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Showing posts with label internet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label internet. Show all posts

Sunday, March 30, 2014

20 Years Of Internet Connection In The Philippines

It's the 20th year anniversary of Philippines connection to the world through Internet started on March 29, 1994.

Altavista, Lycos, Yehey, Webcrawler are just some of the Filipino search engines in the 1990s and early 2000s.

Mozcom is the first commercial Internet service provider in the Philippines founded in 1994 by William "Bill" Torres, regarded as the Father of Philippine Internet and Willy Gan.

 mIRC, is the most popular Internet chat room in the Philippines

          Twenty years ago on March 29, 1994, the Philippines finally gets connected to the world through the Internet. The Internet first made its connection to the Philippines on March 29, 1994. On that date the Philippine Network Foundation (PHNet) connected the country and its people to Sprint in the United States via a 64 kbit/s link. 

          Here are just some of the significant dates in the history of the Internet in the Philippines: 

August 1986: The first Philippine-based, public-access BBS [bulletin board system], First-Fil RBBS went online with an annual subscription fee of P1,000. A precursor to the local online forum, it ran an open-source BBS software on an IBM XT Clone PC with a 1200bps modem and was operated by Dan Angeles and Ed Castañeda.

1987: The Philippine FidoNet Exchange, a local network for communication between several BBSes in Metro Manila, was formed.

1990: A committee helmed by Arnie del Rosario of the Ateneo Computer Technology Center was tasked with exploring the possibility of creating an academic network of universities and government institutions by the National Computer Center under Dr. William Torres. Recommendations were made but not implemented.

1991-1993: Emergence of email gateways and services in the Philippines, including some from multinational companies like Intel, Motorola, and Texas Instruments, which used a direct Internet connection, X.25, or UCCP protocol. Local firms ETPI, Philcom, and PLDT also operated commercial X.25 networks. Another milestone: Local and international email to FidoNet users was introduced.

June 1993: With the support of the Department of Science and Technology and the Industrial Research Foundation, the Philnet project (now PHNET) was born. The Philnet technical committee, composed of computer buffs working at the DOST and representatives from the Ateneo de Manila University (Richie Lozada and Arnie del Rosario), De La Salle University (Kelsey Hartigan-Go), University of the Philippines Diliman (Rodel Atanacio and Rommel Feria), and University of the Philippines Los Baños, would eventually play a significant role in connecting the Philippines to the World Wide Web.

July 1993: Phase one of the Philnet project shifted into full gear after receiving funding from the DOST. It proved to be successful, as students from partner universities were able to send emails to the Internet by routing them through Philnet's gateway at the Ateneo, which was connected to another gateway at the Victoria University of Technology in Australia.

November 1993: An additional P12.5-million grant for the first year's running cost was awarded by the DOST to buy equipment and lease communication lines needed to kickstart the second phase of Philnet, now led by Dr. Rudy Villarica.

March 29, 1994, 1:15 a.m.: Benjie Tan, who was working for ComNet, a company that supplied Cisco routers to the Philnet project, established the Philippine's first connection to the Internet at a PLDT network center in Makati City. Shortly thereafter, he posted a short message to the Usenet newsgroup soc.culture.filipino to alert Filipinos overseas that a link had been made. His message read: "As of March 29,1994 at 1:15 am Philippine time, unfortunately 2 days late due to slight technical difficulties, the Philippines was FINALLY connected to the Internet via SprintLink. The Philippine router, a Cisco 7000 router was attached via the services of PLDT and Sprint communications to SprintLink's router at Stockton Ca. The gateway to the world for the Philippines will be via NASA Ames Research Center. For now, a 64K serial link is the information highway to the rest of the Internet world."

March 29, 1994, 10:18 a.m.: "We're in," Dr. John Brule, a Professor Emeritus in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Syracuse University, announced at The First International E-Mail Conference at the University of San Carlos in Talamban, Cebu, signifying that Philnet's 64 kbit/s connection was live.

2012 - The Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012, codified as Republic Act No. 10175, criminalized cybersquatting, cybersex, child pornography, identity theft, illegal access to data and libel. The act has been criticized for its provision on criminalizing libel, which is perceived to be a curtailment in freedom of expression. After several petitions submitted to the Supreme Court of the Philippines questioned the constitutionality of the Act, the Supreme Court issued a temporary restraining order on October 9, 2012, stopping implementation of the Act for 120 days.

