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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Dinagyang Festival

January is Philippines' festival month. Many places in the country celebrate fiesta and delicious native delicacies are serve to satiate the hungry stomach. Merrymaking and frolic revelry fills the street and mardi gras festival is done through competition and street dancing. Black soot, tribal headgear, shield and spears become popular during this month. One of the famous is the Dinagyang Festival held every last Saturday and Sunday of January in Iloilo City, Philippines. A week of colorful and exciting activities culminates in a two-day street dancing competition - the Kasadyahan competition and Ati competition. Kasadyahan is a competition among schools - an interpretative song and dance telling a story or event is held on Saturday. The most anticipated event the Ati tribe is a warrior competition among several barangays in the cities and even some private schools and towns or province. A tribal competition which is done through choreographed dance routines to the beats of drums and other tribal muscial instruments. The results and announcement of winners is done at the end of the day of Sunday and usually followed by a fireworks display.
         Dinagyang started in 1968 when the Sr. Sto. Niño or the most Holy Child Jesus replica came to Iloilo for the first time and since then promised to be a devotional undertaking. The following year the first competition is held with Tribu Mamau of Compania Maritima as the first champion. The word "Dinagyang" was coined by the late broadcaster Pacifico Sudario from the rootword "dagyang" which means merrymaking.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Britney Spears' Piece Of Me Song..

Britney Spears' song Piece of Me targets the Paparazzi which were annoying and disgusting maybe even they took pictures of a popular celebrity having a poo or pee of how ridiculous it is. Every individual may it be popular celebrity have a right to privacy and moments of solitude. Also according to the song, it likes to live a life of fame and wealth but too much of it really suffocates. Thats why she chooses Philippines because it is uncommon for a Hollywood star to permanently settle in a very simple country as the Philippines and usually a Hollywood star will choose Iloilo or any places in Panay province as most Europeans and Americans did and some of them took interest in living in Alimodian. Maybe Britney should think of this because she belongs to this elite and popular personalities.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

That Someone

I've been home and away from the life that I use to live. The life of noise and vibrancy, that were once mine were now gone. I've been gone to a cool countryside where peace and serenity rules over me. I've been gone to the place to think things over and plan better than just do what lies ahead to secure your place in an unsecured world. When I return to the place where I learn to love, I'm now ready to walk the tough road ahead of me. There is something in the place that its hard for me to leave and stay away for so long no matter how difficult the life there is. I've learned to love the place for the kindness it showed me, for the life it provided me and most of all the teachings of living in the cosy and illuminated city.
The one thing that makes me human is my emotion and that the city full of life made me realize that I'm a human with feelings capable of loving and being loved or can be happy or be hurt. Has someone touched my lovestoned heart or let's say make a difference or somehow became my life - the air that I breathe that I would die without. But fate and circumstances has taken it away from me - so cruel that it deprives me of the things necessary for me to be a human to live the life of real world. But somehow God never taken me for granted that it gives me a kind of life that showers me with blessings. Maybe it is just the step by step technique I need to undergo. I must face first the toughness of this complicated world before settling down with being myself a human with a kind, loving but sometimes foolish heart for the rest of my life.
Sometimes I think of a beautiful someone that once knocked on my door and I open it for the person to enter my life, but all of a sudden, it vanished out of my sight without me knowing what had happened or what caused its disappearance. Then I only think that the beautiful person is a ghost that I thought would be mine and became part of me. It is a soul that nourishes my mind and awaken my senses until it bleeds my fragile heart. A spirit that feeds me with a soup to satiate the life to be inspired and keep going. I keep telling myself to move on and never look back, but no matter how hard I try, the more I linger on the past that continue to lacerate my now bleeding heart. Everyday, I continue to lose lots of blood though I'm still alive and in good health. I feel that someone has been a part of me a long way past before that I couldn't live without. I had a frequent bouts of loneliness, sometimes feels like crying and sometimes without me knowing tears run down my face each time I lie down in the stillness of the night or the darkness of a room thinking of that someone. But hope comforts me and wipe my tears of helplessness and despair. Someone won't stop until I'm back in health and strong enough to walk and move. I need someone to pump blood to me to feel great again and to resuscitate air for me to breathe life. Until that day when all has been done, the work has finished, the sun is above my head, I will rest for awhile before settling down to be myself to have a world and a life of my own surrounded by a mutual affection shared with an awesome someone - my soul partner, my world, my life. Someone I feel but go unnoticed, someone that once knocked on my door but suddenly vanished or yet far for my eyes to see. Till then but for now brave the odds and beat the storm.
I believe I already found that someone or just lost it or so I think!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Echoes of the Hearts

Sometimes, we close our eyes and just listen to the echoes of our hearts. We all fall in love and there are times when we love so much that we lose ourselves in our own emotions. More often than not, we wonder why there is love that grows and love that grows cold. We would start to search for answer and try to find where love has gone wrong. However, in the end, we find ourselves where we started for we cannot question love when it has its own reasons. Love will always be as it always has been - silent, mysterious and deeply profound.

