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Saturday, May 7, 2016

Prayer for the 2016 Philippine National Elections

Merciful Father, Lord of our nation, 
we praise you for the gift of freedom that enable us
to choose our political leaders.
We thank you for constantly guiding us
as we protect the democracy in our country.
The coming election gives us new hope.

Grant us the wisdom to do our part during this election
so we may be a community of faith
bringin transformation by and to the society.
Give us the courage to speak as Jesus
proclaimed the Gospel in His time.
Protect our brothers and sisters who will guard our vote.
Enlighten those in power to hold the election sacred.

Help us to choose wisely so that our vote can make a difference.
With your Spirit guide us in electing
those who will protect the poor, listen to the vulnerable and make our nation a place of justice and peace.
We pray for political leaders whose motives are pure and who will abandon their personal ambitions for the good of our country.

Gazing our eyes on the Divino Rostro,
the face of your mercy and love,
and entrusting ourselves under the Manto of INA,
may we be committed to embody our Christian duty
expressed in our slogan: "Ang Tamang Pagpili, Katolikong Ugali". Amen.

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