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Showing posts with label Twitter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Twitter. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Miss Universe 2014 Contestants Says...

These are some of the Miss Universe 2014 contestants has to say to my questions. Thank you to all the responses I received, initial responses that yet need to be answered, liked, retweeted and favorited on Twitter.   Thanks for the all love!

What world city or town would you like to visit? Why?

I would like to visit Paris, France because it is a city full of light and culture.

- Laurien Angelista, Curacao

I would live to visit Paris France because I had the opportunity of studying basic French and learning about French culture and history intrigues me. I would like to visit the different Cathedrals and learn more about its history. I am also interested in their art and learning much more of their culture.

 - Jevon King, Trinidad and Tobago

Wow, thanks but to pick a city in the world is hard because I would love to visit so many cities, seeing different faces, places and culture gives me joy. Am sorry so many cities in my head. lol. Where are you maybe that would be the next city i would visit.

- Queen Celestine, Nigeria

There are so many cities i would love to visit but one that I have in my bucket list is NEW YORK. I love to dance love to act and one day i would love to be part of a Broadway show.

-Digene Zimmerman, Aruba

I would love to visit Egypt, Jerusalem! for the Holy Land.

-Christie Desir, Haiti

Tokyo, Japan. For me Tokyo is a city of towering buildings filled with endless possibilities. Its districts offer a labyrinthine maze of streets crowded with restaurants, cafes, pubs, gaming centers, karaoke clubs and pachinko parlours.

- Avanti Page, Sri Lanka

Do you like to visit Iloilo, Philippines for cultural immersion?

Yes, I would visit there to identify myself on the people, customs and culture. I believe that the more knowledge of each other's cultures helps us to become a more nurturing and loving world.

- Jevon King, Trinidad and Tobago

A big Yes, visiting Iloilo in Philippines will be an honor, I would love to enjoy and learn lots about their culture. And Mary jean has been a wonderful person. As a child I was exposed to lots of culture and tribes and it has been fun, it has given me a sense of understanding and acceptance of real life issues that I want to make sure I keep and also pass this way of life to my kids.

- Queen Celestine, Nigeria

Of course I would, as an ambassador of My island it would be nice to share with others especially Philippines what my culture and island has to offer. So yes why not

- Digene Zimmerman, Aruba

I would wanna visit anywhere beautiful to share my music across. I would love to tour the world and sing to the lovely people.

-Abena Appiah, Ghana

  Of course, I would love to visit Philippines! Would you invite me!!!

- Christie Desir, Haiti

Yes I would love to visit lloilo, Philippines for cultural immersion, because I see visiting different cities and experiencing different cultures as a voyage of discovery and a chance to immerse myself in the local culture. There is an intangible value which comes from acclimating in a new place.

- Avanti Page, Sri Lanka 

If you can make a nickname for your country, what would you call your country and why?

The nickname I'd give Trinidad and Tobago is 'The Mix' simply because we are diverse mix with different cultures, traditions, races and creeds that make us one nation. We accept all and refuse none. We are a people that is kind and loving and embracing. We also are a people that is open to other cultures that's are not ours.

- Jevon King, Trinidad and Tobago

(Happy Naija) because in all situation or crisis we still find a way to remain happy.

- Queen Celestine, Nigeria

That would be Dushi, Aruba has so many things to offer mostly importantly the love and warmth we share to all those that visit our island. Dushi means sweety or sweetheart in English. 

- Digene Zimmerman, Aruba

Ghana is a beautiful name for my country so GH is that nickname I will prefer it cos datz how we call it.

-Abena Appiah, Ghana

My nickname pour Haiti is... Cherie Doudou!!! because of the kindness of my people, their smiles, the beauty of Haiti is a "Perle Rare"

- Christie Desir, Haiti

I might steal South Korea’s nickname ‘Land of the morning calm’, because of Sri Lanka’s spellbinding natural beauty from picturesque mountains to clear waters and its splendid tranquility, particularly during sunrise. You would experience this first hand if you have ever woken up to a view of Sri Lanka’s finest beach destinations.

- Avanti Page, Sri Lanka

What food best represents your country? 

