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Showing posts with label COMELEC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COMELEC. Show all posts

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Prayer for the 2016 Philippine National Elections

Merciful Father, Lord of our nation, 
we praise you for the gift of freedom that enable us
to choose our political leaders.
We thank you for constantly guiding us
as we protect the democracy in our country.
The coming election gives us new hope.

Grant us the wisdom to do our part during this election
so we may be a community of faith
bringin transformation by and to the society.
Give us the courage to speak as Jesus
proclaimed the Gospel in His time.
Protect our brothers and sisters who will guard our vote.
Enlighten those in power to hold the election sacred.

Help us to choose wisely so that our vote can make a difference.
With your Spirit guide us in electing
those who will protect the poor, listen to the vulnerable and make our nation a place of justice and peace.
We pray for political leaders whose motives are pure and who will abandon their personal ambitions for the good of our country.

Gazing our eyes on the Divino Rostro,
the face of your mercy and love,
and entrusting ourselves under the Manto of INA,
may we be committed to embody our Christian duty
expressed in our slogan: "Ang Tamang Pagpili, Katolikong Ugali". Amen.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Finest Philippine Leaders Filipinos Overlooked Or Ignored Part II

 Pink Footbridge painted to look clean and decent by Bayani Fernando as Metro Manila Development Authority Chairman

Bayani Fernando Accomplishments

As Mayor of Marikina City


-          Ran and elected into office in 1992.

-          Transformed Marikina City from being a 4th Class Municipality into a model city accorded with 55 citations and distinctions. His administration as mayor transformed the former municipality into one of the best-managed cities and a paradigm of responsive and effective governance.

-          He led with great political will, with focus & determination and never waivered on his principles that he was able to help more than 30 thousand families who were squatters and at the same time get rid of the squatters problem in Marikina’s public places & near the edges of waters.

-          He implemented programs and reforms so that relocation was not the end goal, but providing means so that families could be self-sustaining was the ultimate goal. He has indeed succeeded in being able to turn around Marikina during his terms in office as mayor.

-          In his incumbency, he made Marikina one of the cleanest, friendliest and disciplined city in the country and says there is zero crime rate in Marikina at one time during his term.

As Secretary of Public Works and Highways Department

-          In his short term as a secretary of Public Works, he has shaped policy directions to ensure efficiency in the department.

As Chairman of Metro Manila Development Authority

-          Appointed as Metro Manila Development Authority Chairman in 2002 by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

-          As Chairman, Metropolitan Manila has undergone dramatic change into becoming a livable metropolis. With his exceptional administrative skills and leadership qualities that have now become the yardstick of performance, he continues to prove himself as an agent of positive change. This earned him the moniker “Mr. Governance”.

-          Fernando has been able to implement and utilize traffic programs, urban transportation programs, traffic engineering, and the Urban Transport Integration Project. All of which focus on the transportation sector.

-          Another key focus that should also be highlighted, and probably not even downplayed as MMDA chairman is his leadership in bringing programs that deals with flood control and drainage management. Again, Fernando’s ability to get to the actual problems, and dealing with them squarely is yet another sign of his management style.

-          Cleared the major streets of Baclaran, Quiapo and other Metro Manila areas of illegal vendors, peddlers, objects and structures thus leaving huge spaces and room for people to walk and free the places with dirty and unsightly visuals.

-          Installed pink urinals along the busy thoroughfares and other areas in the metropolis that are meant to discourage men from taking a leak against the walls though they have become the subject of criticism – the urinals have become smelly due to lack of maintenance.

-          For Fernando, instilling discipline while earning a living even for the humblest vendors is a way to elevate the decency and dignity of people from walks of life.

Achievements and Distinctions:

•         Doctor of Humanities, Honoris Causa, Ateneo de Cagayan

•         The Outstanding Filipino (TOFIL) Award for Government Service

•         H.R Reyes Academic Medallion of Honor, Central Colleges of the Philippines

•         Doctor of the Public Administration, Honoris Causa by the Polytechnic University of the Philippines

 Bayani is a man of few words but his actions are undeniable while Gordon is a workaholic working aggressively round the clock while being vocal to what he thinks is right or wrong and always upholding the truth, justice and the Constitution. The duo is one of the strangest ideal pair in Philippine politics that is worth a chance to be elected to the highest positions and serve the country and lead it in the right way. In 2016 Philippine National Elections also called as Presidential Elections we will see the maturity and level of thinking of the people in the National Capital Region or Metro Manila and some parts of the country. Metro Manila have a huge turnout in votes that would really determine who is going to win.

