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Tuesday, August 16, 2022

The Famous Personalities I Am Looking For Their Contact Information

I wonder where are these personalities now. How are they doing and what happened to them and their lives? I just wish I have a way to contact them and talk to them personally and they would gladly respond to my queries. I also have some proposals and some ideas to talk to them so I wanted to reach out to them. I hope anyone who knows the following individuals may chance upon this article would let me know how to reach out to them and make sure they will kindly respond to me as well. Send me a message directly or leave a comment below this article if you have any information on how to contact these individuals:

Government and Politics
Former US Democrat Senator Jim Webb from Virginia

Andrew Scott Clyde, United States House of Representative from the 9th District of Georgia

Paul Bremer, former US civilian administrator in Iraq from May 12, 2003 - June 28, 2004. He lead the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) following the invasion of Iraq by the United States from 2003 - 2004.


Scott Bairstow is a Canadian former actor who was known for his roles in the American drama series, Lonesome Dove: The Series and Party of Five and the short-lived series Harsh Realm.

Kyle Chandler

Lee Stone is a former porn actor (whose real name is Ronald L. Rose) who appeared in more than 2,000 porn videos from 1999 to 2015. He has since retired from pornography. He is from Ohio City, Ohio, USA.

Justin Theroux, American actor and former husband of Jennifer Aniston

Ewan McGregor, Scottish Hollywood Actor

Photo Source:

Getty Images
Wikimedia Commons

Saturday, August 13, 2022 - Free Astrological Readings is a website for free tarot and other astrological readings like runes, i-ching, numerology, biorhythms, psychic mediums, horoscope, magic fateball etc. There are also paid reading consultations and live streams.

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Thursday, August 11, 2022

Where Is Actor Lee Stone Now And How Is He Doing?

Lee Stone

Whatever happened to Lee Stone the actor in a thousand sexy films and videos? Does anyone have any contact information of Lee Stone (or Ronald L. Rose in real life) like phone numbers or email addresses? Because I wanted to reach out to him and learn more about things about him maybe we can talk about life before and after his career in the pornographic industry he belongs. He created almost 2000 porn films and videos throughout his over-a-decade career in this industry. I wanted to talk to him personally and learn more about him.  I wanted to know how he began in the industry, how he feels about it and any particular challenges in the industry, the things that are difficult, the good and the bad in this kind of career, and how he was able to last in this kind of job for so long and other private info confidential info I want to know from him personally. I also wanted to talk about his personal life and intimacy. I am really curious about him. 

Photo Source: 

Lee Stone Unofficial Facebook Page