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Friday, July 26, 2013

Mr. Gay World 2013 Pre-Arrival Favorites

          Mr. Gay World is an annual pageant for gay men seeking to establish ambassadors of goodwill for gays and human rights with the winner being the ideal spokesperson for gender equality and human rights.   The primary purpose for this event is to end the discrimination against LGBT community around the world. This is the 5th year this pageant is taking place since it was first held in 2009 in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada. It is being held in different countries every year representing the different continents symbolizing that gays can be found in all corners of the world. This year, Mr. Gay World Finals will be held on August 4, 2013 at the Elckerlijc Theatre, Antwerp, Belgium.

          Meanwhile, here are my pre-arrival favorites for Mr. Gay World 2013:


1. Spain - Miguel Ortiz


2. New Zealand - Christopher Michael Olwage 


3. Belgium - Tom Goris


4. Italy - Alessio Cuvello

5. Switzerland - Luis Bonfiglio


6. Philippines - Erimar Sayo Ortigas


7. France - Armando Santos


8. Mexico - David Bernal


9. Australia - Aaron Taylor 


10. Canada - Danny Dionysios Papadatos


11. India - Nolan Lewis


12. Austria - Joachim Trauner


13. Puerto Rico - Juan Luis Ortiz


14. The Netherlands - Bobby de Vries


15. Pakistan - Amir Rafique 

Special Mentions / Probable Spoilers

Northern Ireland

Photo Sources:

Hashmi Photography