The people in the provinces or in other parts of the country outside Metro Manila and Luzon are always watching over and on the lookout on what is happening in the elections and just waiting for the perfect timing to gain advantage and seek opportunities that would benefit their respective region, provinces, cities and town.

Richard Gordon and Bayani Fernando are some of the finest leaders of the country that the Philippines never had the chance to receive their service that Filipinos missed that Filipinos had overlooked or ignored. It is time for them to make some noise, be heard and be visible to the remote places in the country rather than the “popular and the influential ones” who stole and continue to steal billions of pesos from Filipino taxpayer's money and until now make some noise with unprecedented controversies and humiliating scandals that the nation does not deserve for such beating but instead nation building through character building instilling discipline and other exceptional holistic virtues a public servant must possess to serve and lead. This is the country’s chance to take try their exceptional and selfless leadership and management style.

If these two will not run for the position and/or win the highest position in the country, we the people invite them to be our local advisors in Western Visayas region, Iloilo and Panay with regards to socio-economic policies of the region that will serve as guidelines or blueprint for immediate action and realization. Else we will push for full autonomy or federal form of government in the Philippines.


Photo Sources:

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Finest Philippine Leaders Filipinos Overlooked Or Ignored Part I

Richard Gordon as Chairman of Philippine Red Cross one of the first to take action spearheading the relief efforts in times of calamities and natural disasters strike 

Richard Gordon Accomplishments

As 1971 Constitutional Convention Delegate
-          While still studying at UP, he was elected as the delegate of the first district of Zambales to the 1971 Constitutional Convention which drafted the 1973 Constitution. He was the youngest delegate at the said convention.

As Mayor Of Olongapo City

-          Prior to his election as mayor of Olongapo, Gordon helped his mother Amelia run the city government of Olongapo after the assassination of his father, James in the late 1960s.
-          During his term as mayor, Olongapo became a highly urbanized city in 1983.
-          Made Olongapo City as a “model city” from being a “sin city” by raising police accountability through I.D. systems, proper health and sanitation, waste management and the strict observance of color-coding in public transport.

As Chairman Of the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA)

-          Appointed as the Chairman of the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) by President Corazon C. Aquino on April 3, 1992.
-          On November 24, 1992, the U.S. Navy completed its withdrawal from the facility and its conversion for civilian and commercial use began.
-          Gordon with the citizens of Olongapo lobbied the national government for the inclusion of a free port concept into the national legislation for the conversion of the U.S. bases. The effort was successful, with the inclusion of the establishment of the Subic Bay Freeport Zone (also known as the Subic Special Economic Zone) in Section 12 of Republic Act No. 7227, otherwise known as the Bases Conversion and Development Act, which was approved on March 13, 1992. Section 13 of the same legislation also provided for the establishment of the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA), which was tasked to administer the Subic Bay Freeport Zone.
-          In 1996, Subic graciously hosted the APEC Summit and the 18 world leaders were so impressed with the facility thus making Subic the new investment hub in Southeast Asia. Large companies such as FedEx Express, Enron and computer giant Acer poured in US $2.1 billion worth of investments creating 200,000 jobs.
As Secretary Of Tourism Department

-          Spearheaded the successful Wow Philippines! Campaign in aggressively marketing and promoting Philippines in several international tourism expositions and roadshows winning awards from International Tourism Board and WTM.
-          More Than The Usual In The Philippines media campaign in several international media organization such as BBC, CNN, Time Magazine etc. were successful to bring in hordes of foreign tourists.
-          From 2002, after four years of negative growth and in spite of threats of terror post 9-11, Abu Sayyaf kidnappings, SARS, Oakwood Mutiny, tourism arrival increased heavily. He also encouraged domestic tourism by holding regional events and having provincial destinations showcased at Intramuros and the rationalization of Holiday Economics.
-          Successful campaigns and strategies mentioned were successful in bringing in millions of foreign tourists and also spur domestic tourism creating hundreds of thousands of jobs.