Many of us believe that love is forever, that never dies, only to be disillusioned in the end when we find our hands empty and our hearts longing. We mistakenly looked at love as need to be fulfilled. But love is only a gift given to us. We should not hold it in our hands for we may never find the strength to let it go when it decides to leave. We should only embrace its warmth and grow while it last and then freely open our hearts when its time to say GOODBYE.

When we fall in love with someone, we do not want the feeling to end for we believed it is everything. We are everything that we wanted to be. We pray that love will stay and grow in our hearts. But, if it doesn't then, we should never let our lives be taken by it for life should not end where heartaches begin.

There is always a reason why we have to make and decided to move on. When we have to say to goodbye to the feelings we wanted to stay forever but, let us not wave our hands with lonely hearts. For love will have set its wings free and find the place where it belongs. We may have lost it but then again, when we close our eyes and listen to the echoes of our hearts, we will hear that feelings resounding silently forever.

Then, we will know that it has never left us, for good that we had become because of love will always stay. It will always be there reminding us that we should be thankful and happy not because we have lost love, but because once in our lives, that feelings lived in our hearts and make us happy...

2007 Top Movies

Live Free and Die Hard
The Simpsons Movie
The Bourne Ultimatum
The Host
Bridge To Terabithia
God Grew Tired For Us
Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix
Spider-Man 3
Wind That Shakes The Barley
Ocean's Thirteen
Talk To Me

My Favorite Filipino Rock Bands

Here's my favorite Philippine band so far:






Session Road




South Border






True Faith





Moonstar 88

Orange and Lemons

Friday, May 22, 2009

Philippines Online Encyclopedia

Worry about where to get sources for a subject about the Philippines and other related topics for your school reports, term paper, presentations, references or any purposes you need? Well worry no more, there is an online encyclopedia about the Philippines that will solve your problems about hard to find subjects.

If a particular subject or topic about and/ or related to Philippines and Filipino people is hard to find in textbooks or any other printed materials, people of all ages find Internet the last and most powerful tool to help them out in their tasks. But when they're looking for topics related to Philippines it gives them a hard time and sometimes they get nothing about a topic on the Philippines.

Well we have now a free online encyclopedia about our country that you can browse to and find help when it regards topics about the Philippines and anything under it. Whether you want to find answers for your assignments or find necessary information for your reports, want to find latest updates about your favorite actor or television shows or to get the hottest news on what's happening around the country, pr search for your favorite sports team and their statistics, you can find it all in wikiPilipinas, a free online encyclopedia that caters to people who needs to search about and regarding to Philippine topics, subjects and issues. The site address is There you can search virtually anything you want to know about the country and its people. Besides, searching for topics you can as well be a member for you to post new topics, edit some post, give some additional details, update posts, give some additional details, update posts or even write the hottest news on a particular topic or events. You can find and edit any categories ranging from current events to sports to history to music to business to arts to travel and so much more. So what you're waiting for try it yourself. Click on the link and start travelling all over the Philippines!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Game of Life

The clock is ticking. The time is about to come. Its time to leave and start a new beginning. To start the game, roll the dice and break free from the chains of cruelty, sufferings and injustice and set foot on the ground of joy of independence and break the spell of disenchantment and evolve into the world of reality and comfort. Life itself is mysterious like the wind, we feel it but we can't see it. It is clever like the jack of all trades, it snatches life, ruin lives of others and take away moments in a split second. It is unfair in that it is bias on consequences regardless of how you react and doesn't consider any sentiments. It is the source of great contrasts, extreme highs and lows, your ultimate happiness or your great sorrow and pain, you may gain strengths or you may lose into your weaknesses and either you can take it or leave it and put you in a make or break situation.

Everything happens for a reason. You can't appreciate the beauty and purpose of life if you won't pass through the edges of it. At times you enjoy the comforts and at times the most awkward, perilous situations you can encounter the darkness to see the light, the wound to see the scar, the pain to find the comfort, the anxiety to obtain security, the weaknesses to gain strengths, the sorrow to embrace joy. In order to gain much, you must sacrifice much like your most priceless precious diamond jewelry you must pawn for a great necessity. But when we're almost there getting what we want, we lose it and later, we found someone bigger, greater and better much beautiful than before as replacement such is the explanation of life - the reason why things happen. In order to achieve ultimate, eternal happiness you must endure the greatest pain life has to offer.

Life has a start and end and in the end there's a new beginning. Like the leaves it prides itself in the field of vast sunlight. When autumn comes, it withers and fall to the ground and die, and in spring another set of leaves replaces it. Like in death, as most people agrees, there's a life beyond it, a new different kind of life - a life of hel or a life of heaven. As you are about to embark to a new beginning in your life, gather all the pain, sufferings, sorrows, anxiety and anguish you have and collect it and keep it and set sail and once you dock on a strange land, exchange your collections with fulfilled dreams and happiness.