2013 - A Magna Carta for Philippine Internet Freedom has been filed in the Philippine legislature to, among others, repeal Republic Act No. 10175.



Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Philippine Cyber Law Too Stringent Restrictive Curtails Freedom of Expression?

Is the Philippine Cyber Law which was passed and signed into law by President Benigno S. Aquino III this September 2012 too restrictive too stringent? Included are libel, online theft, online squatting and cyber sex. The crime libel online which is not punishable by law is fine with me on grave abuse and misconduct destroying the reputation and dignity of a specific individual, group, organization or institution. But should cyber sex should be included in the cyber law to be punishable by law? I don't condone nor against cyber sex but the cyber law penalizing this act is too much and deemed excessive not only by the people in the Philippines but all throughout the world and even international cyber crime law experts won't agree on this. Yeah they would reason out immorality but I have some points to tackle: How is it immoral to do it online when prostitution by real flesh itself is more immoral and not penalized in the country and they cannot even solve, regulate and control prostitution in the Philippines? Penalizing anyone committing cyber sex is depriving people of their freedom regardless of their religion or orientation. Not everyone are Christians or Muslims or religious. Some are non religious or atheist. This is a democratic country where everyone are FREE to make their choices but comes with freedom is a responsible choice however this one deprive people of their freedom of choice, and one specific group or organization cannot say this is immoral as there are more out there which are far worse than this when it comes to immorality beside this does not spread diseases as it is only done online. Some provisions in the new cyber crime law should be amended. 

             If you're against Cyber Martial Law please change your facebook or social medial profile pic to BLACK and make your website background color to black... Thanks 
             Today the Cyber Crime Prevention Act of 2012 will be implemented today unless it is declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. 
             Department of Justice Secretary Leila de Lima has this to say: “Right now we have the law and it is our duty to implement it unless declared unconstitutional by the SC or amended by Congress. Any power or authority granted by the law to Department of Justice and secretary of Justice will be exercised judiciously and prudently, within the standards or parameters set forth in the law and with due regard to fundamental, human rights of individuals.”  
             Under the law, the DoJ has the authority to restrict or block access to computer data found to have prima facie violation of cyber crimes defined in RA 10175. A petition has been filed with the SC seeking to declare unconstitutional certain provisions of RA 10175, as of the last count there are six in total.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Reason Why I Don't Get A Lot Of Traffic In This Blog :(

          A lot of bloggers and writers or site owners gain at least a million traffic in just one or two years and I wonder why. Until recently I found out that geolocation or geographic location of the write/author/site owner is a key role in determining the interests of people wanting to read your articles or visit your site therefore gaining traffic. If you are located and writes your articles in a highly urbanized city, chances are you will have a immediately have a huge following, a swarm or a heavy traffic to your site and several number of readers reading your article in a fastest way. It will just take you a short period of time to gain following, spur traffic and generate a lot of interested readers as well as they will stay on your site and read your articles for a long period if you are living in a highly urbanized city most especially if you are living in a progressive and much developed country.
          On the other hand, if you are just living in a quiet small rural area or a small town it will take you quite sometime to generate traffic and only get few readers reading your articles staying for a short period of time. Almost 5 years ago, I wrote my first few articles for a blog in a highly urbanized city and observed that I gain a lot of traffic in just a short period of time and I was very happy with the outcome considering I only wrote quite a few number of articles then. Since I am writing my articles now in a small farming but boring town, for almost three years now, I only get more than 100,000 visits to my site with visitors coming from at least 196 countries. It will take me at least quarter of a century to gain a significant number of traffic and readers to my site. What a very sad fate of my blog that I struggle to put up with my blood and sweat to come up with good articles.

Friday, January 20, 2012

OMG Yahoo! Co-Founder Jerry Yang Left Company Share Your Wealth With Me

                Just few days ago, Jerry Yang, co-founder of Yahoo! with David Filo left the company he built up and loved for more than 17 years. Yang also served in the company's board of directors since March 1995. The original name of Yahoo! is "Jerry and David's Guide to the World Wide Web"
          Yang owns 3.6 percent stake of the Sunnyvale, California-based company. A controversial Microsoft buyout was rejected by the company on January, 2009. I hope Jerry Yang let me share some of his wealth or maybe work with Yahoo.