As Senator of the Philippines

-          In 2004, Dick Gordon was elected Senator of the Republic of the Philippines with 12,707,151 votes, finishing 5th place among the elected Senators in this batch.
-          In the first half of his term as a senator of the 13th Congress, Richard Gordon accomplished the following:

1.         Authored 79 bills and 29 resolutions advocating political reform, justice, job creation, education, and disaster preparedness. He is primarily recognized for passing two significant bills in the Senate, namely the new automated election system law for fast, accurate and credible elections, and the holiday economics bill for spurring domestic tourism, employment and socio-economic growth.
2.       Passed the very first law in the 13th Congress, Republic Act No. 9333, fixing the regular elections in the Autonomous Region in Muslim    
               Mindanao (ARMM), and several other important laws, including Republic Act No. 9369, the new Automated Elections System law;
               Republic Act No. 9334, the sin tax law; Republic Act No. 9399 and 9400, fixing the tax regime in Special Economic Zones and Freeports
               of Clark and Poro Point; Republic Act No. 9492, the holiday economics law; Republic Act No. 9346, the abolition of the death penalty
               law; and Republic Act No. 9367, the Biofuels Act of 2007.

3.       Convinced IPU member countries to participate in the 112thInter-Parliamentary Union Assembly, where he also proposed a resolution
on behalf of the Philippine delegation which was adopted, recognizing the role of parliaments in the prevention, rehabilitation, reconstruction and protection of groups that are vulnerable to natural and man-made disasters, and further encouraging the creation of Regional Disaster, Training, Logistics and Reaction Centres in collaboration with international humanitarian organizations and their local counterparts such as the Philippine National Red Cross as well as local disaster coordinating councils to train local field disaster response teams, share international technical know-how, expertise, technology and other information relating to disaster prevention training, and management.

4.        Led the Senate to come together for a Strategic Planning Caucus at the start of the 13th Congress to address the most urgent problems of the nation. He authored proposed Senate Resolution No. 56, which was adopted and became Senate Resolution No. 8, entitled Resolution Calling a Caucus of All Senators to Identify Strategic Measures and Priority Legislation to Effectively and Efficiently Solve the Most Urgent Problems of our Nation. Through his efforts, Dick Gordon united the Senate to pass enabling legislation to solve the country’s budget deficit and fiscal debt, as well as equipped the Senators with many important facts to pass necessary legislation on fiscal reforms, financial reforms, job and income generation, security and peace and order, and education and health.

5.       As Chairman of the Senate Committee of Constitutional Amendments and Revision of Laws, he upheld the supremacy of the Constitution at all times. Though he may not have voted for the ratification of the 1987 Constitution, he took an oath to preserve and defend it. He insisted on the lawful process of Charter Change only according to the process set forth in the Constitution. He opposed the method of Constituent Assembly or "con-ass" initiated by President Arroyo and House Speaker Jose de Venecia, Jr., which was possible in the 1935 Constitution but unlawful in the current Constitution, as well as the dubious Sigaw ng Bayan People's Initiative and was one of the triumphant parties in the case of Lambino and Aumentado vs. COMELEC, G.R. No. 174153, October 25, 2006. He also preserved the separation of powers in government and asserted the Senate’s constitutional right and duty to conduct inquiries in aid of legislation against Executive Order No. 464 in Senate, et al. vs. Ermita, G.R. No. 169777, April 20, 2006, and Executive Order No. 1 in Sabio vs. Gordon, et al., G.R. No. 174340, October 17, 2006.

6.       Preserved the separation of powers in government and asserted the Senate’s constitutional right and duty to conduct inquiries in aid of legislation against Executive Order No. 464 in Senate, et al. vs. Ermita, G.R. No. 169777, April 20, 2006, and Executive Order No. 1 in Sabio vs. Gordon, et al., G.R. No. 174340, October 17, 2006. In Sabio, he was upheld as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Government Corporations and Public Enterprises in his resolve to investigate the accountability of the Presidential Commission on Good Government (PCGG) in managing the government’s interest in Philippine Communications Satellite Corporation (PHILCOMSAT), pursuant to the Constitutional precept that public office is a public trust.