You can play life like a snake and ladder, chess, monopoly, trivial pursuit. checkers, and game of the generals or play it like today's pc games - Sims, CounterStrike, Dota, Ragnarok, Command and Conquer.

That's the rule of the game called - - - L I F E ! ! !

Sunrise and Sunset In The Horizon

I'm wounded, bleeding, groping in pain and yet sorrow and grief accompany my injury. I'm like an innocent yearling about to be sheared, to be slaughtered. I'm like a soul floating in the chilly winds of uncharted horizons, like the dust troubling itself in the long winding road. Yet my spirit is being lifted by a pure heavenly soul. I feel like I'm traversing from the blood and tears of the fiery hell to the realms of uncertainty of purgatory to the gates of boundless mercy, affection and happiness of heaven. Paradise and ultimate joy is in sight but still far to come yet I keep on moving, I keep on walking until I reach it and finally come to my final destination where I can see my life, live and spend my life and until my life on earth is over. Life for me is a constant struggle, struggling towards an ultimate goal, despite the hardships and difficulties and most often than not, risk or danger is at stake wherever you go. But I'm familiar with it because I live with it and that will equip me as I journey life.

I see myself doing lots of things I wish to do, a nomad traveling places from all corners of the world and as my hair turns to grey, my skin wrinkled, my hands and legs are shaking, my sight is blur and a barely audible hearing, I see myself sitting on a warm sofa chair on the balcony of a house on the top of a cliff facing a vast ocean. I am looking on a spot as far as my eyes can see thinking the beautiful memories of the past and also the joys of the last moments of my life. And as I'm about to close my eyes, the last thing I see is the person I love the most and my lips is brimming with smile!

Vin Diesel, What Do You Think?

Freakin' out. Cryin. Those ain't cool stuff. Vin Diesel know these. To cry over spilt milk is damn. Butterflies in the stomach? Yeah, for sure. Colors? Yep, I agree.

Scared? On a thing called "LOVE".

Weakness/(es)? only one thing - love.
Biggest fear? Fear of rejection, fall out of love, heartbreak.

Favorite shout-out: (in mind) awoooh-awo-awo-awo (remember Scooby Doo?!)

Favorite line: Take action: Placeholder listings; External Proof: To be completed later. ;-)

Cool Thing You Can Do: I can be damn and bit** about the one I love and for the sake of it without the person making damn out of me (you f***in s***)

End Note Today: Drink and Be Merry Today for Tomorrow Is Yet To Come!

Comic Thoughts: "If cent coins persist, cosult your konduktor."

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What's With The Name?

Many people in the chat rooms, in forums, in networking sites or other personal sites why I labeled my blogs and frequently used he name bootsguy in these sites. Some people thought I am selling boots, some offered their rainboots and others are annoyed when I constantly bugged them in chatroom with the usual catchphrase I use to look for someone to talk to and share interests and stories. They think it would be silly for me to think of boots, its smell when the feet is choked up in the boots and it perspires it contains germs that cause athlete's foot that stinks like a skunk or a rat, how it is being worn is too heavy and uncomfortable and most of all so unusual and weird for them to hear from someone so engrossed or deify a heavy and thick shoes people don't like to wear and only soldiers, workers, and adventurers would like to slip it on their feet. The main reason why I labeled this blog and myself bootsguy is a description of myself and who I am and what I feel. I know you are still confused and still intrigues of what I am talking. If these days, teenagers are devoted to their emo culture, I could compare myself to its counterpart in Europe - the skinhead. For you to know about skinhead, search wikipedia for skinhead and also to further support your knowledge about it, I would like to quote the site - Recon and Hotboots for the definition and explanation of boots fetishism.

Earn While You Enjoy With Bootsguy's Blogs!

The blog site is all about anything life has to offer.  It contains lots of information that may interest you or you will find intriguing. You may also share your stories, opinions, or ideas regarding the blogs so it is a good sharing ideas about anything interesting and worth sharing. So move that cursor and click that mouse and navigate through these pages and see for yourself. This site is not only mine but also for you and everyone else who wants to be a part of me!

 I live in the world where the starving beasts and greedy, corrupted snorting hog rampage the society, where the weak poor is relying on these warthogs taking advantage on them. Where the beasts and the hog conspire to ruin and kill the peaceful living. A place where anyone can turn evil just to achieve something. When a person is achieving, there are some who lurks in the dark trying to ensnare the pity person and therefore ruin them. Al you need to do is equate their evil with goodness. Be kind, nice and helpful to others. A good virtue radiates and mark someone’s character and therefore outshine completely destroying the wicked dark force. Immediately avoid those who speak evil of others and then speak themselves good, you might be the next victim. Pray a lot not only for yourself but mostly for others because evil replicates fast and they are everywhere.  Wish others the best they could be for doing so, blessings will be generous to you. Treat others in the best way that you can, so that you may be treated in the nicest way there can be. Don’t worry, if they mistreat you, it only foretells what is in store for them.