Monday, October 10, 2011


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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Breaking News: Steve Jobs Passed Away At 56.

We are saddened to tell the world that Steve Jobs has passed away at 56 after a long battle with cancer but the probable cause was unspecified. An official statement from Apple Inc. The world has lost of the geniuses who makes our lives easier today. Steve Jobs thank you for being my mentor and a close friend for me for awhile. Thank you for the all advices you give even without the job or money you provided me. I would be happy for all the things you said to me and the funny things you said to me that so silly but so wise to do. If only I was born earlier I could have a share in your glory and I could be a part of the history but I am just grateful for the contribution you've made in the world. All your money can do you no good and could not even buy you a pass ticket from grim reaper to save you from certain death. Instead most of it should go to charities to have its worth. May you rest in peace, Steve Jobs!

Monday, September 12, 2011

A Decade Of Living Into The Virtual World

         Just few days from now, I’ll be celebrating my ten years of accessing the World Wide Web. It is just a week after that tragic event that changes our lives forever- the World Trade Center bombing in New York City, USA. The explosion that rocked the world bounced on me a week after when I made my first click I was immediately propelled into the vast environment of the virtual universe of just about anything. Since then, I learned a lot, meet a lot of people and even earn a living using the Internet. I cannot fully express how grateful I am for what internet have given me through the years much more grateful to the inventors of this 21st century wonder. If for the past ten years, the Internet had given me enough opportunity to earn money and earn things that I wanted, will the Internet takes me to different places and countries around the world in the next ten years as my way of saying thank you to those countries which has visited my blog – one of my proudest project brought by Internet? That’s the biggest question and the second big question is who will take me and how will I visit those places?

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Who Will Collaborate With Me In Creating My Review Site?

                I will be starting my review site wherein I can harness and sharpen my wit and deepen my foresight on analysis and realistic point of view of different topics big or small from big companies to food to internet sites. At first, it will be a warm up using a blog plat but once I gain grounds, I will start building my reputation where companies or owners will pay me or submit various requirements like papers, credentials, travel expenses and accommodations just to review their sites. I am also looking for some collaboration who are voluntary at first free to render their service and will be my co-partner in establishing the reviews and build reputation. I am now using my magnifying glass to look for potential partner/collaborator and now my Cyclops in me is now starting this review site.

Friday, July 22, 2011

My Sims Medieval Images Part 1

My physician's clinic and my wizard's tower at night time!

Please be firm and be strong in your faith. The devil is out there to shake you and to break you and to test you but stay strong in your faith and you can triumph over evil!

We are just waiting for the food to come.

The dinner is ready and the king is waiting for the servers to come out with the mouth watering specialty of the night and the banquet is also for the visiting dignitaries from allied foreign countries and annexed territories

The Citizens of the Kingdom of Cyprus take time off from their work and daily jobs to play the kingball. Not bad and the games so exciting, I just amazed that they are already in their 40s and 50s yet they play such quick demanding game

The Sims Medieval Is Here To Conquer You!

The Sims Medieval Game Cover

Another spin-off from the The Sims game generation is the much anticipated game of history and medieval chivalry, valor and gallantry - The Sims Medieval. Launch at the end of March 2011, this game has been played by hundreds of millions of people around the world including here in Iloilo, Philippines making it one of the most successful Sims games ever played. It features characters named as heroes such as Monarch, Knight, Spy, Jacoban and Peteran Priest, Merchant, Wizard, Physician, Blacksmith and Bard. Their life whether successful or miserable depends on the WATCHER which is YOU the gamer! Exciting game awaits those who follows The Sims. Anyway, I will feature my own The Sims Medieval game play screen shots and the stories behind on my next article!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

12 Million Filipinos Shop Online

   A record for the Philippines. 12 million Filipinos shops online on stores and auction sites like eBay and Amazon and large department stores or supermarket like Wal-Mart, Target, Costco, Neimann Marcus among others.