Binibining Pilipinas Universe 2010 Maria Venus Raj was questionably stripped out of her title and the chance to represent the Philippines to the Miss Universe 2010 due to a shallow reason of the inconsistencies of her birthplace based on the verbal statement of Raj and her mother and the once stated on her birth certificate. Maria Venus and her mother told the Binibining Pilipinas Charities, Inc that Venus was born in Qatar which differs from the birth certificates that she in fact was born in the Philippines. Regardless of the inconsistencies or the credibility of their statement will not discredit nor strip Venus of her citizenship as a Filipino nor technically disqualify her to represent the country in the prestigious beauty pageant. Venus has a rightful claim for the crown and should therefore represent the country in the Miss Universe 2010. She can sue the Binibining Pilipinas organizers for harassments and moral damages it caused her to humiliate her among the people but the stiffer fine should be imposed by Miss Universe Organization with Miss Paula Shugart as its president to disenfranchise Binibining Pilipinas to conduct beauty search for a delegate to represent the country in Miss Universe since she has desperately screwed up the Filipino people for several decades already. Hope proper actions must be taken already because we could not bear the injustice given us by a Colombia Miss Stella Marquez who chaired Binibining Pilipinas Charities, Inc. and conducts the beauty search.It is just timely and rightful to disenfranchise the organization for the several decades of anomalies, scandals and controversies they caused the country.
Maria Venus Raj is an epitome of a determined, driven and strong woman proving all her detractors that they were wrong and she really is a Filipina when the Philippines' Department of Foreign Affairs confirmed that she really is a Filipina by issuing her a passport that will alow her to travel places being a Filipino as a citizenship. Now its time for the Colombian national director of a Philippines pageant to bade farewell and have a controversial exit because she is a Colombian promoting a Colombian designer dressing up a Philippine delegate to international competitions prohibiting Filipino designers and concerned citizens to touch their fellow citizen to prepare their delegate for international competition because it is bounded by an ill and illegal contract violating the rights and privileges of a Filipina contestant now in the name of Maria Venus Raj