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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Mabuhay Pilipinas! : Watchful Eyes Miss Earth 2013 Pre Arrival Favorite Picks 1 - 15

           Miss Earth 2013 will begin just two weeks from now and we cannot wait for these lovely, captivating women from all over the planet to come and compete until one lucky woman will be crowned on December 7, 2013 in Manila, Philippines.

          Before these ladies set foot in Manila for the competition, beauty watchers are astounded as as different countries elect their most beautiful contestant for the competition and fixated their eyes on these stunning women and this blog is no exception.

          Watchful Eyes Of A Silhouette blog publish its annual HOT picks from pre-arrival to national costumes and post preliminary competition favorite picks. This year proves to be another tough year of competition among all of the contestants as they are equally stunning and captivating, winning women of accomplishments for the environment. It is the reason why this blog takes so long to publish its pre-arrival selection.

          This year, Watchful Eyes puts another twist on its selection of its hot picks - the resemblance. The resemblance here reminds me of notable women may it be historical figures, literary characters or noted celebrities or women in different fields, fiction or non-fiction not only on their facial features congruence or physical attributes but more so of their character and personalities that define them as a woman, as an individual that makes them distinct of their kind. The image itself evokes character and emotion.

          So here now is the Watchful Eyes Of A Silhouette, Miss Earth 2013 Pre-Arrival Hot Picks:

Bosnia and Herzegovina - Vera Krneta

 Reminds Me Of: Mona Lisa 

Turkey - Ezgi Avci 

Reminds Me Of: Marie Antoinette


Sweden - Denice Andree 

 Reminds Me Of: Katharine Hepburn

Ukraine - Anastasia Sukh 

Reminds Me Of: Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia 

Chile - Natalia Lermanda 

Reminds Me Of: Marilyn Monroe


Spain - Cristina Martinez 

Reminds Me Of: Queen Elizabeth I of England 

Pakistan - Shanzy Hayat 

Reminds Me Of: Cleopatra 

Martinique - Rani Charles 

Reminds Me Of: Halle Berry 

Mexico - Kristal Silva 

Reminds Me Of: Nefertiti 

Korea - Catharina Song-ee Choi 

Reminds Me Of: Mata Hari 

Brazil - Priscilla Martins 

 Reminds Me Of: Joan of Arc


Philippines - Angelee Claudett De Los Reyes 

Reminds Me Of: Queen of Sheba 


Germany - Caroline Noeding 

Reminds Me Of: Shakira 

Slovak Republic - Lucia Slaninkova 

Reminds Me Of: Amelia Earhart 


Poland - Aleksandra Szczena 

Reminds Me Of: Queen Victoria of England

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Mabuhay Pilipinas! : Watchful Eyes Miss Earth 2013 Pre Arrival Favorite Picks 16 - 25

Slovenia - Nina Kos 

Reminds Me Of: Dawn Fraser 

Albania - Natalia Stamuli 

 Reminds Me Of: Cyndi Lauper


Crimea - Mariya Makater 

Reminds Me Of: Faye Dunaway


Russia - Olesya Boslovyak 

Reminds Me Of: Emily Dickinson 

Kosovo - Donika Emini 

Reminds Me Of: Rita Hayworth

Algeria - Rym Amari 

Reminds Me Of: Cate Blanchett


Austria - Katia Wagner 

 Reminds Me Of: Charlotte Bronte 

India - Sobhita Dhulipala 

Reminds Me Of: Indira Gandhi


Costa Rica - Mariela Aparicio 

Reminds Me Of: Anna Karenina 


Canada - Sofiya Chorniy 

Reminds Me Of: Reese Witherspoon 

Gaining Grounds: 

Sri Lanka 

Photo Source:

Monday, October 21, 2013



Iloilo's Double Dragon Economy Consists of Iloilo City and the Towns Of:

Oton-Pavia-Sta Barbara-San Miguel-Leganes-Passi City-Pototan-Miag-ao-Cabatuan-Alimodian-Leon-Estancia-Lambunao-Tigbauan-Barotac Nuevo-Zarraga-Sara-Concepcion-Ajuy-Dumangas

