolas, Queen of the Adriatic
Vienna, Austria - Queen of the Danube

Photo Source: 

Travel Destination,

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Countries Of The World Nicknames And Labels

Here are the nicknames and labels of countries in the world:

Albania - smallest Balkan state
Algeria - largest nation in North Africa
Argentina -  meaning "silver", Land of the Gauchos and the Tango 

Australia - The Land Down Under, Land of the Southern Cross
Austria - Land of Beauty and Music
Belgium - country of the Belgians
Bhutan - Valley of the Thunder Dragons
Bolivia - Indian Republic
Brazil - giant of the Tropics, largest nation in Latin America
Cambodia - Land of the Khmers
Canada - Largest country in the Western Hemisphere
Chile - The Shoestring Republic
China - The Land of the Rising Dragon, Largest and most thickly populated country in the world
Czechoslovakia - later became separate independent countries, Czech Republic and Slovak Republic or Slovakia, Land of the Czechs and the Slovaks
Cuba - Pearl of the Antilles; largest and richest island in the Antilles, the only Communist nation in the western Hemisphere, the first Soviet satellite in the Americas
Denmark - Europe's oldest kingdom
Dominican Republic - Cradle of America
Ecuador - Republic on the Equator
Egypt - gift of the Nile
Ethiopia - oldest existing African monarchy
Finland - Land of a Thousand Lakes
France - world's center of art and culture
Greece - cradle of Western Civilization
Haiti - first Negro Republic
Hong Kong - Fragrant Harbor; Center of World Trade
Hungary - Land of the Plain
India - World's Largest Democracy; Second Most Thickly Populated Country of the World
Indonesia - World's Largest Archipelago, Land of Volcanoes
Iran - Ancient nation with a new name; known as Persia in the ancient civilization
Iraq - Cradle of Ancient Civilization; formerly known as Mesopotamia
Ireland - Emerald Isle
Israel - Republic of the Jews, melting pot of religions in the world
Italy - Land of Song and History
Japan - Land of the Rising Sun; Most Industrialized Country in Asia
Jordan - Desert Arab Kingdom
Kenya - Land of the Mau Mau, meaning "ostrich" 
Korea - Land of the Morning Calm
Kuwait - tiny Arab Kingdom, World's Second Largest Exporter of Oil
Laos - Land of a Million Elephants
Lebanon - Half-Christian, Half-Muslim Republic
Liberia - oldest African Republic
Madagascar - formerly known as Malagasy Republic, Africa's Malay nation, the only Catholic Republic in Africa
Malawi - Land of the Flaming Waters
Mauritania - Country of the Moors 
Mexico - the only Latin Republic in North America
Monaco - tourist paradise in the Mediterranean
Morocco - land further West
Myanmar - formerly known as Burma; Land of the Golden Pagodas, Rice Bowl of Asia
Namibia - new name for Southwest Africa 

Nepal - Land of the Living Museum, where Mt. Everest, world's highest mountain is found
Netherlands - also known as Holland meaning "low lands" , land of the windmills
New Zealand - Long Bright Land
Norway - Land of the Midnight Sun
Pakistan - Land of the Pure
Peru - Land of the Incas
Philippines - Pearl of the Orient, Seven Thousand Emeralds, Archipelago of St. Lazarus (former old name), First Malayan Republic
Poland - State with a Glorious Past
Portugal - World's first colonizing power
Puerto Rico - meaning "Rich Port", Commonwealth under the United States flag
Romania - richest nation in the Balkans
Russia (formerly USSR) - formerly World's mightiest communist power, land of the Powers
San Marino - oldest Republic in the World
Saudi Arabia - Cradle of Islam; Largest and Richest Kingdom in the Arabian peninsula
Sierra Leone - Mountain of the Lion 