It's Mote Hin Gar you should try. Mont Hin Gar is a traditional Burmese dish. It is some kind of a fish soup with rice noodle - very fresh and very tasty and healthy food. I bet you won't forget Myanmar ever once you try it.

- Sharr Htut Eaindra, Myanmar

The food that best represents Trinidad and Tobago are far too many to count I can give a few examples, our callaloo, pepper pot, ground provisions and salt fish, our dhalpree and buss up shut with all the different spices as well as our doubles and bake and shark. We have a mix of culture in our food also, so it's difficult to point out one food that represents Trinidad and Tobago.

- Jevon King, Trinidad and Tobago

The food that best represent us is affang soup with eba(garri), that’s because all tribe love the food and enjoy it and the food looks like our flag lol (green and white), if you visit Nigeria, Calabar to be precise please order for it and I would happily prepare it for you if you don’t mind.

- Queen Celestine, Nigeria

Funchi would be a typical dish which is made out of corn and is served with either fish or soup. I invite you all to come visit Aruba so you can enjoy our delicious dishes!

- Digene Zimmerman, Aruba

Every food is unique but Banku & Tilapia is

- Abena Appiah, Ghana

The Best food representing Haiti is: " Du Riz ak pois, Griot" The National Rice And Beans, Griot"  

- Christie Desir, Haiti

It would be rice and curry because of its flavour and spices used.

- Avanti Page, Sri Lanka

Photo Source: 

Miss Universe Organization Inc. Official Facebook Cover

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Miss Universe 2012 My Suggested TWITTER Questions

This is the first time in the history of the Miss Universe beauty pageant that fans from all over the world can post a final question for the Miss Universe 2012 via Twitter. One lucky fan question will be asked a Top 5 finalist which is broadcasted LIVE to worldwide audience. These are some of the questions I posted on Twitter: 

Can you imagine a world without Internet or phones? 
Can you imagine a world without a gun? 
In light of recent events, should there be a need to regulate and control the use of guns and other weapons? 

I want the new Miss Universe 2012 to answer this question:

If you can speak on behalf of United Nations, how can you convince China to surrender its claim over Spratly Islands?   

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Philippine Cyber Law Too Stringent Restrictive Curtails Freedom of Expression?

Is the Philippine Cyber Law which was passed and signed into law by President Benigno S. Aquino III this September 2012 too restrictive too stringent? Included are libel, online theft, online squatting and cyber sex. The crime libel online which is not punishable by law is fine with me on grave abuse and misconduct destroying the reputation and dignity of a specific individual, group, organization or institution. But should cyber sex should be included in the cyber law to be punishable by law? I don't condone nor against cyber sex but the cyber law penalizing this act is too much and deemed excessive not only by the people in the Philippines but all throughout the world and even international cyber crime law experts won't agree on this. Yeah they would reason out immorality but I have some points to tackle: How is it immoral to do it online when prostitution by real flesh itself is more immoral and not penalized in the country and they cannot even solve, regulate and control prostitution in the Philippines? Penalizing anyone committing cyber sex is depriving people of their freedom regardless of their religion or orientation. Not everyone are Christians or Muslims or religious. Some are non religious or atheist. This is a democratic country where everyone are FREE to make their choices but comes with freedom is a responsible choice however this one deprive people of their freedom of choice, and one specific group or organization cannot say this is immoral as there are more out there which are far worse than this when it comes to immorality beside this does not spread diseases as it is only done online. Some provisions in the new cyber crime law should be amended. 

             If you're against Cyber Martial Law please change your facebook or social medial profile pic to BLACK and make your website background color to black... Thanks 
             Today the Cyber Crime Prevention Act of 2012 will be implemented today unless it is declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. 
             Department of Justice Secretary Leila de Lima has this to say: “Right now we have the law and it is our duty to implement it unless declared unconstitutional by the SC or amended by Congress. Any power or authority granted by the law to Department of Justice and secretary of Justice will be exercised judiciously and prudently, within the standards or parameters set forth in the law and with due regard to fundamental, human rights of individuals.”  
             Under the law, the DoJ has the authority to restrict or block access to computer data found to have prima facie violation of cyber crimes defined in RA 10175. A petition has been filed with the SC seeking to declare unconstitutional certain provisions of RA 10175, as of the last count there are six in total.