7.        Resolute as a staunch advocate of civil liberties. He has fought numerous times to protect the fundamental liberties of the people guaranteed by the Constitution under threat by extrajudicial killings and abductions, Calibrated Preemptive Response (CPR), Presidential Proclamation No. 1017, etc.

8.       He was the first to speak against extrajudicial killings of journalists and judges. He has consistently supported giving a high premium on justice as part of the basic duty of the State to protect and serve the people. Knowing how it is to be a victim of crime when his father was assassinated but refusing to take the law into his own hands, he denounced the numerous assassinations of journalists, judges, politicians, activists, etc. and called for swift action to deliver justice.

9.       Advocated electoral reform and protection of the people’s right of suffrage. He principally authored and sponsored Republic Act No. 9369, the new Automated Election System law, to bring forth election modernization and minimize election fraud.

Chaired the following Senate Committees:

1. Constitutional Amendments, Revision of Codes and Laws

2. Government Corporations and Public Enterprises

3. Tourism

Member of the following Senate Committees:

1. Banks, Financial Institutions and Currencies
2. Blue Ribbon
3. Cultural Communities
4. Economic Affairs
5. Education, Arts and Culture
6. Energy
7. Environment and Natural Resources
8. Finance
9. Foreign Relations
10. Health and Demography
11. Justice and Human Rights
12. Labor, Employment and Human Resources Development
13. Local Government
14. National Defense and Security
15. Peace, Unification and Reconciliation
16. Public Information and Mass Media
17. Public Order and Illegal Drugs
18. Public Services
19. Public Works
20. Trade and Commerce
21. Ways and Means
22. Urban Planning, Housing and Resettlement
23. Youth, Women and Family Relations

         - In the second half of his term as a senator of the 14th Congress, Richard Gordon accomplished the following:

1.         Authored 106 bills and 56 resolutions, advocating political reform, public order, health, justice, job creation, education and disaster preparedness. He is recognized for passing several significant bills in the Senate, namely, the Filipino World War II Veterans Pensions and Benefits Act which allows veterans to receive pensions from both Philippine and United States Governments; the Tourism Act of 2007 which provides for the strengthening of the tourism industry through strengthened promotion and the formation of Tourism Enterprise Zones (TEZs); and the Act Penalizing Violations Against International Humanitarian Law which ensures the protection of persons in times of armed conflict.

2.       Passed, as sponsor, the following bills: Republic Act No. 9499, the Filipino World War II Veterans Pensions and Benefits; Republic Act No. 9593, the Tourism Act of 2007; Republic Act No. 9803, the Food Donation Act; Republic Act No. 9851, Penalizing Violations of International Humanitarian Law; Republic Act No. 9903, Establishing a one-time SSS Condonation Program; Republic Act No. 9996, Creating the Mindanao Economic Development Authority (MinDA); Republic Act No. 10023, Extending Free Patent to Residential Lands; Republic Act No. 10072, Philippine Red Cross Charter; and Republic Act No. 10073, Girl Scouts of the Philippines Charter.

3.       Co-authored the following important laws: Republic Act No. 9496, Extending Utilization Period of ACEF; Republic Act No. 9500, creating the University of the Philippines Charter of 2007; Republic Act No. 9504, Small Income and Minimum Wage Earners Exemption from Filing of Individual Income Tax Returns; Republic Act No. 9513, the Renewable Energy Act of 2007; Republic Act No. 9576, the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation Charter of 2008; Republic Act No. 9679, strengthening the Pag-IBIG Charter; Republic Act No. 9710, the Magna Carta of Women; and Republic Act No. 9993, Philippine Coast Guard Law.

4.        Member of the Bicameral Conference Committee of Republic Act No. 9700, CARP Extension with Reforms; and Joint Resolution No. 36, the New Salary Standardization Scheme for Government Employees.

