These are the final questions of Miss Universe 2013 and its suggested answer: (Note: Play the background YouTube music of Miss Universe below to add more sentimentality while reading it)
1. What would be our life without internet?
(Question Asked by Philip Kirkorov to Ecuador, Constanza Baez)
Suggested Answer: Imagine the life before and after Internet was born. Even if there is not much difference, I think life now has become easier and more convenient than before. Valuable information and crucial communication brought by Internet has become an indispensable tool that without it life is mess. It is making a big difference in today's world.
2. What is your opinion on places that do not allow women to do things such as travel abroad, vote or drive cars?
(Question Asked by Carol Alt to Brazil, Jakelyne Oliveira)
Suggested Answer: Women achieved their independence through time. It is obsolete and outdated idea of undermining women's role and capability in the society. Some places are still primitive in lifestyle that negates progress and developments. I think we should be open and accept changes not only respect and honor women and equality but it also accept progress and development as well as celebration of the triumph of humanity.
3. What is the most significant thing we can do to help elect more women into political offices around the world?
(Question Asked by Anne V to Spain, Patricia Yurena)
Suggested Answer: Holding political offices as a public servant is a one tough job to handle. People in the world of politics make executive decisions to make or break their respective jurisdictions and constituents. Intelligent and discerning voters are looking for individuals who possess specific qualities. In order to be elected to such public office, one must have a discipline in herself and in everything that she does. Aside from hard work, determination and perseverance, one must have political will to carry out her decisions with tenacity. Charisma is also another good quality because it attracts horde of people to you and win you hearts with anything that you do but of course compliment it with sincerity and kindness. It also help that you have started some philanthropic or charitable works on the way or champion some causes or advocacy you are believe in so that you have a specific, clear outline platform to lay out as proof that people can entrust you the crucial position to lead and govern them.
4.What can be done about the lack of jobs for young people starting their careers?
(Question Asked by Tara Lipinski to Philippines, Ariella Arida)
Suggested Answer: Unemployment is a frequent concern especially for fresh graduates or young people starting their careers. To address this kind of problem, why not give these young people an opportunity to become young entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship is the driving force of the economy because it does not only generate profits for owners but also provide jobs for others as well as spur trade and commerce. While there are still lack of jobs, give them a source of living by making them start up a business through livelihood trainings. Through these, young people can become young business people earning a living for themselves while waiting for the right job to come. At the same time while earning a living in their business, immerse them in personality and skills development training program to enhance their personality, talent and skills to further improve their chances of landing a good job appropriate for them in the future. Give them fish and they will live for a day. Teach them how to fish and they live forever.

(Question Asked by Steven Tyler to Venezuela, Gabriela Isler)
Suggested Answer: Each one of us has its own share of anxiety, shiver, scream and shout due to fear of something. For me, my biggest fear is failure and disappointment and a troubled, devastated future. I am so much anxious to become successful to the point of worrying about failure and losing and that I am afraid of a devastated future. However, since I always challenge myself to do things that would have an outcome of either a success or a failure, I realized that I should never be afraid of failure or fear of losing because through this we learn, we learn to be better and more stronger, fix any mistake and inspired to do more wonders and more beautiful things. Failures are second chance opportunities, opportunities to improve and to enhance ourselves thus, in everything that we do we should put our best foot forward because anything can happen and success and a good future is attainable from a short distance.