Leading media networks in the Philippines is not only sensationalizing the overhyped news about Manny Pacquiao everyday but they also deliver gaudy reporting about the mother of the very popular boxer and a national hero of the Philippines, Manny Pacquiao’s mother who is the fiftysomething, gawky and grotesque Dionisia Pacquiao. They exploited much of her life from her family background to her current stature as a wealthy mother of a boxer – almost every detail of her including events happening and affecting her that they are short of reporting her urine and fecal. The main goal of their irresponsible journalism is, of course, obvious – to partake a share of Manny Pacquiao’s wealth or to let them a part or involved in their network and businesses. The media networks also want to portray Dionisia Pacquiao as a goddess and important personality that world leaders and heads of state including Barack Obama, Queen Elizabeth II, Nicolas Sarkozy,Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Angela Merkel Hu Jintao, PM Kevin Rudd, Stephen Harper, Silvio Berlusconi etc. should worship and pay homage to her to establish her reputation and stature. No wonder why comedians and other noted international celebrities made the country their subject of mockery, ridicule and underestimation because what they’re doing are really ridiculous and humiliating and they should not blame others for their own doings. If they just have a little respect for privacy of others and be responsible enough for their information and news gathering – they should’ve gained that for themselves and earned a good reputation. Now I’m thinking, do they deserve another international recognition for doing such irresponsible and malicious acts.