5.       Authored and sponsored the following legislative initiatives which are on third reading, pending in the House of Representatives, or awaiting the President’s approval: Senate Bill No. 2162, Adlaw ni Lapu-Lapu; Senate Bill No. 2590, an Act proposing Nine Rays on the Sun on the Philippine Flag; Senate Bill No. 3086, the Philippine Disaster Risk Management Act of 2009.

6.       As Chair of the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee, spearheaded the investigation on the 2004 P728-million Fertilizer Fund Scam, promptly releasing Committee Report No. 254 which recommended amendments to the Anti-Money Laundering Act and the Government Procurement Reform Act; and on the assailed ZTE National Broadband Contract, resolved under Committee Report No. 743 with recommendations to prosecute key government personalities for violations of the Anti-graft and Corrupt Practices Act, and to enact a Whistleblower Bill of Rights.

7.        Member of the Senate Contingent to the Commission on Appointments.

8.     Opposed the imposition of Martial Law in Maguindanao. He challenged the constitutional validity of Proclamation No. 1959, arguing that the requisites for Martial Law did not exist.

9.        Despite his ties to Arroyo, the senator led investigations into the fertilizer fund scam and the botched NBN-ZTE deal. In his committee reports, he recommended the prosecution of Arroyo officials. For him his loyalty to his country begins when his loyalty to his party ends.

Chaired the following Senate Committees:

1. Blue Ribbon Committee for the Accountability of Public Officers and Investigations

2. Government Corporations and Public EnterprisesGovernment Corporations and Public Enterprises

Appointed Vice-Chair of the following Committees:

1. Ethics and Privileges

2. Finance

3. National Defense and Security

Member of the following Senate Committees:

1. Accounts
2. Agriculture and Food
3. Civil Service and Government Reorganization
4. Climate Change
5. Constitutional Amendments, Revisions of Codes and Laws
6. Cooperatives
7. Education and Culture
8. Energy
9. Environment and Natural Resources
10. Foreign Relations
11. Games, Amusement and Sports
12. Health and Demography
13. Labor, Employment and Human Resource Management
14. Local Government
15. Public Information and Mass Media
16. Public Order and Illegal Drugs
17. Public Services
18. Public Works
19. Rules
20. Science and Technology
21. Tourism
22. Trade and Commerce
23. Ways and Means
24. Youth, Women and Family Relations

Automated Election Law

He was also responsible for the passage of Republic Act No. 9369 — or the Automated Elections System to obviate cheating and post-election controversies and protests that hound Philippine elections.

WWII Veterans Compensation
On April 9, 2008, Araw ng Kagitingan or Day of Valor in Bataan, President Arroyo signed into law Republic Act No. 9499- Gordon's Veterans Bill. The Filipino World War II Veterans Pensions and Benefits Act of 2008 amends Sections 10 and 11 of Republic Act No. 6948, as amended, by removing the prohibition against our veterans receiving benefits from the United States government. Before the law was signed, the Philippine government benefits of veterans would be revoked once they were granted benefits by the United States government. Because of Gordon’s advocacy and persistence, this prohibition is now eliminated, and Filipino veterans will now be able to receive any form of benefit from any foreign government without losing the benefits given to them by the Philippine government.

National Tourism Policy Act of 2009

He was the principal author of the National Tourism Policy Act of 2009 or Republic Act 9593, declaring a national policy for tourism as an engine of Investment and employment, growth and national development that was signed by President Arroyo in Cebu on May 12, 2009 and witnessed by the country's tourism private sector

-          Despite his ties to Arroyo, the senator led investigations into the fertilizer fund scam and the botched NBN-ZTE deal. In his committee reports, he recommended the prosecution of Arroyo officials.

As Chairman of Philippine Red Cross

-          Elected Governor of Philippine Red Cross in 1986
-          Chairman of the Philippine Red Cross since 2004
-          Spearheaded the rescue, relief and rehabilitation of various disasters from shipwrecks, typhoons, 1990 earthquake in Cabanatuan, 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo, 2004 landslides in Aurora, Quezon and 2006 Ginsaugun, Southern Leyte mudslide and the PhilSports Arena stampede, typhoon Ondoy in Luzon, Visayas earth quake and Super typhoon Yolanda in the Visayas and some parts of the country in 2013.

