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Thursday, September 3, 2009

How To Overcome Debts

Many people confuse debt with value, because debt involves an amount, a quantity. Therefore persons who have difficulty making distinctions between what includes something similar, may actually consider them to be the same. It's like not being able to distinguish different tones or some colors or even some species of birds, plants, trees or flowers from others, and so just lump them all under a single type. Thus the saying "A rose is a rose" as though all are the same.

Therefore in addition to often being 'pressed against a wall' such persons typically lack judgment and discernment and will easily become ensnared by credit card offers and promotions because to them what is being offered is an 'amount' not a long term debt. They're not inclined to seek out details in anything or read the small print "Don't bother me with the details" types. What is on the surface -the appearance of things- is all that counts. Such kind of narrow-mindedness is also seen in official places throughout the world as well..


Many people confuse debt with value, because debt involves an amount, a quantity. Therefore persons who have difficulty making distinctions between what includes something similar, may actually consider them to be the same. It's like not being able to distinguish different tones or colors or even species of plants, trees or flowers and so just lump them all under a single type. Thus the saying "A rose is a rose" as though all are the same.

Therefore in addition to often being 'pressed against a wall' such persons typically lack judgment and discernment and will easily become ensnared by credit card offers and promotions because to them what is being offered is an 'amount' not a long term debt. They're not inclined to seek out details in anything or read the small print "Don't bother me with the details" types. What is on the surface -the appearance of things-is all that counts. Such kind of thinking is also seen in official places throughout the world as well where some leaders think all they need is more money.

1 comment:

Delb's Blurbs said...

yes we must find ways to over come debts so as for to progress and not a burden from our lives..