Singapore - Island-City state; its name means Lion City
South Africa - country with the richest deposit of diamond and gold
Spain - champion of Catholicism
Sri Lanka - Island of Jewels
Sweden - Land of the Swedes
Switzerland - Playground of Europe; Europe's Highest Country
Syria - Muslim Arab Republic
Taiwan - formerly known as "Formosa" meaning beautiful, otherwise known as Nationalist China
Tanzania - new name for the combined countries of Tanganyika and Zanzibar
Thailand - Land of the Free (never been colonized by any western countries)
Tibet - The Roof of the World
Turkey - bridge between Asia and Europe
United Kingdom - mother of Democracy 
United States - Greatest Champion of the Free World, Richest and one of the most powerful nations of the world
Vatican City - Capital of the Catholic church,where the pope lives
Venezuela - meaning "Little Venice", World's second largest producer of oil
Yemen - The fortunate land
Yugoslavia - home of the southern Slavs, largest Balkan state, it is a country from 1943 - 1992 until it broke up into several countries of Croatia (1991), Slovenia (1991), Republic of Macedonia(1991), Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992), Serbia and Montenegro (1992 - 2006), Serbia (2006), Montenegro (2006) and Kosovo (2008).
Zimbabwe - new name of Rhodesia

Other Places: 

Tanganyika - where the world's richest diamond mine is found
Zanzibar - Island of Golden Coves
Africa - Dark Continent, land of Contrast, World's second largest continent
Central America - land of Banana republic
South America - world's fourth largest continent
Greenland - World's largest island
Hawaii - Paradise of the Pacific, Surfing Mecca of the World, 50th state of US
Sikkim - Smallest Himalayan Kingdom, landlocked Indian state

Photo Source: 
The World Flag Blog,

Friday, December 6, 2013

Rest In Peace, Nelson Mandela

Rest In Peace Nelson Mandela. God Bless You! 

          We are deeply saddened by the passing of an icon and a legend whose legacy for humanity still lives on and continued to be exemplified by selfless men and women. His long battle and suffering with lung complication has come to an end.The vanguard of humanity who changed the world and make a difference has finally rested peacefully with the lord. We are so blessed to have a man who stand up against discrimination, segregation and oppression not only for his beloved South Africa but also served as a great inspiration to all nations in the world. One of the best man that walked the earth showed kindness, unconditional love and selfless service whose only noble desire is equality, justice and fairness among all men with no regards to color or background. What really draws deep in my heart is that after being imprisoned for 27 harrowing and depressing years he showed no trace of bitterness and anger in his heart and even granted sincere forgiveness to those who wrong him - what a kind and gentle soul. May we continue to learn from him, from his legacy and serve him as an inspiration in today's world that in our own little ways we could make a difference in the world. Our deepest sympathy and condolences to Madiba family, relatives and friends of Mr. Nelson Mandela and also to the entire nation, South Africa. Our prayers are with you. God bless you, Mr. Nelson Mandela. Rest in Peace.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

2012 Biggest Stories

These are the biggest stories of 2012: 

1. US Presidential Election Where President Barack Obama, 44th US President won for his second term 
2. The 2012 London Olympic Games 
3. Typhoon Bopha which hit Southern Philippines killing a thousand lives and thousands of others missing, thousands of families left homeless and billions of dollars worth of damage property 
4. China's imperialistic domination of South China Sea which borders Southeast Asian countries. 
5. Colorado shootings
6. Sandy Hook school shooting one of the worst in America's history
7. West Bank and Gaza trip violence 
8. Hurricane Sandy battered most of the East Coast one of the worst natural calamities that struck the region in recent years

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Best and Worst Of 2012

As the year 2012 is about to end and as we approach 2013, it is good to look back to what had transpired throughout the year and learn and be inspired from them as we look forward to a new beginning in the new year. We will have a review through a list of the good times and bad times, the beautiful and not so beautiful things we shared throughout the year as Charles Dickens said in his Tale of Two Cities, "it was the best of times, the worst of times." Surely it is an interesting and unforgettable year full of surprises, controversy, losses, victories and so much more.