Some of the Bills He Passed:

                Veterans Pensions and Benefits Act of 2008 (author and sponsor)
                National Tourism Policy Act (author and sponsor)
                New Automated Elections System Law (author and sponsor)
                An Act Penalizing Violations of International Humanitarian Law (author and sponsor)
                Holiday Economics Law (sponsor)
                Philippine Red Cross Law (sponsor)
                Food Donation Law (sponsor)
                Extending Free Patent to Residential Lands (author and sponsor)
                Mindanao Development Act (sponsor)
                Creating the Freeport Area of Bataan (sponsor)
                Establishing a one-time SSS Condonation Law (author and sponsor)
                An Act Creating the Mindanao Economic Development Authority (sponsor)
                Girl Scouts of the Philippines Charter (sponsor)

*Source: Gordon and

                Enhancement of tourism
                Information technology
                National defense

Achievements and Distinctions:
•              Tourism Secretary, Wow! Philippines
•              Chairman and Governor, Phil. National Red Cross (1986-present)
•              Founding Chairman& Administrator, Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) (1992-1998)
•              Youngest delegate of the Constitutional Convention (1971 to 1972)
•              The Outstanding Filipino (TOFIL 1996)
•              Some authored bills enacted to law: Automated Elections Law, Veteran’s Law, National Tourism Policy Act of 2009, among others
•              Gold Humanitarian Award, Japan Red Cross (2008
•              Gold Vision Triangle Award, National YMCA
•              Who’s Who in Asia, NHK TV Japan (1995)
•              20 Great Asians of the Future, Asiaweek Magazine (1995)
•              Man of the Year, Alas Singko y Media Program, ABS-CBN (1996)
•              Most Distinguished Alumnus, UP Alumni Association (1997)
•              International Awardee, Visit Korea, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Republic of Korea (2003)


“I just didn’t like the idea that you can inherit the presidency. I just didn’t like the idea that you can buy the presidency. I just didn’t like the idea that people run based on names without track records. I have to be part of the debate,” - Gordon told Rappler on why he ran for President

“I’m prepared for it, and perhaps more prepared than the others.” - On his bid to return to Senate in 2013

“When I say something, I have something to prove it.” - On his explanation for his reputation as being proud and demanding

“I picked cigarettes that were thrown by other people and that wasn’t meant to insult. We must lead by example,” - On being a mayor of Olongapo City by example

“When a surveying company takes it upon itself to survey and charge a candidate or put their results in public, that is an invitation to pecuniary and mercantile pursuits that can only harm the people because it’s mind management.” - on his opinion about survey after he sued pollsters Pulse Asia and Social Weather Station

“The illegitimate brother of surveys is excessive advertising. They’ll tell you you’re weak, you need to advertise. In the meantime, our so-called guardians of the people (the media), they run a business. What happens to the candidate with no money?” - On his opinion about media advertising

“So the electorate can really find out what is the capability of this candidate. Ano ba talaga? (What is the real score?) In this country, you have the right to ask your candidate, ‘How are you going to execute your plan?’”- on his plan to push the Commission on Elections to require candidates to debate

“Can you deny when I was running for president, the boat sank and I just had a ‘Silent Night’ [ad]? We couldn’t afford an agency. As they were playing ‘Silent Night,’ I was seen in the middle of the night working, while everyone was sleeping. - on his explanation about his Red Cross commercial while being a Senatorial candidate in 2013

“I’m going to win on my terms. I’m not going to employ what other people are doing. Playing to the gallery, dancing, making jokes. To me, it’s a very serious effort. Leaders raise the level of awareness, understanding, and responsibility of their constituents.”- on how to win the votes of the people

“The country is not working, my dear, and I don’t want to be like one of those in Gone With the Wind who says, ‘Frankly, Scarlett, I don’t give a damn.’”
“I do give a damn.” - on the conditions of his country and what does he feel

“It’s better to know where you’re going and not know how to get there than to know how you’re going and not know where.” - when asked if his campaign strategy is enough




Photo Sources:
Richard J. Gordon Facebook Page