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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

My The Sims 4 Images Part 28

Bardagol is so busy at work again profiling a suspect specifically taking a mugshot of a suspect.

Where are you going MJ? and by the way, Bardagol mastered the Video Gaming Skills. Congratulations!

During his day off, Bardagol is busy in his department store business ringing up with the customer this time with the help of Joslyn Wrotek cleaning up the store for the customers.

Back on his job, Bardagol is trying to solve the puzzles left by the clues in place of the crime.

Here's another imprint clue to a crime.

So many imprints and so many clues left by the crime.

Beautiful outdoors, environment and community where Bardagol lives.

Super beautiful community with the stunning backdrop of the skyscrapers.

MJ is back again at Bardagol's house while the latter is busy writing a novel on the computer.

It's a peaceful and quiet afternoon when MJ and Clark Jacob pay a visit to Bardagol and they enjoy a warm conversation.

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