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Saturday, May 28, 2016

My The Sims 4 Images Part 25

This family has just moved into an empty lot.

The family has moved into a new home.

This large family is so busy selling at their family's mall.

It's getting dark and there were few customers while others are just chatting with other members of the family.

The gnome is the photo bomber of a happy couple, MJ and Clark Jacob Pasolini.

MJ is having a good pose at a beautiful colonial village.

Clark Jacob Pasolini poses before the heritage village while a steamship is passing.

MJ and Clark Jacob owns a bakeshop and today, it is a busy day with a rush of customers hoping to get first the newest and hottest pastries the bakeshop has to offer.

Wow the pastries and other good are so delicious and bestseller that they run out of supply fast.

Same goes with this mall with nothing more to sell so they just chat with each other.

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