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Monday, May 9, 2016

My The Sims 4 Images Part 12

This is the setup of the first floor of the couple's house. What do you think of it? 

MJ enjoys the serenade by J Huntington after his swim. 

What are you listening to J ? 

Oh my! You stop doing the legal means of earning an income as a start up entrepreneur to be on the crooked side of the underworld as a criminal? Easy money huh and does it earn you more money than as an entrepreneur for you to endanger your life?

Wow so much steam rolling off. Why are you so infuriated and so mad MJ? Did you caught your partner cheating on you or maybe they are just chatting or talking and you become so jealous already? 

Meanwhile, on the other hand, the colored family is having a vacation in Granite Falls. This is their first day in the woods and they feel great so far.

The family are doing some outdoor activities now day and night!

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