1. Ajuy
2. Alimodian
3. Barotac Nuevo
4. Cabatuan
5. Concepcion
6. Dumangas
7. Estancia
8. Lambunao
9. Leganes
13.Passi City
16.San Miguel
17.Santa Barbara

Thursday, October 10, 2013

To Russia With Love: Watchful Eyes Miss Universe 2013 Pre-Arrival Favorites 1 - 15

Here are Watchful Eyes Miss Universe 2013 Pre Arrival Favorites titled "To Russia With Love"  :

France - Hinarani de Longeaux

Adjectives / Impressions: 

effeminate, fun, whimsical, egocentric, provocative

Israel - Yityish Aynaw 

Adjectives / Impressions: 

demigod, contemplative, chutzpah, spontaneous, dusky Barbie Doll

Great Britain - Amy Willerton 

Adjectives / Impressions: 

popular, spellbinding, radical, fluctuating, ardent

Philippines - Ariella Arida 

Adjectives / Impressions: 

goddess, precious, regal, illustrious, stellar

Puerto Rico - Monic Perez 

Adjectives / Impressions: 

flamboyant, competitive, contemplative, symmetrical, gorgeous

Germany - Anne Julia Hagen 

Adjectives / Impressions: 

bombshell, resolute, yodeling worthy, petrifying beauty, eye-catcher

Namibia - Paulina Malulu 

Adjectives / Impressions: 

ebony ramp, lithe, being aplomb, driven, sincere

Ukraine - Olga Storozhenko 

Adjectives / Impressions: 

fiddle worthy, iconic, dreamy, heavenly, soothing

Canada - Riza Santos 

Adjectives / Impressions: 

impeccable, impish, spellbinding, seductive, lucid

Gabon - Jennifer Ondo 

Adjectives / Impressions: 

mystic, astute, congenial, charismatic, mirthful

Costa Rica - Fabiana Granados 

Adjectives / Impressions: 

amiable, curvaceous, enticing, vibrant, lovely

Kosovo - Mirjeta Shala 

Adjectives / Impressions: 

euphoria, lyrical, myriad of beauty, peculiar

Czech Republic - Gabriela Kratochvilova 

Adjectives / Impressions: 

vigorous, youthful, jovial, sharp, enchantress

Italy - Luna Voce 

Adjectives / Impressions: 

classic, esoteric, fascinating, damsel, melodious

Panama - Carolina Brid 

Adjectives / Impressions: 

exuberant, flawless, brilliant, vivacious, classy

Monday, October 7, 2013

To Russia With Love: Watchful Eyes Miss Universe 2013 Pre-Arrival Favorites 16 - 25

Turkey - Berrin Keklikler 

Adjectives / Impressions: 

statuesque, poetry in motion, diva, gorgeous, exhilarating

Indonesia - Whulandary Herman 

Adjectives / Impressions: 

exotic, complacent, imminent, engaging, fierce

Albania - Kristina Bakiu 

Adjectives / Impressions: 

gregarious, affable, warm, enchanting, effervescent

Netherlands - Stephanie Tency 

Adjectives / Impressions: 

tenacious, flair, luscious, congenial, social butterfly

Switzerland - Dominique Rinderknecht 

Adjectives / Impressions: 

phenomenal, audacious, chic, raw, flawless

Ecuador - Constanza Baez 

Adjectives / Impressions: 

feisty, nymph, metamorphic, seductive, tepid

USA - Erin Brady 

Adjectives / Impressions: 

witty, ephemeral, over the top, gregarious, sophisticated

Nicaragua - Nastassja Bolivar 

Adjectives / Impressions: 

amiable, congenial, popular, charming, alluring

Uruguay - Micaela Orsi 

Adjectives / Impressions: 

calm, reserve, mystique, safe, predictable

Venezuela - Gabriela Isler 

Adjectives / Impressions: 

driven, warm, eloquent, classic, voluptuous

Cooling Off:
Dominican Republic


Photo Credits To Its Respective Owners